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DE VRIES (1975) - Lecturer Univ Dar es Salaam Morogoro Tanzania - routine extension work.
EATON SUPERPLASTICS - 18 Freeman Street, Birmingham 5, UK - suppliers of flexible connectible Vee-Belting.
GRAVES, R. (1962) Problems of a Man Powered Rotocraft - J.Royal Aero.Soc UK, 1962, 66, 707
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HOPFEN, H.J. (1960) - 'Farm Implements in Arid and Tropical Regions' pub UNFAO Rome (quoted in Kline)
HUNT Co Ltd, Earls Colne Colchester UK - manufacturers of agricultural equipment, including 'MiniMill' mills and plates.
INDIAN STANDARDS INSTITUTE (1965) - Indian Standard Specification for Paddy Thresher, Pedal Operated, IS:3327-1965
ISLAM, M.N. (1977) 'Harvesting, Conservation and Storage of Paddy Rice at Farm Level' Danish Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Institute of Agricultural Engineering, report # 32, p 23.
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JAMANRE, T. (1970) -Treadle Thresher (mimeo) pub VITA USA . and
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JOHNSON, L. , Casem, E.O. and Manalo. A.S. (1966) - 'Labor and Procedure for the Pedal Thresher' - IRRI tech Paper # 2, Philippines.
KLINE, C.K., Green, DAG, Donahue, RL, and Stout, BA (1969) - Agricultural Mechanisation in Equatorial Africa - Michigan State Univ Inst Int Agric, College Agric and Nat. Resources report # 6, pps 2.244 - 2.247
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KRENDEL, E.S. (1975) – "Man as a Prime Mover" in "Machine Design" magazine, Trends in Technology / Muscle Powered Flight, supplied VITA 1975
MCPHERSON, G. (1976) First Steps in Village Mechanisation pub. Tanzania Publishing House, Dar es Salaam
MALAYA COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE (1967) - Peanut Thresher - pub. ITDG London UK
MSIMBIRA, S.A.M. (1974) - "Testing of a Pedal Water Pump " – 3rd year Student Special Project, University of Dar es Salaam, Department of Agricultural Engineering, Morogoro, Tanzania.
OMAR, S.J. (1977) 'An Ergonomic Study of Human Powered Traditional and Modern Grain Milling Techniques' - 3rd year Student Special Project, University of Dar es Salaam, Department of Agricultural Engineering, Morogoro, Tanzania.
RAYNER, Kenelm (1975) - Oral Communication regarding his extension work for Morogoro Diocese, Anglican Church
RODALE (1978) - Pedal Power - pub Rodale Press USA
SHAMSANGA, K. (1975) - oral communication - University of Dar es Salaam, Department of Agricultural Engineering, Morogoro, Tanzania.
SHENSTONE, B.S. (1960) - Engineering Aspects in Man Powered Flight - J.Royal Aero Soc UK, 1960, 64, 471
SUGGS, C.W. (1970) - Soya Bean Thresher - dept Biology and Agric Engineering, N.Carolina State Univ - supplied VITA (mimeo)
SUTTON, D.H. (1969) – 'Mini Thresher' UK Nat Inst Agric Engg, Overseas Liaison Unit Bulletin # 3, Silsoe, Bedfordshire UK
SUTTON, D.H. (1974) – "A study of Human Energy Expenditure in the Winnowing Process", MSc Thesis, University of Reading, UK
TAMTU (1975) - Tanzania Agricultural Machinery Testing Unit, Ministry Agriculture, Box 1389, Arusha Tanzania. Engaged in the design and production of agricultural equipment
TROPICAL PRODUCTS INSTITUTE (1977) - demonstration of pedal hammer mill by Dr D Dendy (TPI London UK) at 'Rural Technology Meet', Arusha, September 1977, organised by Commonwealth Secretariat and Government of Tanzania
UNICEF - (1976) 4 man pedal centrifugal water pump demonstrated at Karen Village Technology Centre, during UNICEF conference 'Simple Technologies for the Rural Family', Nairobi, June 1976
VITA – (1972) - "Portable Thresher" (mimeo) published Volunteers for International Technical Assistance, Maryland USA
VITA – (1975) - "Application of Human Muscle Power in Underdeveloped Countries" published Volunteers for International Technical Assistance, Maryland USA Deep River Chapter (mimeo).
VITA – (1977) - "Partial Listing of Manufacturers of Small Scale Threshers for Rice Cereals and other Crops" published Volunteers for International Technical Assistance, Maryland USA (mimeo).
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WILSON, S.S. (1971) - The Dynapod, Oxford Univ School of Engineering Science, Oxford UK (mimeo)