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Feasibility study

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A. Production

Bottles of 500 g of tomato pulp
Jars of 500 g of peeled tomato

Raw material Working day Capacity per day Yield % Output/ day No. of pieces season
18 000 60 300 50 300 18 000
B. Investment Cost US $
1. Fixed investment

- Building & land (renovation)

1 000

- Equipment & Materials

2 118

- Insurance etc...



3 118
C. Working Capital Cost

- Wages (8 women x 60 d x 500 CFAFr)


- Stocking of material

13 757


14 617

Total B = US$ 17 735

D. Annual Management Cost
1. Raw Material and Materials 12 857
2. Wood 900
3 Wages (7 women) 860
4. Maintenance of equipment 100
5. Depreciation (5 years on 2 118 - building) 1 000
TOTAL C 16 142
E. Profit Margin
1. Receipts  
18 000 b x US $ 1 06* 19 080
2. Expenditures 16 142
D/B = 2 938/14 617 = 20 %  

*See: Processing cost of tomato pulp

Cost of equipment, materials, and raw materials


Description Quantity US$
Hand-operated pulp extractor 3 864
Hand-operated capping device (capper) 2 130
Manual refractometer (0-90° B) 1 425
Scale (100 kg.) 1 175
Scale (3 kg.) 1 28
Plastic lemon-squeezer 2 2
Plastic colanders 1 9
Wooden table (180 +120 cm) 1 58
Wooden bench 3 32
Wooden spoon 3 5
Stainless steel knives 10 18
Plastic funnel 3 16
Aluminium ladle 3 21
Metal pails 3 28
Pot 25 (aluminium) 2 64
Pot 40 (aluminium) 1 100
Pot 50 (aluminum) 2 270
Basin (aluminum) 3 70
Rod (aluminum) 3 41
Dish (aluminum) 3 4
Potassium metabisulphite (1/2 kg) 12 bts 71
Cellophane bags 500 37
Stove 1 250
Cardboard boxes 750 750
Bottles l/2 kg. 16.000 5.715
Crown-corks (caps) 16.000 172
Jars 0.580 kg. 8.000 1.070
Screw-tops 2.000 250
Labels 18.000 193
Tomatoes (kg) 18.000 4.176
Lemon-vinegar   486
Wood   900
Straw   15
Salt   30
Processing cost of tomato pulp
1. Raw Material CFA Fr.
Tomato (65 CFAFr/kg x 100 kg) : 6 500
Lemon or vinegar : 360
Salt : 200
Wood : 1 400
Straw 50
  8 510 CFA Fr.
2. Packing
Bottles 100 : 10 000
Caps 100 300
Labels 100 : 300
Cardboard boxes 4 : 1 120
  11 720 CFA Fr.
3. Wages
7W x 500CFA Fr. :3 500 CFA Fr
4. Miscellaneous, Maintenance  
Depreciation 15 % (1 + 2 + 3) 23 730: 3 560 CFA Fr.
Total 27 290 CFA Fr.
27 290: 100 pieces : 272.90 CFA Fr.
Profit margins 10 % : 37.90 CFA Fr.
6. Cost price : 300CFA Fr.: US $ 1.06

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