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PrefaceAlthough a familiar sight for decades, the size of the loads African women carry on their heads is always impressive: to say nothing of the enormous amount of work they perform in harvesting, transporting, storing, processing and marketing agricultural products. Many projects are aimed at reducing women's workload. Their success depends not least on a careful situation analysis that includes the interests of all those involved, both men and women. The present Pointers for Identifying Gender-Specific Aspects in the Post-Harvest Sector briefly summarises important results and practical pointers concerning the sectorally-determined differences in the roles and tasks of men and women. Associated gender-specific problems and interests associated with the post-harvest sector will be illustrated. This paper was based on selected quantitative and qualitative studies as part of projects on warehousing and protection of stocks. Emphasis was placed on the role of women as producers on small farms1. Results of other projects or studies are drawn on to make certain aspects clear. The paper is addressed first of all to GTZ head office and field staff, as well as to the staff of partner institutions and local experts, to support them in implementing the BMZ guidelines on gender equality. It is to serve as a practical aid and orientation reference in broadening awareness of the relevance of gender specific aspects in the post-harvest sector and to facilitate the identification of gender-specific components in this area. The questions listed can be used in planning and implementation as well as in monitoring and evaluating projects (e.g., in project appraisals). We regard this document as a "guideline in progress": it is a summary of our present knowledge and, of course, of the knowledge of all those who have supported us through advice, example and comment. In future, we hope for further feedback, so that we will be able in a coming edition to furnish current, complete and practice-oriented support for gender-specific development approaches in the post-harvest sector.
1 Results of the individual studies, e.g. Participatory Rural Appraisals, concerning storage of roots and tubers in Ghana, are available from the project on Integrated Control of the Larger Grain Borer, GTZ, Eschborn; tel.: +49 6196 793 294; fax: +49 6196 797 413; e-mail: .
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