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Abbreviations for countries and organisations

A - Austria
ADN - Yemen
AFG - Afghanistan
ACP - African, Caribbean and Pacific Countries
AL - Albania
AND - Andorra
ASEAN - Federation of Asian Countries
AUS - Australia
B - Belgium
BD - Bangladesh
BDS - Barbados
BG - Bulgaria
BH - Belize
BOL - Bolivia
BR - Brazil
BRN - Bahrain
BRU - Brunei
BS - Bahamas
BU - Burundi
BUR - Burma
C - Cuba
CDN - Canada
CH - Switzerland
CI - Ivory Coast
CL - Ceylon
CO - Columbia
COMECON - Council for Mutual Economic Aid
CR - Costa Rica
CS - Czechoslovakia
CY - Cyprus
D - Federal Republic of Germany)*
DDR - German Democratic Republic)*
DK - Denmark
DOM - Dominican Republic
DZ - Algeria
E - Spain
EAK - Kenya
EAT - Tanzania
EAU - Uganda
EC - European Communities
ECU - Ecuador
ECE - Economic Commission for Europe
EFTA - European Free Trade Association
ES - El Salvador
ET - Egypt
ETH - Ethiopia
F - France
FIJ - Fiji Islands
FL   Principality of Liechtenstein
FR - Faro Islands
GB - Great Britain
GBA - Alderney
GBG - Guernsey
GBJ - Jersey
GBM - Isle of Man
GBZ - Gibraltar
GCA - Guatemala
GH - Ghana
GR - Greece
GUY - Guyana
H - Hungary
HK - Hong Kong
HV - Upper Volta
I - Italy
IL - Israel
IND - India
IR - Iran
IRL - Ireland
IRQ - Iraq
IS - Iceland
J - Japan
JA - Jamaica
JOR - Jordan
K - Cambodia
KWT - Kuwait
L - Luxembourg
LAO - People's Democratic Republic of Laos
LAR - Libyan Arab Republic
LB - Liberia
LS - Lesotho
M - Malta
MA - Morocco
MAL - Malaysia
MC - Monaco
MEX - Mexico
MS - Mauritius
MW - Malawi
N - Norway
NA   Netherlands Antilles
NIC   Nicaragua
NL   Netherlands
NZ   New Zealand
OECD - Organisation for Economic
    Cooperation and Development
OPEC - Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries
P - Portugal
PA - Panama
PAK - Pakistan
PE - Peru
PL - Poland
PNG - Papua New Guinea
PY - Paraguay
Q - Qatar
RA - Argentina
RB - Botswana
RC - Republic of China (Taiwan)
RCA - Central African Republic
RCB - Congo
RFC - Cameroon
RH - Haiti
RI - Indonesia
RIM - Mauritania
RL - Lebanon
RM - Madagascar
RMM - Mali
RN - Niger
RO - Rumania
ROK - Korea
ROU - Uruguay
RP - Philippines
RPB - Benin
RSM - San Marino
RWA - Rwanda
S - Sweden
SA - Saudi Arabia
SCV - Vatican City
SD - Swaziland
SF - Finland
SGP - Singapore
SME - Surinam
SN - Senegal
SP - Somalia
STL - Windward Island, Saint Lucia
SU - Soviet Union
SUD - Sudan
SY - Seychelles
SYR - Syria
TG - Togo
THA - Thailand
TJ - People's Republic of China
TN - Tunisia
TR - Turkey
TT - Trinidad and Tobago
UK - United Kingdom
USA - United States of America
USSR - Union of Socialist Soviet Republics (Soviet Union)
VN - Vietnam
WAG - Gambia
WAL - Sierra Leone
WAN - Nigeria
WD - Windward Island, Dominica
WG - Grenada
WS - Samoa
WV - Windward Island, Saint Vincent
Y - Yemen
YU - Yugoslavia
YV - Venezuela
Z - Zambia
ZA - South Africa
ZRE - Zaire
ZW - Zimbabwe

Note: Where data only apply to certain Laender in the Federal Republic of Germany, an abbreviation for the Land was appended in brackets to the country abbreviation; example: D(HH) = Hansestadt Hamburg.

)* The abbreviations D and DDR apply to the political and legal situation before the 3rd of October 1990.

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