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Adeyemi, I.A. 1983. Dry-milling of sorghum for ogi manufacture. J. Cereal Sci., 1: L221 -227.

Akingbala, J.O., Rooney, L.W. & Faubion, J.M. 1981. Physical, chemical and sensory evaluation of ogi from sorghum of differing kernel characteristics. J. Food Sci., 46: 15321536.

Akinrele, I.A. 1964. Fermentation of cassava. J.Sci.FoodAgric.,15:589594.

Akinrele, I.A. & Edwards, C.C.A. 1971. An assessment of the nutritive value of maize-soya mixture, Soy-Ogi, as a weaning food in Nigeria. Br. J. Nutr., 26: 177- 185.

Andah,A. & Muller, H.G. 1973. Studies on koko, a Ghanaian fermented maize porridge. Ghana J. Agric. Sci., 6:93102.

Bagley, E.B. 1979. Decontamination of corn containing aflatoxin by treatment with ammonia. J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc., 56: 808-811.

Banigo, E.O.I. & Adeyemi, A.I. 1975. A comparative study of the commercial practice of traditional ogi manufacture using high-lysine (opaque-2) corn and normal corn. Proc. 10th Int. Congr. Nutr., Kyoto, Japan, p. 402.

Bothast, R.J.,Anderson, R.A., Warner, K. & Kwolek, W.F. 1981. Effects of moisture and temperature on microbiological and sensory properties of wheat flours and corn meal during storage. Cereal Chem., 58: 309-311.

graham, J.E., Flores, M., Elias, L.G., de Zaghi, S. & Bressani, R. 1969. Mejoramiento del valor nutritivo de dietas de consumo humano. 11. Sup lementaci on con mezc l a vegetal INCAP 9 y leche. Arch. Latinoam. Nutr., 19: 253264.

Brekke, O.L. 1968. Corn dry-milling: stress crack formation in tempering of lowmoisture corn, and effect on degerminator performance. Cereal Chem., 45: 291-303.

Bressani, R. 1974. Complementary amino acid patterns. In P.L. White & D.C. Fletcher, eds. Nutrients in processed food proteins. Acton, Mass., USA, Publishing Sciences Group.

Bressani,R.1981. The role of soybeans in food systems. J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc., 58: 392-400.

Bressani, R., Campos, A.M., Squibb, R.L. & Scrimshaw, N.S. 1953. Nutritive value of Central American corns. IV. The carotene content of thirty-two selections of Guatemalan corn. Food Res., 18: 618624.

Bressani, R. & Conde, R. 1961. Changes in the chemical composition and in the distribution of nitrogen of maize at different stages of development. Cereal Chem., 38: 7684.

Bressani, R., Elías, L.G., Scrimshaw, N.S. & Guzmán, M.A. 1962. Nutritive value of Central American corns. VI. Varietal and environmental influence on the nitrogen, essential amino acids and fat content of 10 varieties. Cereal Chem., 39: 59-67.

Bressani, R., Elías, L.G. & GómezBrenes, R.A. 1969. Protein quality of opaque-2 corn. Evaluation in rats. J. Nutr., 97: 173-180.

Brown, R.B., Fulford, G.N., Daynard, T.B., Meiering, A.G. & Otten, L. 1979. Effect of drying methods on grain corn quality. Cereal Chem., 56: 529533.

Brunson, A.M. & Quackenbush, F.W. 1962. Breeding corn with high provitamin A in the grain. Crop Sci., 2: 344-347.

Cantor, S.M. & Roberts, H.J. 1967. Improvement in protein quality in cornbased foods. Cereal Sci. Today, 12: 443445, 460-462.

Choto, C.E., Morad, M.M. & Rooney, L.W. 1985. The quality of tortillas containing whole sorghum and pearled sorghum alone and blended with yellow maize. Cereal Chem., 62: 51-55.

Cravioto, B., Cravioto, R.O. & Cervantes, M. 1965. Eficiencia proteica de la harina de mesa enriquecida con harina de soja y de la adicionada con protelna de ajonjoll. Ciencia (Mes.), 24: 159-162.

De Padua, M.R. & Maroun, H.P.1984. Rheological behavior of Venezuela arepa dough from precooked com flour. Cereal Chem., 61: 37-41.

Dutra de Oliveira, J.E. & de Souza, N. 1972. El valor nutritivo de productos de la molienda del malz, de la suplementación con aminoacidos y de mezclas de malz comun y de opaco2. In R. Bressani, E. Braham & M. Behar, eds. Mejoramiento nutricional del maíz. INCAP Pub. L-3, p. 209-215. Guatemala, INCAP.

Earle, F.R., Curtis, J.J. & Hubbard, J.E. 1946. Composition of the component parts of the com kemel. Cereal Chem., 23: 504-511.

