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Appendix D: Read aloud test

Passage 1

Muno is playing with a ball.

He is playing under the tree

Passage 2

Mary is holding some tomatoes.

They are red.

She likes to eat them.

Miss Moyo is a teacher.

Sara and Miriam are in Miss Moyo's class.

One day they gave her some flowers.

She was very happy and she put them on her table.

"Thank you, girls," she said.

Passage 4

When Robert was a little boy he was very sick, so he went with his mother to the hospital. A nurse took Robert and his mother to a big room and she put him into a bed. Later the doctor came and looked at Robert. "You'll soon be better!" he said.

Passage 5

Simon and his sister Ruth went by bus to visit their uncle. As the bus was going over a bridge they heard a loud noise. The driver stopped the bus and got out. A large sack of potatoes had fallen from the roof. It had burst open, and there were potatoes everywhere on the road. Simon and Ruth helped to pick them up and put them back in the sack. The sack was so heavy that two men had to help the driver to lift it onto the roof of the bus.


Passage 1

1. What is Muno doing?
2. Where is Muno playing?

Passage 2

1. What is Mary holding?
2. What does Mary like to eat?
3. What colour are the tomatoes?

Passage 3

1. Who is Miss Moyo?
2. Where did Miss Moyo put the flowers?
3. Why was Miss Moyo happy?

Passage 4

1. Where did Robert go?
2. Why did Robert go to the hospital?
3. Where did the nurse put Robert?
4. What did the Doctor say?

Passage 5

1. Did Simon and Ruth go in a car?
2. Where were they going?
3. Why did the driver stop the bus?
4. What made the loud noise?
5. How did Simon and Ruth help?
6. Why did the two men help the driver?