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3.7 Challenges facing FSD

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A number of challenges face FSD if it is to continue playing a significant role in facilitating the process of agricultural development. Some of these are:


On-farm systems studies were carried out in village areas south of Bangalore, India [Rushton, 1994] to determine the appropriateness of the current livestock policy.

Farmers without irrigated crop land are the poorest in this area and at greatest risk from the effects of climatic and biological variations. These farmers depend on small livestock herds for cash income and on subsistence cropping for home consumption. When their small-scale livestock production fails, farmers are forced to seek outside employment for cash, and thus cropping activities suffer.

This farming system study identified two improvements that would contribute to better livestock productivity: control of epizootics and a 'preventative veterinary medicine service' focused on improved fertility management among small herd-owners. Previously, veterinary service policy had been to target larger herds where the immediate payoff had appeared to be much greater.

Such a livestock policy change should lead to greater stability in the production of animal products for local markets; less reliance on seasonal employment and, therefore, greater stability of the household labour force; and more stable subsistence cropping activities.


In Botswana, farmers have a tradition of sharing draught power, In this semi-arid environment, field operations such as ploughing and row planting depend on access to draught in a timely fashion (i.e., days on which there is adequate soil moisture for ploughing/planting).

If a technology system is introduced that requires more draught, rather than less, it may mean that the household controlling the draught may not be able to routinely allow other households to also use their animals under a sharing arrangement. Thus, helping one household may harm other households in the community.


An FSD programme in Amphoe Pharao, Thailand [Shinawatra et al, 1992] discovered a positive and unexpected benefit from interaction at the intra-household level. The introduction of improved and more commercially oriented poultry operations was targeted towards women members of households, because they traditionally manage and derive income from poultry. However, improved technological interventions not only required new inputs by men but were discovered to provide profitable use of under-employed male labour in many households.

This example demonstrates decision making with interactions between members of the household that are desirable for all: a win-win situation. Often, however, decisions for change favour one segment of the household, while adversely impacting on another.


4. Some key concepts important in the farming systems approach to development

4.1 Objectives of the chapter

The objectives of this chapter are to:

4.2 Definition of a farming system

To design appropriate or relevant ways of helping farmers, it is essential to understand the conditions under which farmers are operating. They have in fact, very complicated farming systems. Figure 4.1 shows some of the factors that have an influence on what the farming system will be. The operator of the farming system is the farmer or the farming family. To farmers, the way in which they earn their living and the economic, social, and cultural well-being of their households are linked closely and cannot be separated.

The members of the farming household have three basic types of inputs: land, labour, and capital. Management involves allocating these to three different activities or processes, that is, crops, livestock, and off-farm enterprises. In making decisions on how to allocate their inputs in producing one or more products, farmers have to make some difficult decisions. These decisions will involve using their knowledge to come as close as possible to fulfilling the goal(s) for which they are striving. These goal(s) may vary from farmer to farmer (e.g., maximizing their income, producing enough food to feed the family, etc.). Many farmers are likely to want to maximize their incomes, once they have made sure they are producing enough food to feed their family and have met other societal obligations. The resulting combination of products (i.e., crops, livestock, and off-farm enterprises) they are producing with their inputs results from the farming system they have adopted. Nevertheless, the extent to which the farming system fulfils the goal(s) they have chosen will depend on the managerial skills of the farming family and its ability to make good decisions in the allocation of inputs in a very uncertain production environment.

Figure 4.1: Schematic representation of some farming system determinants

However, some parts of the environment that influence what the farming system will be are outside the control of the individual farming family thus causing uncertainty as far as the farmer is concerned. The 'total' environment in which farming households operate consists of two parts: the technical (i.e., natural or physical) element and the human element [Nonnan et al, 1982].

Exogenous factors (i.e., the social environment) are largely out of the control of the individual farming family. These factors will influence what the farming family can do and can be divided into three broad groups:

Endogenous factors, on the other hand, are those the individual farming household controls to some degree. These include the types of inputs mentioned earlier, that is, land, Iabour, and capita]. It is important to recognize that these resources and managerial ability vary among households and regions. The resources vary on the basis of quantity and quality, both of which influence the performance and the potential of the system. In addition, these inputs or resources may or may not be owned by the household. Access to one or more of these resources may be on another basis of use (e.g., borrowing draught animals), which may limit or restrict the ease or intensity of use and thus, in turn, affect the goals and performance of the farm family.

Nevertheless, it is the fanning family that decides on the farming system that will emerge. However, this system will be influenced and sometimes constrained by the technical element and exogenous factors.

The farming system is obviously complex, and the results can vary greatly because of differences in the 'total, environment. These facts help explain why some technology thought to be relevant often has not been adopted, or when it has, why the degree of adoption has varied widely. Not considering the human element in agricultural research has contributed to many socalled 'improved' technologies being irrelevant.

4.3 The limited-resource household: status, goals, and appropriate technology

Typical limited resource farm households in low income countries generally are characterized as follows [Ellis, 1988: p. 12]:

"Farm households, with access to their means of livelihood in land, utilizing mainly labour in farm production, always located in a larger economic system, but fundamentally characterized by partial engagement in markets which tend to function with a high degree of imperfection."