Erdmenger, J.J., Elías, L.G., de Souza, N., Salomon, J.B., Bressani, R., Arroyave, G. & Habicht, J.P. 1972. Estudio, en rates, del efecto de la suplementación proteínica de una dicta típica de una comunidad rural de Guatemala. Arch. Latinoam. Nutr., 22: 179-190.

Evans, J.W. 1941. Changes in biochemical composition of the corn kernel during development. Cereal Chem., 18: 468473.

FAD/WHO. 1973. Energy and protein requirements. FAO Nutrition Meetings Report Series No. 52; WHO Technical Reports Series No. 522. Rome, FAO.

Feria-Morales, A.M. & Pangborn, R.M. 1983. Sensory attributes of corn tortillas with substitutions of potato, rice and pinto beans. J. Food Sci., 48: 11241134.

Fernandez, J.J., Guerra, M.J. & Racca, E. 1991. Precocci6n de harina de soya y mafz por microonda y su uso en la preparación de arepas. Arch. Latinoam. Nutr., 41(3).

Fields, M.L., Hamad, A.M. & Smith, D.K. 1981. Natural lactic acid fermentation of corn meal. J. Food Sci., 46: 900-902.

Flores, M. 1966. Food intake of Guatemalan Indian children aged 1 to 5. J. Am. Diet Assoc., 48: 480. Franz, K. 1975. Tortillas fortified with whole soybeans prepared by different methods.J.FoodSci.,40: 1275-1277.

Frey, K.J. 1949. The inheritance of protein and certain of its components in maize. Agron. J.,41: 113-117.

Garcia-Lopez, S. & Wyatt, C.J. 1982. Effect of fiber in corn tortillas and cooked beans on iron availability. J. Agric. Food Chem., 30: 724-727.

Gopalan, C., Belavady, B. & Krishnamurthi, D. 1969. The role of leucine in the pathogenesis of canine black-tongue and pellagra. Lancet, 11: 956-957.

Graham, G.G., Lembcke, J. & Morales, E. 1990. Quality-protein maize as a sole source of dietary protein and fat for rapidly growing young children. Pediatrics, 85: 85 91.

Green, J.R., Lawhon, J.T., Cater, C.M. & Mattil, K.F. 1976. Protein fortification of corn tortillas with oilseed flour. J. Food Sci., 41: 656-660.

Green, J.R., Lawhon, J.T., Cater, C.M. & Mattil, K.F. 1977. Utilization of whole undefatted "landless cottonseed kernels and soybeans to protein fortify corn tortillas. J. Food Sci., 42: 790794.

Grogan, C.O. & Blessin, C.W. 1968. Characterization of major carotenoids in yellow maize lines of different pigment concentration. Crop Sci., 8: 730-732.

Hamad, A.M. & Fields, M.L. 1979. Evaluation of the protein quality and available lysine of germinated and fermented cereals. J. Food Sci., 44: 456459.

Hansen, D.W., Brimball, B. & Sprague,G.F.1946. Relationship of zein to the total protein in corn. Cereal Chem., 23: 329-335.

Holder, D.G., Glover, D.V. & Shannon, J.C. 1974. Interaction of shrunken-2 and five other carbohydrate genes of corn endosperm. Crop Sci., 14: 643-646.

Jellum, M.D. 1967. Fatty acid composition of corn (Zea mays L.) as influenced by kernel position on ear. Crop Sci., 7: 593595.

Jellum, M.D.1970. Plant introductions of maize as a source of oil with unusual fatty acid composition. J. Agric. Food Chem., 18: 365-370.

Joãn, W.S.J., Elías, L.G. & Bressani, R. 1980. Efecto del proceso de cocciónextrusión (Brady Crop Cooker) sobre el valor nutritivo de mezclas elaboradas a base de frijol caupi (Vigna sinensis)maiz y de frijol caupi-yuca. Arch. Latinoam. Nutr., 30: 539-550.

Kodicek, E., Braude, R., Kon, S.K. & Mitchell, K.(;. 1956. The effect of alkaline hydrolysis of maize on the availability of its nicotinic acid to pigs. Br. J. Nutr., 10: 51.

Kodicek, E., Braude, R., Kon, S.K. & Mitchell,K.G.1959. The availability to pigs of nicotinic acid in tortilla baked from maize treated with lime water. Br. J. Nutr., 13: 363-384.

Kodicek, E. & Silson, P.W.1959. The availability of bound nicotinic acid to the rat. 1. The effect of lime water treatment of maize and subsequent baking into tortilla. Br. J. Nutr., 13: 418.

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Laguna,J. & Carpenter, K.1951. Raw versus processed corn in niacin deficient diets. J. Nutr., 45: 21.

Lillehoj, E.B., Kwolek, W.F., Homer, E.S., Widstrom, N.W., Josephson, L.M., Franz,A.O. & Catalano, E.A. 1980. Aflatoxin contamination of preharvest corn: role of Aspergillus flavus inoculum and insect damage. Cereal Chem., 57: 255-257.

