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Organisation: International Development Research Centre, Canada (IDRC)
Author: O.G. Schmidt
Edited by AGSI/FAO: Danilo Mejia (Technical), Beverly Lewis (Language&Style), Carolin Bothe (HTML transfer)

CHAPTER V OILSEEDS: Post-harvest Operations

6 References

Anonymous. (1989). The Vegetable Oil/Protein System in Kenya: Project Description. Working paper No. 2. Working Paper Series, Vegetable Oil/Protein System Project. Research and Extension Division, Egerton University, PO Box 536, Njoro, Kenya.

Anonymous. (1991). Towards a Long Term Strategy for the Development of the Vegetable Oil/Protein Sub-Sector in Kenya. Vegetable Oil/Protein System Project. May 1991. Research and Extension Division, Egerton University, PO Box 536, Njoro, Kenya.

Anonymous. (1997). Vegetable Oils/Protein System Improvement Network (VOPSIN): final technical report, IDRC project file 93-8477. March 1997. Agricultural Research Foundation (AGREF), PO Box 39189, Nairobi, Kenya and the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA), PO Box 30051, Lusaka, Zambia.

APROMA. (1993). Proceedings from SOYAFRICA '93: Victoria Falls. 17-21 May 1993. Association des Produits a Marche (APROMA) CEE/ACP, 52, avenue Louis Lepoutre B1060 Bruxelles, Belgique.

APROMA. (1995). Proceedings from SOYAFRICA'95: Johannesburg, South Africa. 4-5 October 1995. Association des Produits a Marche (APROMA) CEE/ACP, 52, avenue Louis Lepoutre B1060 Bruxelles, Belgique.

ATI (1989). Proceedings of the Meeting: Oilseeds and the Bielenberg Ram Press. Norfolk Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya. 20 February 1989. Appropriate Technology International (ATI), 1828 L Street NW, Suite 1000, Washington, D.C. 20036 USA.

ATI. (1990). Proceedings of the Bielenberg Ram Press and Small-Scale Oil Processing. 10-11 September 1990. Nairobi, Kenya. pp. 264. Appropriate Technology International (ATI), 1828 L Street NW, Suite 1000, Washington, D.C. 20036 USA.

ATI. (1994). ATI's First Annual Report to IDRC on the Regional OILS Project. June 1994. Appropriate Technology International (ATI), 1828 L Street NW, Suite 1000, Washington, D.C. 20036 USA.

ATI. (1995). Second Annual report on the Regional OILS Project, vols. I and II. Appropriate Technology International (ATI), 1828 L Street NW, Suite 1000, Washington, D.C. 20036 USA.

Bartilol, P., Ottaro, J.M., Kambo, S. and Kanya, E. (1988). Kenya's Animal Feed Industry. Working Paper No. 5. Working Paper Series, Vegetable Oil/Protein System Project. Research and Extension Division, Egerton University, PO Box 536, Njoro, Kenya.

China, S.S., Mwaura, E.N., Stone, D.K., Mugeto, J.K., Mutuura, J.N. and Nyambati, M.G. (1988). Rural Oilseed Processing in Kenya. Working Paper No. 9. Working Paper Series, Vegetable Oil/Protein System Project. Research and Extension Division, Egerton University, PO Box 536, Njoro, Kenya.

Dietz, H.M, Metzler, R. and Zarate, C. (1990). Review of the current state of screw expellers and strategies of its upgrading. FAKT-Association for Appropriate Technologies in the Third World, Gaensheidestrasse 43, 7000 Stuttgart 1, Germany.

Dubois, P.F., Arbula, J.T. and Zacharias, B. (1984). Metodologia de Evaluaciaon y Programacion de Sistemas de Produccion y Consumo. Casilla 3237, Lima 1200, Peru. Tomo 1 &2. Junta del Acuerdo de Cartagena, Paseo de la Republica 3895.

Gichohi, C.M., Kiugu, G.K., Mitaru, B.N., Oduho, G., Karenge, G.W., Munyua, S.J., Mbugua, P.N., Owango, M.O. and Wahome, R.G. (1988). Poultry Industry in Relation to Oil-Seed Cake Utilisation in Kenya. Working Paper No. 7a. Working Paper Series, Vegetable Oil/Protein System Project. Research and Extension Division, Egerton University, PO Box 536, Njoro, Kenya.

Gichohi, C.M., Mitaru, B.N., Munyua, S.J. and Wahome, R.G. (1988). Pig Production and Consumption in relation to oil-seed cake production and utilisation in Kenya. Working Paper No. 7b. Working Paper Series, Vegetable Oil/Protein System Project. Research and Extension Division, Egerton University, PO Box 536, Njoro, Kenya.

Gitu, K.W., Kireru, P.M., Karenge, G.W., Ommeh, H.N., Sambili, E. and Muga, R.B. (1988). Kenya's Vegetable Oil/Protein System: Overview of policies and incentives. Working Paper No. 8. Working Paper Series, Vegetable Oil/Protein System Project. Research and Extension Division, Egerton University, PO Box 536, Njoro, Kenya.

