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History of the maize quality improvement research centre and project activities

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T. Yoshlyama


Maize is a very important crop for the Thai agriculture economy, ranking second only to rice in acreage under cultivation. The product, however, is contaminated by an active carcinogenic substance called aflatoxin. The problem has hindered the development of maize production and has also become a barrier in maize trade. The Government of Thailand has tried to cope with this problem by enacting comprehensive measures in combined effort with various authorities concerned with this subject, universities, research institution and non-government sectors.

Under such circumstances, the Government of Thailand asked the Government of Japan for Technical Cooperation in solving the problem of aflatoxin contamination in maize.

Subsequently, the Government of Thailand and the Government of Japan had agreed to establish the Centre and dispatched the experts from Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) to implement the Maize Quality Improvement Research Centre Project from December 15,1986 to December 14, 1991 which is under responsibility of Department of Agriculture (DOA).



The project aims at extending the technology for contributing to the improvement of maize quality by controlling aflatoxin contamination through the technical cooperation between both countries. The research activites are carried out mainly at the Maize Quality Improvement Research Centre (Bankhen) and Praphuttabaht Field Crops Experiment Station.



The facilities of the Centre consist of Main building, Annex and other buildings. They were constructed at Bangkhen and handed over to DOA including with equipment provided as Japanese Grant Aid on March 21,1988. Besides, more necessary equipments are supplied under the technical cooperation throughout the project.



  1. Working group for the Project was organized by the members of Thai personnel and Japanese experts.
  2. Administration System

The management for the Project is conducted by following Committee;

  1. Joint Committee
  2. Coordinating Committee
  3. Coordinating Sub-Committee
  1. Japanese Experts
  2. Training of Thai Counterpart



In order to improve the quality of maize, while controlling aflatoxin contamination, research activities under project will comprise three fields; agronomy, postharvest and microbe. The main research areas aim to identify surveys and experiments, and then to improve individual technologies. The Project establish effective measures to prevent and/or reduce aflatoxin contamination in Thai maize.

  1. Research Implementation Plan l-Agronomy
  2. Research Implementation Plan Il-Post Harvest
  3. Research Implementation Plan III-Microbe

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