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Quality of Cereal grains

Quality control of cereal grains is performed by the responsible personnel of the MInistry of Agriculture at the ports for imorted commodities such as wheat, yellow corn and animal feed. If infestation with insects is found fumigation with phosphine or methyl bromide is conducted, and the importer has to pay the costs. If the imports of grains such as corn is infested by moulds, the comodity is not allowed to enter the country. Also the commodities have to be free from strange and unallowed seeds.

Quality standard of grains is considered during marketing of grains. For example, The Ministry of Supply and Interior Trade has issued the Law No. 64 since 1976 to organize the quality standard of rice. Accordingly, the rice (Glasee No. 1), in which the impurities must not exceed 0,1%, and the ratios of outsider 0,05%, yellow seeds 0,25%, red seeds 1.5%, immature seeds 2%, broken seeds 3%, moisture content 14%, and must be free from paddy rice. The price of rice is determined according to the quality, variety, and grading.

In the case of local wheat, the quality and the rate of dusts and impurities of grains are considered during receiving the grains by the PBDAC in the shounas. If the wheat contains higher amounts of dusts than allowed, the grain has to be refused. Moisture content of wheat is not determined during receiving the grains.

Traders and mills consider the rate of impurities in quality standard of grains during receiving and higher prices are paid for better quality.

During storage of grains in the shounas, grain stacks are inspected every two weeks and when infestation with insects is found, fumigation is ordered.

In future due to the privatization policy an effective public quality control for grain will be efficiently executed.