Gordon, A. and Swetman, A. (1990). Report on a visit to Tanzania, Malawi, Ghana and Burkina Faso to carry out a baseline study of small-scale oilseed processing. pp 107. 12 September - 24 October 1990. Natural Resources Institute, Central Avenue, Chatham Maritime, Chatham, Kent, UK ME4 4TB.

Javaheri, F. (1990). Soybean: Combating Malnutrition in Zambia. Department of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Fisheries (MAFF), Lusaka, Zambia.

Javaheri, F. and Wynne, D. (1985). Soybean Cooking in Zambia. Contact Soybean Co-ordinator, Department of Agriculture, Mt. Makulu Agricultural Research Station, P.B. Chilanga, Zambia.

JUNAC. (1985). A Programme for the Integrated Development of the Peruvian Oils and Fats Production/Consumption System: Sectoral Studies Series No. 19. pp 67. Prepared by the Junta del Acuerdo de Cartagena (JUNAC) in collaboration with Sectoral Studies Branch, Division for Industrial Studies, United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO), Vienna, Austria.

Kamau, John Mugeto. (1990). Bielenberg Ram Press Optimum Settings and Operating Procedures. Proceedings of the Bielenberg Ram Press and Small Scale Oil Processing: workshop. Appropriate Technology International (ATI). 10-11 September 1990. Nairobi, Kenya.

Karau, P.K. and Namwamba, G. (1988). Milk Production, Consumption and Utilisation of Vegetable Oil Cakes by Dairy Cattle. Working Paper No. 6. Working Paper Series, Vegetable Oil/Protein System Project. Research and Extension Division, Egerton University, PO Box 536, Njoro, Kenya.

Makoko, M.S. and Balaka, H.R. (1991). Instruction Manual for the Construction and Use of a Hand Operated Wooden Groundnut Sheller. pp. 25. Farm Machinery Unit, Ministry of Agriculture, Department of Agricultural Research, Chitedze Agricultural Research Station, PO Box 158, Lilongwe, Malawi.

Mbwika, J., Mwiraria, D. and Chema, S. (1992). The Production to Consumption Systems Research: Application to Countries in Eastern and Southern Africa. Oilcrops Research Network: Proceedings of a Steering Committee Meeting and Workshop. 11-14 August 1992. Nairobi, Kenya. Navarro, L. A., ed. April 1995. IDRC, Ottawa, Canada.

Mbwika, J. and Theora, B.T. (1992). Importance of VOPS Project to Food Security and National Development: The Kenyan Perspective. Proceedings of the first Tanzanian National Workshop on the Vegetable Oil/Protein System. 26 November 1992. Tanzania Food and Nutrition Centre (TFNC), PO Box 977, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Navarro, L. A. (editor). (April 1995). Oilcrops Research Network: Proceedings of a Steering Committee Meeting and Workshop. Nairobi, Kenya. 11-14 August 1992. IDRC, Ottawa, Canada.

Navarro, L, and Schmidt, O. (1993). Production to Consumption System: an approach to improving research design decisions. Advances in Small Millets. pp183-199. Riley, K.W., Gupta, S.C., Seetharam, A. and Mushonga, J.N., eds. 66 Janpath, New Delhi 110 00s, India. Mohan Printers for Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd.

Navarro, L, Schmidt, O. and Zulberti, C. (1992). Production to Consumption System: A Complementary Perspective for Farming Systems Research and Extension. Paper prepared for the Asian Farming Systems Symposium 1991. "Sustainable Agriculture: Meeting the Challenge Today". 2-5 November 1991. BMICH-Colombo, Sri Lanka. Proceedings were not published. Copy of the paper can be obtained from Dr. Navarro, at IDRC, Box 62084, Nairobi, Kenya.

Oggema, M.W., Ayiecho, P.O., Okwirry, J.J., Kibuthu, I., Riungu, T.C., Karanja, D.D., Ng'ang'a, C.N., Ocholla, P. and Ireri, E.K. (1988). Oil-Crop Production in Kenya. Working Paper No. 3. Working Paper Series, Vegetable Oil/Protein System Project. Research and Extension Division, Egerton University, PO Box 536, Njoro, Kenya.

Odhiambo, M.O., Awiti, L.M., Opoto, W., Magwaro, D.G. and Tuamwari, J.P.G. (1988). Fats and Oils Industry and Consumption in Kenya. Working Paper No. 4. Working Paper Series, Vegetable Oil/Protein System Project. Research and Extension Division, Egerton University, PO Box 536, Njoro, Kenya.

Omran, Abbas. (1984-1993). Oil Crops Newsletter. Omran, A., ed. Vols. 1-10. (Note: all resources and the library holdings of the former network remained with Ethiopia's Oil Crops Research Programme, Holetta Research Station, Institute of Agricultural Research, Box 2003, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia).

Omran, Abbas. (1988). Oil Crops: Sunflower, Linseed, and Sesame: Proceedings of the Fourth Oil Crops Network Workshop Njoro, Kenya. Omran, A., ed. 25-29 January 1988. IDRC, Ottawa, Canada. MR205e.

