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Alumira, J. and C. Obara (1997): Post-Harvest Consumption Analysis of Sweet Potato in Kenya - Survey. Report commissioned by GTZ. Nairobi.

DAO Kisii (District Agricultural Office 1996): Annual Report, Kisii 1996.

Egerton PAM Team (1995): Food Crop Productivity Growth, Market Liberalisation, and Food Security. Agricultural Sector Review, Report of Task Force 3, Egerton University Policy Analysis Matrix, Nairobi.

FAO (various years): Production Yearbook, Rome.

Flach, M. (1995): A Conceptual Framework for Analysing Post-Production Systems. A revision of the document improving the Food on the Way to the Consumer. Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO), Rome December 1995.

Fleischer, G. (1996): Post-Harvest Systems Analysis - Conceptual Approach for a Country Study in Kenya. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ), July 1996.

Gakonyo, N. (1993): Processed Sweet Potato. Responding to Kenya's Urban Needs. Working Paper in Agricultural Economics, July 1993. Cornell University, Ithaca, New York.

GOK (Government of Kenya, 1994): Development Plan 1994-1996, Nairobi.

GOK (Government of Kenya, 1996): Economic survey 1995, Central Bureau of Statistics, Office of the Vice President & Ministry of Planning and National Development, Nairobi.

GOK (Government of Kenya, 1996): Economic Reforms for 1996-1998 - The Policy Framework Paper. Prepared for the Government of Kenya in collaboration with the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, Nairobi.

Guyton, B., F. Sogo, J. Mogire and R. Njuguna (1994): Kenya's Irish Potato Subsector Characteristics, Performance and Participants' Information Needs. Government of Kenya Market Information System Report No. 94-01, Nairobi.

Holtzman, J., J. Lichte and J. Tefft (1995): Using Rapid Appraisal to Examine Coarse Grain Processing and Utilization in Mali. In: G. Scott (ed. 1995): Prices, Products and People - Analysing Agricultural Markets in Developing Countries. London: Boulder: 43-72.

Jones, S. (1995): Food Market Reform: The Changing Role of the State. Food Policy, 20 (6): 551-560.

Kabira, J. and J. Imungi (1991): Possibility of Incorporating Potato Flour into three Traditional Kenyan Foods. African Study Monographs, 12 (4):211-217.

Kabira, J. (1992): Use of Dehydrated Potato in Composite Flours - A Case Study of Potato Flour in Kenya. In: Product Development for Root and Tuber Crops, Vol. III, Africa, ed. by G. Scott, P. Ferguson, J. Herera. International Potato Center and International Institute for Tropical Agriculture, Lima and Ibadan: 457-464.

Kenya Ministry of Agriculture (1992): Annual Report. Nairobi.

Lewa, P.M. and M. Hubbard (1995): Kenya's Cereal Sector Reform Programme: Managing the politics of reform. Food Policy, 20, (6): 573-584.

Mendoza, G. (1995): A Primer on Marketing Channels and Margins. In. G. Scott (ed. 1995): Prices, Products and People - Analysing Agricultural Markets in Developing Countries. London: Boulder: 257-275.

Mutuura, J., P. Ewell, A. Abubaku, T. Mungu, S. Ajarga, S. Irunga, F. Owori, S. Masbe (1992): Sweet Potatoes in the Food System of Kenya. Results of a Socio-Economic Survey. In: J. Kabira, P. Ewell (eds.), Current Research for the Improvement of Potato and Sweet Potato in Kenya. International Potato Centre, Nairobi.

Owuor, B. (1996): Sweet Potato Based Food Enterprises in Western Kenya. A Report on Evaluation of Pilot Enterprises. International Potato Centre, Nairobi.

Rehm, S., G. Espig (1991): The Cultivated Plants of the Tropics and Subtropics. Weikersheim (Germany): Markgraf.

Scott, G.J., P. Ewell (1992): Sweet Potato in African Food Systems. International Potato Centre, Lima.

Walingo, A., C. Alexandre, P. Ewell, J. Kabira (1996): Potato Processing in Nairobi, Kenya - Current Status and Potential for Further Development. Kenya Agricultural Research Institute, Tigoni, CIRAD, Montpellier and CIP, Nairobi. Draft report, April 1996.

Woolfe, J. (1992): Sweet Potato, A Versatile and Nutritious Food for All. In: G. Scott, P. Ferguson, J. Herrera (eds. 1992), Product Development of Root and Tuber Crops, Vol. III - Africa. Proceedings of the Workshop on Processing, Marketing and Utilization of Root and Tuber Crops in Africa, held October 26 - November 2, 1991, at the International Institute for Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Ibadan, Nigeria. International Potato Centre, Lima.