If the daily amount of available dung (fresh weight) is known, gas production per day in warm tropical countries will approximately correspond to the following values:
If the live weight of all animals whose dung is put into the biogas plant is known, the daily gas production will correspond approximately to the following values:
See table B1 for yield ranges and methane contents for 33 different substrates, including plant material and residues.
Sometimes the biogas must be treated/conditioned before utilization. The predominant forms of treatment aim at removing either water, hydrogen sulfide or carbon dioxide from the raw gas:
The biogas is usually fully saturated with water vapor. This involves cooling the gas, e.g. by routing it through an underground pipe, so that the excess water vapor condenses at the lower temperature. When the gas warms up again, its relative vapor content decreases. The "drying" of biogas is especially useful in connection with the use of dry gas meters, which otherwise would eventually fill up with condensed water.
The hydrogen sulfide in the biogas combines with condensing water and forms corrosive acids. Water-heating appliances, engines and refrigerators are particularly at risk. The reduction of the hydrogen sulfide content may be necessary if the biogas contains an excessive amount, i.e. more than 2% H2S. Since most biogas contains less than 1% H2S, de-sulfurization is normally not necessary.
For small- to mid-size systems, de-sulfurization can be effected by absorption onto ferric hydrate (Fe(OH)3), also referred to as bog iron, a porous form of limonite. The porous, granular purifying mass can be regenerated by exposure to air.
The absorptive capacity of the purifying mass depends on its iron-hydrate content: bog iron, containing 5-10% Fe(OH)3, can absorb about 15 g sulfur per kg without being regenerated and approximately 150 g/kg through repetitive regeneration. It is noteworthy that many types of tropical soils (laterite) are naturally ferriferous and suitable for use as purifying mass.
Another de-sulfurization process showing good results has been developed in Ivory Coast and is applied successfully since 1987. Air is pumped into the gas store at a ratio of 2% to 5 % of the biogas production. The minimum air intake for complete de-sulfurization has to be established by trials. Aquarium pumps are cheap and reliable implements for pumping air against the gas pressure into the gas holder. The oxygen of the air leads to a bio-catalytic, stabilized separation of the sulfur on the surface of the sludge. This simple method works best, where the gas holder is above the slurry, as the necessary bacteria require moisture, warmth (opt. 37°C) and nutrients.
In industrialized countries and for large plants, this process has meanwhile reached satisfactory standard. For small scale plants in developing countries, however, using an electric pump becomes problematic due to missing or unreliable electricity supply. Pumping in air with a bicycle pump works in principle, but is a cumbersome method that will be abandoned sooner or later.
Avoiding de-sulfurization altogether is possible, if only stainless steel appliances are used. But even if they are available, their costs are prohibitive for small scale users.
The reduction of the carbon-dioxide content is complicated and expensive. In principle, carbon-dioxide can be removed by absorption onto lime milk, but that practice produces "seas" of lime paste and must therefore be ruled out, particularly in connection with large-scale plants, for which only high-tech processes like micro-screening are worthy of consideration. CO2 "scrubbing" is rarely advisable, except in order to increase the individual bottling capacity for high-pressure storage.
Source: Production and Utilization of Biogas in Rural Areas of Industrialized and Developing Countries, Schriftenreihe der gtz No. 97, pg.185 |
In developing countries, the main prerequisite of biogas utilization is the availability of specially designed biogas burners or modified consumer appliances. The relatively large differences in gas quality from different plants, and even from one and the same plant (gas pressure, temperature, caloric value, etc.) must be given due consideration.
The heart of most gas appliances is a biogas burner. In most cases, atmospheric-type burners operating on premixed air/gas fuel are preferable. Due to complex conditions of flow and reaction kinetics, gas burners defy precise calculation, so that the final design and adjustments must be arrived at experimentally. Compared to other gases, biogas needs less air for combustion. Therefore, conventional gas appliances need larger gas jets when they are used for biogas combustion. About 5.7 liters of air are required for the complete combustion of one liter of biogas, while for butane 30.9 liters and for propane 23.8 liters are required.
The modification and adaptation of commercial-type burners is an experimental matter. With regard to butane and propane burners, i.e. the most readily available types, the following pointers are offered:
Practical modification measures include:
The aim of all such measures is to obtain a stable, compact, slightly bluish flame.
Photo: Grosch (gtz/GATE) |
The calorific efficiency of using biogas is 55% in stoves, 24% in engines, but only 3% in lamps. A biogas lamp is only half as efficient as a kerosene lamp. The most efficient way of using biogas is in a heat-power combination where 88% efficiency can be reached. But this is only valid for larger installations and under the condition that the exhaust heat is used profitably. The use of biogas in stoves is the best way of exploiting biogas energy for farm households in developing countries.
appliances | gas lamps | engines | gas stoves | power-heat |
efficiency [%] | 3 | 24 | 55 | 88 |
For the utilization of biogas, the following consumption rates in liters per hour (l/h) can be assumed:
Biogas can also be used for various other energy requirements in the project region. Refrigerators and chicken heaters are the most common applications. In some cases biogas is also used for roasting coffee, baking bread or sterilizing instruments.
Photo: Krämer (TBW) |
In developing countries, the household energy demand is greatly influenced by eating and cooking habits. Gas demand for cooking is low in regions where the diet consists of vegetables, meat, milk products and small grain. The gas demand is higher in cultures with complicated cuisine and where whole grain maize or beans are part of the daily nourishment. As a rule of thumb, the cooking energy demand is higher for well-to-do families than for poor families. Energy demand is also a function of the energy price. Expensive or scarce energy is used more carefully than energy that is effluent and free of charge.
The gas consumption for cooking per person lies between 300 and 900 liter per day, the gas consumption per 5-member family for 2 cooked meals between 1500 and 2400 liter per day.
In industrialized countries, biogas almost always replaces existing energy sources like electricity, diesel or other gases. The objective of biogas production may be less to satisfy a certain demand, but to produce biogas as much and as cheap as possible. Whatever surplus is available can be fed as electricity into the grid. The gas demand is market-driven, while in developing countries, the gas demand is needs-driven.