Omran, Abbas (1989). Oil Crops: Proceedings of the three meetings held at Pantnagar and Hyderabad, India. Omran, A., ed. 4-17 January 1989. IDRC, Ottawa, Canada. MR252e.

Omran, Abbas. (1989). Oil Crops: Sesame and Sunflower Subnetworks: Proceedings of the joint second workshop. Cairo, Egypt. Omran, A., ed. 9-12 September 1989. IDRC, Ottawa, Canada. MR271e.

Osho, S.M. (1995). Soybean Processing and Utilisation Research at International Institute of Tropical Agriculture. Proceedings from SOYAFRICA'95: Johannesburg, South Africa. 4-5 October 1995. Association des Produits a Marche (APROMA) CEE/ACP, 52, avenue Louis Lepoutre B1060 Bruxelles, Belgique. (Also, contact the Soybean Utilisation Project, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), PMB 5320, Ibadan, Nigeria).

Osho, S.M. (1995). Developed Soybean Technologies for Household Small-Scale and Industrial Levels. Proceedings from SOYAFRICA'95: Johannesburg, South Africa. 4-5 October 1995. Association des Produits a Marche (APROMA) CEE/ACP, 52, avenue Louis Lepoutre B1060 Bruxelles, Belgique. (Also, contact the Soybean Utilisation Project, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), PMB 5320, Ibadan, Nigeria).

Paudyal, D., Mishra, B. and Gautam, M. (May 1992). A study on the Vegetable Oil and Protein System in Nepal: a Rapid Rural and Rapid Marketing Appraisal. Nepal Agricultural Research Council, National Oilseed Research Programme, Nawalpur, Sarlahi, Nepal.

Rai, M. (April 1995). An Integrated Approach to Attaining Self-Reliance in Edible Oils in India. Oilcrops Research Network: Proceedings of a Steering Committee Meeting and Workshop. Nairobi, Kenya. Navarro, L. A., ed. 11-14 August 1992. IDRC, Ottawa, Canada.

Riley, K.W. (June 1992). A Production to Consumption Systems Approach for the Oilseeds Network. pp.87. Consultancy report commissioned by IDRC for the Oilseeds Research Network.

Sellen, D., Howard, W. and Goddard, E. (1993). Production to Consumption Systems Research: A Review of Methods and Approaches. Department of Agricultural Economics and Business, University of Guelph, Canada. (Note: this consultancy report can be obtained from IDRC, Ottawa, Canada).

Theora, B.T. (1992). The Production to Consumption Systems Research Approach (PCSR) to Agricultural Commodity Development: The Kenya Experience. Oilcrops Research Network: Proceedings of a Steering Committee Meeting and Workshop. Nairobi, Kenya. 11-14 August 1992. Navarro, L. A., ed. April 1995. IDRC, Ottawa, Canada.

Thomas Development Associates. (1992). Evaluation of the Oilcrops Research Network, phase 3. IDRC, Ottawa, Canada.

Thomas Development Associates. (September 1993). Vegetable Oil/Protein Systems (Kenya) Phase III: Evaluation Report. pp. 39. Appendices. IDRC, Ottawa, Canada.

UNIDO/JUNAC. (1985). A Programme for the Integrated Development of the Peruvian Oils and Fats Production/Consumption System. Sectoral Studies Series No. 19. 14 October 1985. (UNIDO/IS.643) Vienna, Austria.

Zulberti, C. (1988). The Economics of Oilseed Production and Processing for Edible Oil and Protein Cake in Kenya. Working Paper No. 1. Working Paper Series, Vegetable Oil/Protein System Project. Research and Extension Division, Egerton University, PO Box 536, Njoro, Kenya.

Zulberti, C. (1990). The Vegetable Oil/Protein System Program: The Kenyan Experience. Oil Crops: Sesame and Sunflower Networks: Proceedings of the joint second workshop. Cairo, Egypt. Omran, A., ed. 9-12 September 1989. IDRC-MR171e.

Zulberti, C. and Lugogo, J. (1989). The Vegetable Oil/Protein System in Kenya: Summary Report-Phase I. Working Paper No. 10. Working Paper Series, Vegetable Oil/Protein System Project. Research and Extension Division, Egerton University, PO Box 536, Njoro, Kenya.

Zulberti, C., Navarro, L. and Muthaka, J. (1990). The Economics of Oilseed Processing Using the Ram Press. Proceedings of the Bielenberg Ram Press and Small Scale Oil Processing: 10-11 September 1990 workshop. Nairobi. Appropriate Technology International (ATI).

Zulberti, C., Schmidt, O. and Mugeto, J. (1990). Dissemination of the Ram Press. Proceedings of the Bielenberg Ram Press and Small Scale Oil Processing: 10-11 September 1990 workshop. Nairobi. Appropriate Technology International (ATI).

Zulberti, C., Schmidt, O. and Navarro, L. (1990). Generation of a Vegetable Oil/Protein Strategy for Countries with Low Dietary Fat Intake. Proceedings of the Bielenberg Ram Press and Small Scale Oil Processing: 10-11 September 1990 workshop. Nairobi. Appropriate Technology International (ATI).


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