Makinde, M.A. & Lachange, P.A. 1976. Tryptophan: first limiting amino acid in ogi. Nutr. Rep. Int., 14: 671-679.

Makinde, M.A. & Lachange, P.A. 1989. Optimization of protein nutritive value of ogi. Niger. J. Nutr Sci., 10: 85-93.

Mitchell, H.H., Hamilton, T.S. & Beadles,J.R.1952. The relationship between the protein content of corn and the nutritional value of the protein. J. Nutr., 48: 461-476.

Mottern, H.H., De Buckle, T.S. & Pardo, C. 1970. Protein enrichment of Colombian corn cakes. Cereal Sci. Today, 15: 108-112.

Nofsinger, G.W. & Anderson, R.A. 1979. Note on inactivation of aflatoxin in ammonia-treated shelled corn at low temperatures. Cereal Chem., 56: 120122.

Pardo T., F., Mora, J.O., Páez F., J., de Onshuss, Y. & de la Cruz de Villota, M. 1972. Aceptabilidad del maíz opaco-2 en Colombia. Arch. Latinoam. Nutr., 22: 561-575.

Plahar, W.A. & Leung, H.K. 1983. Composition of Ghanaian fermented maize meal and the effect of soya fortification on sensory properties. J. Sci. Food Agric., 34: 407.

Plahar, W.A., Leung, H.K. & Coon, C.N. 1983. Effect of dehydration and soy fortification on physicochemical nutritional and sensory properties of Ghanaian fermented maize meal. J. Food Sci., 48: 1255.

Reddy, V. & Gupta, C.P. 1974. Treatment of kwashiorkor with opaque-2 maize. Am. J. Clin. Nutr., 27: 122-124.

Reinhold, J.G., Garcia, J.S. & Garzon, D.1981. Binding of iron by fiber of wheat and maize. Am. J. Clin. Nutr., 34: 13841391.

San che z - Marroqu in , A., FeriaMorales, A., Maya, S. & RamosMoreno, V. 1978. Processing, nutritional quality and sensory evaluation of amaranth enriched corn tortillas. J. Food Sci., 52: 1611 1614.

Sauberlich, H.E., Chan, W.U. & Salmon,W.D.1953. Theaminoacid and protein content of corn as related to variety and nitrogen fertilization. J. Nutr., 51: 241-250.

Singh, J. & Koshy, S. 1974. Role of opaque-2 maize in child nutrition. Indian J. Genet., 34: 1182- 1190.

Sirinit, K., Soliman, A.G.M., Van Loo, A.T. & King,K.W.1965. Nutritional value of Haitian cereal-legume blends. J. Nutr., 86: 415.

Smith, O., De Buckle, T.S., de Sandoval, A.M. & Gonzalez, A.E. 1979. Production of precooked corn flours for arepa making using an extrusion cooker. J. Food Sci., 44: 816-819.

Squibb, R.L., Braham,J.E., Arroyave, G. & Scrimshaw, N.S. 1959. A comparison of the effect of raw corn and tortillas (lime-treated corn) with niacin, tryptophan or beans on the growth and muscle niacin of rats. J. Nutr., 67: 351361.

Tellez-Girón, A., Acuff, G.R., Vanderzant, C., Rooney, L.W. & Waniska, R.D. 1988. Microbiological characteristics and shelf-life of corn tortillas with and without antimicrobial agents. J. Food Prot., 51: 945-948.

Tuite, J., Foster, G.H., Eckhoff, S.R. & Shotwell, O.L. 1986. Sulfur dioxide treatment to extend corn drying time. Cereal Chem., 63: 462464.

Ulloa, M., Herrera, T. & Taboada, J. 1977. Pozol, a fermented maize dough consumed in Southeastern Mexico. In Symposium on indigenous fermented foods. Bangkok, Thailand. Government of Thailand, UNEP, Unesco, IFS, CFT, ICRO.

Viteri, F.E., Torún, B., Arroyave, G. & Pineda, O. 1981. Use of coin-bean mixtures to satisfy protein and energy requirements of preschool children. In B. Torún, V.R. Young & W.M. Rand, eds. Protein-energy requirements of developing countries: evaluation of new data, p. 202-209. Tokyo, United Nations Univ.

Watson, S.A. & Yahl, K.R. 1967. Comparison of wet milling properties of opaque-2 high-lysine corn and normal corn. Cereal Chem., 44: 488498.

Wolzak, A., Elías,, L.G. & Bressani, R. 1981. Protein quality of vegetable proteins as determined by traditional biological methods and rapid chemical assays. J. Agric. Food Chem., 29: 10631068.

Yamaguchi, J. 1974. Varietal traits limiting the grain yield of tropical maize. IV. Plant traits and productivity of tropical varieties. Soil Sci. Plant Nutr., 20: 287304.

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