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This list contains works and materials cited in the text of this report. A fuller bibliography on post-literacy has been prepared. It can be obtained at cost from Education for Development, Woodmans, Westwood Row, Tilehurst, Reading RG3 6LT, UK.

Bahr and Rifkin, see South Africa

Bahrein: Mandi R and Al Yahyu H, National Action Guidelines submitted to International Orientation Seminar (UIE, Hamburg November 1987) on Post-literacy and continuing education for basic level and beyond, Bahrein Directorate of Adult Education

BALID Newsletter and Bulletin 8.2 1993, special edition on Post-Literacy edited by Deryn Holland and Alan Rogers.

Barton D Literacy: an introduction to the ecology of written language Blackwells 1994

Berthoud Olivier Dr (correspondence)

Bhola H S and J K, Programme and Curriculum Development in the Post-Literacy Stages, a workshop manual, DSE Berlin 1980

Bhola H S, Campaigning for Literacy UNESCO Paris 1984

Bhola H S, Writing for New Readers: message-making in print, DSE Bonn 1986

Bhola H S, Writing for New Readers: a book on follow-up books (revised edition) DSE Bonn 1992.

BOBP, Saraswathi L S and Natpracha P, Towards Shared Learning: an approach to non-formal adult education for marine fisherfolk of Tamil Nadu, India BOBP 1986.

Bown L, Preparing the Future: Women, Literacy and Development, Action Aid London 1990

Bradley Sarah Murray, Visual Literacy: a review British Council, Manchester 1993

Brookfield S, Understanding and Facilitating Adult Learning, Open University Press 1986.

Bwatwa Y D N, Comparative Concepts of Adult Education in Tanzania, Latin America, USA and UNESCO, Department of Adult Education, University of Dar es Salaam, 1977.

CESO/SIDA 1992, see Tanzania

Chambers R, Rural Development: putting the last first Longmans 1983

Charnley A H and Jones H A, Concept of Success in Adult Literacy Cambridge 1979

Dave R H, Ouane A, Perrera D A (eds), Studies on Post-Literacy and Continuing Education, UIE, Hamburg.

vol 1: Bordia A and Bhola H S, Learning Strategies for Post-Literacy and Continuing Education: a cross-national perspective 1985

vol 2: Ouane A, Kane O, Badiane F, Ilboudo P T, Learning Strategies for Post-Literacy and Continuing Education in Mali, Niger, Senegal and Upper Volta 1984

vol 3: Macharia D, Akinde C O, Mpogolo Z J, Stock A, Learning Strategies for Post-Literacy and Continuing Education in Kenya, Nigeria, Tanzania and United Kingdom 1985

vol 4: Li Jiyuan, Sharma D V, Iskander A, Sihombing U, Sudrajat P, Santosa A, Triyadi, Djabar A, Suyono, Belbase L N, Suntornpithug N, Le Son, Learning Strategies for Post-Literacy and Continuing Education in China, India, Indonesia, Nepal, Thailand and Vietnam 1986

vol 5: Coutinho A M, Carmo Chaves L M, Galvao V, Hurtado L, Moulton-Campbell M, Valbuena Paz A, Learning Strategies for Post-Literacy and Continuing Education in Brazil, Colombia, Jamaica and Venezuela 1986

vol 6: Fetni A, Galal A F, Nassar S, AI-Sharah Y A, Khabbas D, Learning Strategies for Post-Literacy and Continuing Education in Algeria, Egypt and Kuwait 1987

DSE, Designing and Writing of Distance Education Materials for Basic Education and Development Training Programmes DSE 1990

DSE, Designing and Writing Book Materials for New-Literates, report of national workshop on writing post-literacy materials, Kenya, 1992 DSE 1992

DSE, Join Us: the ATM Approach 1994

DVV: People's Educational Association (PEA) of Sierra Leone, Stories and Songs from Sierra Leone, vol 10 Hinzen H and Tamu. S A T (eds) Launching And Reporting 1986; vol 25 H Hinzen, F B James, J M Sorie, S A T Tamu (eds) Fishing in Rivers of Sierra Leone: oral literature 1987; vol 32 Nyankume M The Hunter 1987; vol 39 Bras, Greens and Ballheads 1989; vol 40 Nyaha Woyangoi 1987; vol 42 James F B and Tamu S A T A Biography of B A Foday-Kai 1992; vol 43 Why Beggars Beg on Fridays and other stories (no date).

