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Workshop on Mycotoxins in Food in Africa - November 6-10 1995, Cotonou, Republic of Benin International Institute of Tropical Agriculture

Table of Contents

K.F. Cardwell




© 1996 International Institute for Tropical Agriculture (IITA)
c/o L.W. Lambourn & Co. Ltd., 26 Dingwall Road, Croydon, CR9 3EE, England

Correct Citation:

Cardwell K.F. (Ed.) 1996. Proceedings of the Workshop on Mycotoxins in Foods in Africa. November 6-10, 1995, Cotonou, Benin

Front cover: In southern Nigeria, farmers may store dehusked maize on the floor in a room of the house. This storage method was associated with high levels of alfatoxins.

Photo: J. Udoh

Small scale farmers across sub-saharan Africa cultivate as much maize as they can physically work by hand. Crop husbandry practices which reduce stress to the maize as it develops help lower the amount of pre-harvest contamination with mycotoxins.

Photo: R. Markham

In the northern Nigeria, maize is dried in the field. Research has shown that the more time maize is left in the field after maturity, the greater is the risk of significant contamination with mycotoxins.

Photo: K. F. Cardwell

In the northern Nigeria, maize grain is separated from husk and cob in the field by the women hired to thresh, and then it is stored as loose grain in bags. The procedures used to move the crop from field to storage vary widely from region to region. Processes which clean the maize before storage tend to reduce subsequent mycotoxin build up in storage.

Photo: K. F. Cardwell

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Table of Contents


Participants in mycotoxins in food in Africa workshop

Section I. Welcoming addresses

Welcome from the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture to the Workshop on Mycotoxins in Foods in Africa
Opening address
Opening address

Section II. Technical addresses and abstracts

Estimating the social costs of the impacts of fungi aflatoxins in south east Asia
The program on mycotoxins and experimental carcinogenesis (PROMEC) of the South African medical research council
Aflatoxin, kwashiorkor, and morbidity
Summary of data on aflatoxin exposure in west Africa
The occurrence of exposure to aflatoxins and to hepatitis B and C viruses in Guinea
Breeding for resistance in cereals to prevent Pre- and Post-Harvest toxin contamination
Fungal ecology and potential biological control of Aspergillus flavus
Fungal infection and mycotoxins in maize in the different agro-ecological zones of Benin and Nigeria, west Africa
Possible utilization of plant products in grain storage
Mycotoxins in maize and fermented maize products southern Ghana

Section III. Identification of resources

Agricultural research and extension survey
Primary health anti medical research facility survey
Agricultural research and extension resources - Benin
Primary health care and research facilities - Benin
Agricultural research and extension resources - Cameroon
Primary health care and research facilities - Cameroon
Agricultural research and extension resources - Ghana
Primary health care and research facilities - Ghana
Agricultural research and extension resources - Guinea Conakry
Primary health care and research facilities - Guinea Conakry
Agricultural research and extension resources - Kenya
Primary health care and research facilities - Kenya
International partner institutions

Section IV - Concept notes and logical frameworks for action

Concept note agricultural technology development anti transfer working group
Concept note working group on mycotoxin monitoring
Log frame for agricultural technology development anti transfer
Log frame for monitoring mycotoxin occurrence and exposure
Concept note mycotoxins and health working group
Log frame for mycotoxins in child health
Log frame for mycotoxins and human cancers

Section V - Resolution