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- ATKINSON, D.A. - The Characteristics of Bearings when employed in slow-running machinery pub UMIST Univ Manchester UK - Undergraduate special project thesis, 1972
- BRYCE, J.M. - The Commercial Timbers of Tanzania - pub. United Republic Tanzania, Min Agric, Forestry Division, 1967
- BOOSER, E.R. (1961) quoted in SHIGLEY, J.E. Mechanical Engineering Design pub McGraw Hill 1963
- ITDG - Wooden Bearings - pub London UK 1976
- KATULE, A.L.M. - Testing of some Tanzanian Hardwoods for Frictional and Wear-Resting Qualities - University of Dar es Salaam Faculty Agric , Dept Agric Engineering, Morogoro Tanzania 1976 - undergraduate special project thesis.
- COOMBS, R.M. and Pearson H.S. - The ITDG Wood Bearing Ox Cart: ITDG/ GTZ Project , Magoye Zambia, pub London 1974