Eade F, The Graphic Language of Minority-language Literacy Primers in West Africa, PhD thesis University of Reading 1993

Guidelines: Some Guidelines for a Literacy and Language Policy Education for Development 1994

Heim C T and Kanyogonya Keith K (eds), A rural press for village post-literacy literature, Afrolit Society, 5, 1979

Hough J R Educational Cost-benefit Analysis ODA Education Research (1992?)

IIEP 1991, see Tanzania

Jennings J, Writing for Adult New Literates, FIVDB, typescript 1984

Kenya 1992: Githaiga P, Katwa J and Kebathi J, Report on the National Seminar on Post-Literacy 1992, published by ZED 1992

Kenya LCCP: National Literacy Campaign, First Report on The Low Cost Print Project British Council 198 1; Kenya National Literacy Campaign, Second Report on The Low Cost Print Project British Council 1982

Kessi Deusdedit Michael, Adequacy of post-literacy Kiswahili syllabus for stage 5 in relation to the stated adult education Kiswahili objectives, a case study of Tabora Rural District, ?1979, Institute of Adult Education, Dar es Salaam

McBean George, Kaggwa Norbert and Bugembe John (eds), Illustrations for Development: a manual for cross- cultural communication through illustration and workshops for artists in Africa, Afrolit Papers 6, Nairobi 1980

McBean, G, Re-thinking Visual Literacy: helping preliterates learn UNICEF Nepal 1989

McCaffrey J and Williams D, Women's Literacy ODA 1991.

Makue and Steinberg, see South Africa

Mathur P N, Barriers to effective visual communication, Media Asia 3 1978

Moon C, Individualised Reading, Reading and Language Information Centre, University of Reading 1993

Moser C Gender Planning and Development Routledge London 1993

Nepal 1993: Cliff Meyers, Report of a Learners Generated Materials (LGM) Development Training of Trainers Workshop 1992, Save the Children, Nepal

Nepal 1986: Report of national workshop on developing materials for neo-literates in Nepal 1986

ODA, Into the Nineties: an education policy for British aid ODA, London 1990

Ouane Adama, Learning Strategies Using Print Media UIE Hamburg 1988

Ouane Adama, Handbook on Learning Strategies for Post-Literacy and Continuing Education UIE Hamburg 1989

Ouane Adama, Armengol M A de, and Sharma D V, Handbook on Training for Postliteracy and Basic Education, UIE Hamburg 1990

PROAP ATLP, Training Materials for Literacy Personnel vol 10 Post-Literacy Activities and Continuing Education, PROAP 1988

PROAP, ATLP-CE, APPEAL Training Materials for Continuing Education Personnel, series of eight volumes, revised 1993, PROAP Bangkok 1993, including vol. 1, Continuing Education: new policies and directions 1993 vol. 2, Post-Literacy Programmes 1993.

PROAP, Literacy Curriculum and Materials Development Series, PROAP Bangkok, including vol 4: Thirumalai M S, Follow up Materials Development 1981

PROAP, Writing to Promote Women's Self-Reliance: report of a regional workshop Thailand, August 1991 PROAP, Bangkok, ATPL, 12 volumes, including vol 4: Manual for Supervisors - Resource Development and Training Procedures, 1988

PROAP, Preparation of Neo-Literate Materials for Rural Development: final report of the sixth regional workshop on the preparation of literacy follow up materials in Asia and the Pacific, Malaysia September 1988 1989

PROAP, Report of National Workshop on the Preparation of Literacy Follow-Up Materials in Vietnam, Hanoi June 1988 1988

PROAP, Preparation of Literacy Materials for Women in Rural Areas: report of a workshop on the preparation of literacy follow up materials in Nepal June 1989 1989

PROAP, Preparation of Literacy Materials for Women in Rural Areas: final report of Seventh Regional Workshop PROAP Bangkok 1989

Ramaswamy Padmini, The retention of literacy and numeracy: a case study from Madras, in Rogers 1994b pages 53-63.

Rogers A, Teaching Adults Open University Press 1986

Rogers A, Adults Learning for Development Cassell, London 1992

Rogers A, Women, Literacy, Income Generation Education for Development 1994a

Rogers A (ed), Voices of Literacy Education for Development 1994b

Roy N R, Adult Education in India and Abroad, Delhi 1967

Roy P and Kapoor J, Retention of Literacy, Macmillan, Delhi 1975

Rudiak Michael, CODE-Europe (correspondence)

Sjostrom Margaret, Post-Literacy: an equalising tool - the case of Tanzania, in Odora C (ed) Women and Literacy: today and tomorrow published jointly by Nordic Association for the Study of Education in Developing Countries, HE Stockholm and UNESCO 1992.

