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4.3 Powders from flowers, fruits or grains

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Product or Method


Mode of Action

Effects on Target Organism

Remarks and particular Recommendation


Pests Efficiency
a) Powdered flowers of Chrysanthemum cinerariaefolium (pyrethrum). Storage areas and produce are powdered. The ingredients (pyrethrins) have insecticidal effects (neurotoxic), repulse and inhibit feeding activities. All kinds of pests. Comparatively good effect on Prostephanus truncatus. High initial efficacy, but very limited long term effectiveness. The active ingredient degrades rapidly because of sensitivity to light Useful where its knock down effect is desired. Take care during application; inhalation causes head aches, avoid all skin contact. Countries of East Africa.
b) Powder from dried fruits of red pepper (Capsicum spp.) whole fruits or pieces of the fruit (fresh or dried). The powder is mixed with the produce at different dosages; used as a protective layer. Dried pods are burned underneath granaries (fumigation). The ingredients are efficient as a feeding insecticide, inhibit feeding activities, are a repellent and can be used to fumigate; bactericide effects evident. Against rice and other cereal pests; also frequently used against bruchids on grain legumes. Good protection for some months. Traditional method of the Aztecs against maize pests, today well known throughout the world. Efficiency is strengthened by mixing with ashes and inert dusts. Take care when handling the powder; it causes irritation mucous membranes! It influences the taste and smell of the produce Entire African continent, especially West Africa.
c) Dried fruit of black pepper (Piper spp) whole or powdered. The dried preparations are mixed with the produce. The ingredients of the pepper act as a contact and feeding insecticide, inhibit feeding activity, and have a significant bactericidal effect Coleoptera and moths in stored produce. Good results for 3 months. For protection of stored grain, legumes and rice against pests. Possible effect on taste and smell of the produce. African countries with hot and humid climates.
d) Powder from ripe, dried kernels of neem. Between 0,5 to 4 volume % on and grain legumes. Efficiency is the same as for leaves (4. 1.d). The active ingredients are contained in all parts of the plant, the highest concentration is in the kernels. Pests of stored cereals and grain legumes; particularly coleoptera. Good protection. Long term effectiveness can reach one year depending on dosage. Differences in efficiency depending on the provenance of neem kernels must be considered for dosage. The germination capacity of seeds is not affected by the treatment. Widely used on the entire African continent.
e) Powdered grains of Annona spp. 0,5 to 2 grams on 100g of grain legumes. Efficiency is the same as 4.1. a. Against coleoptera (particularly legumes) and moths (4. 1. a.) Good protection for 3 to 4 months. Recommendable because of its efficiency. Avoid getting powder in eyes as this is painful. Entire African continent.

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