South Africa:

Bahr Mary Anne and Rifkin Carol, StoryNet: Interim Research Report (evaluation of '99 Sharp Street', StoryTeller Group, University of Witwatersrand 1992

Chambers Lucy, Adult education through newspapers, a South African case study, typescript 1992

Learn With Echo, Evaluation Report 1 199 1; Evaluation Report 2 1991-2; Evaluation Report 3 1992, University of Natal

Makue T and Steinberg C, English Language Project, BALID Newsletter 8 2 1993

Street B V, Literacy in Theory and Practice Cambridge University Press 1984

Street B V (ed), Cross-cultural Approaches to Literacy Cambridge University Press 1993


Carr-Hill R et al, Report on the Tanzanian Literacy Campaign IIEP Paris 1991

Kilindo E E, Impact of Rural Libraries as a Post-literacy programme in Tanzania, MA thesis, Institute of Adult Education, Dar-es-Salaam

Ukio L T, A Post-Literacy Programme in Tanzania, MA thesis, ditto, 1981

Report on Arusha workshop on Curriculum and Programme Development for post-literacy stage, 1980.

Semali L, The Communication Media in Post-literacy Education: new dimensions of literacy, International Review of Education 39.3 1993 pp 193-206 (Tanzania)

CESO/SIDA 1992: Kadege N et al, Peasants and Educators: a study of the literacy environment in rural Tanzania Ministry of Education Dar es Salaam, and The Hague, 1992.

UIE 1990: International Orientation Seminar on Post-Literacy and Continuing Education for Basic Level and Beyond in the Perspective of Lifelong Education, background papers.

UIE 1991: International Orientation Seminar on Post-Literacy and Continuing Education: Latin America and the Caribbean, background papers.

UIE 1992: International Orientation Seminar on Post-Literacy and Continuing Education: the experience of the African Region, background papers.

UIE 1993: International Orientation Seminar on Post-Literacy and Continuing Education in Asian countries and the Pacific with particular reference to Quality of Life Improvement Programmes (QILP), background papers.

Willinsky J The New Literacy Routledge 1990

Wright Patricia, Usability: the criterion for designing written information, in Processing of Visible Language edited by P A Kolers, M E Wrolstad and H Bouma, Plenum Press 1980 vol 2 pages 183-20

Zeitlyn Jonathan, Low Cost Printing for Development, Intermediate Technology Press 1988

The report is the product of a year long research project funded by the ODA and undertaken by a research team brought together by Education for Development.

The report proposes a radically new approach to post-literacy programmes and materials. The team indicate that they do not see post-literacy as a phase of more advanced literacy teaching (whether part of a continuum or a discrete stage) in a progression from illiteracy to independent learner, as most other workers in this field do. Rather they see post-literacy as the provision of support for the practice of literacy in real situations using ordinary materials by persons who have limited skills of reading, writing and calculating.

The report argues that adult learners should be introduced to the practice of literacy in real situations as soon as possible and certainly while they are learning to read and write. Modem understandings of adult education indicate that the best way to learn to do something is by doing it in real life situations. The authors therefore believe that 'post-literacy' ought to begin during the teaching of initial literacy.

But beyond this, literacy practices involve many more people than those adults who are learning - or have learned - their literacy through adult literacy classes. In every society, industrialised or developing, there are large numbers of people who, although they can read and write to a certain extent, have difficulty in coping with some real life literacy situations. Many countries have made provision to assist these people (eg the Plain English Campaign in the UK). It is this programme of support, made available for all these people, which the authors would call post-literacy, not simply the provision of extra literacy classes or activities.

Provision for post-literacy support will then need to be seen more in terms of personal assistance to a wide range of people than of the production of materials. Clearly more non-course materials will be needed to reinforce a literate environment and to enable people to cope adequately with real literacy situations. But what is really needed in every society is a post-literacy service rather than a post-literacy programme. Those who engage with different groups of people to assist them in various ways (the caring professions) may be the best people to help those they work with to develop their literacy skills further and to cope more effectively with difficult literacy situations rather than specially appointed and trained literacy instructors. Such workers need support, training and materials for this aspect of their work.

The report is backed up by detailed case studies of post-literacy activities in South Africa (newspaper supplements and comic books), from India (extension leaflets, neo-literate textbooks and a neo-literate newspaper) and from many different parts of the world including Bangladesh, Kenya, Uganda, and Zimbabwe, as well as by a review of an extensive literature.

Department For International Development
94 Victoria Street
London SW1E 5JL

ISBN: 1 861920 70 9