Important points to note about this definition are that:

"Credit and interest rates may be tied to other factor prices like land and labour within a dependent economic relationship. Thus factor markets may be locked together contractually rather than being independent."

Also, market information may be highly imperfect (i.e., not available or readily accessible). Thus, it is not surprising that sharing and reciprocity often exist between households. In these non-market transactions, exchange of unlike goods and services take place, which are not valued by market prices. Sometimes, such relationships exist between households that are related to each other.

A number of microeconomic theories have been developed in an effort to explain the economic behaviour of farm households. These are based on various assumptions about household goals and the characteristics of the markets within which households make their decisions. Ellis [1988] notes that these theories are not mutually exclusive, sharing as they do certain key assumptions such as:

Ellis [1988] suggests that the theories predict different results because of different assumptions about the working of the factor and product markets, rather than because of differences in assumptions about household goal(s). In fact, an important characteristic distinguishing many of the theories results from different assumptions about labour markets and the allocation of household labour time, In support of these assertions, Ellis [1988] then discusses a number of these theories of economic behaviour. He calls these profit maximization, risk aversion, drudgery aversion, farm household theories, and share tenancy. In doing so, he recognizes the impossibility of separating short-run household decisions from the wider social relations of production.

Consequently, there is likely to be a certain universality in the aspirations of limited-resource farming households. The most important elements are income, effort avoidance, and risk avoidance. In economic terms, this means such households try to increase their utility or satisfaction, which increases with income but decreases with greater effort or higher levels of risk. This can be restated as maximizing income for any given level of effort or risk. Alternatively, it can mean reducing risk, or effort, for a given level of income [Norman, 1982].

Attempts to maximize utility or satisfaction take place within a set of constraints. As implied above, differences in the constraints, rather than the aspirations, lead to the most important differences in farming systems. As discussed earlier (Section 4.2), Figure 4,1 indicates some of the determinants of the farming system. It is easy to visualize constraints relating to the technical element causing differences in the type and productivity of farming systems, However, also important in the differentiation process are the factors relating to the human element. The quantity, quality, and ratios (i.e., particularly between land and labour) of the endogenous factors (i.e., factors of production -- land, labour, and capital) play an important role in further differentiating farming systems. The extent to which they can be modified will depend on the degree of integration into the factor markets (i.e.? input markets). Also the products resulting will be influenced to some extent by community norms and beliefs and the degree of integration into the product market.

The above discussion has important implications for what is appropriate technological change. For example, limited resource households often are likely to be very little above survival level and, hence, will place a very high premium on improved stability of production. The levels, qualities, and relative proportions of the factors of production are important in indicating the most appropriate route for improving the productivity and profit of the farming system -- which is maximizing the return to the most limiting factor. For example, in areas of high land/labour ratios (i.e., low population densities), labour saving (e.g., mechanical, extensive livestock production) types of technology/systems are likely to be most appropriate. In contrast, in areas of low land/resident ratios (i.e., high population density) land saving technologies/systems (e.g., biological and some chemical, intensive livestock production) will likely be more appropriate. However, as Table 4.1 shows, increasing the return to the most limiting factor can have an indirect positive or negative impact on the use and productivity of other inputs. Thus, in view of the imperfect operation of the factor markets, care has to be taken in evaluating what would be the most relevant technologies.

For example, in a semi-arid area, initial superficial examination may indicate that because of the high population densities, strategies designed to increase the productivity of land would be most important. However, given the seasonal nature of agriculture in semi-arid areas, there will be periods of intense labour activity during the year. These will create labour bottleneck periods, followed by periods of underemployment. Thus, land-augmenting strategies using labour at critical labour bottleneck periods -- when the opportunity cost of labour is high (i.e., there are good alternative uses for labour that can yield an equally high return) -- could be unattractive to the household (see Box 4.1 ). This is likely if adoption of such strategies involves the use of more labour at such labour bottleneck periods. It will also be likely if the productivity per unit of labour applied at that time is higher in alternative uses.


High Labour saving I+ or I- D+
Low Yield increasing D+ I+ or I-


D = Direct impact
+ = Positive impact
I = Indirect impact
- = Negative impact


In the early 1970's, three technological packages were tested with farmers in Northern Nigeria [Norman et al, 1982]. Farmers involved in testing them used animal traction and, operating in a semi-arid production environment, were faced with a major weeding bottleneck in June-July. The three technological packages were compared with each other and, in the case of sorghum and cotton, with indigenous practices, Summarized results were as follows:



Cotton Maizea
Technology Indigenous Improved Indigenous Improved Improved
Yield (kg/ha)b 641 1330 409 718 2897
Percent covering costs 86 100 94 90 100
Net return (N/ha) 45.02 81.62 19.68 40.73 190.36
Net return (N/man-hour):          
June/July 0.93 0.74 0.31 0.31 1.68
Excluding harvesting 0.43 0.52 0.11 0.16 1.29
Total 0.21 0.22 0.06 0.08 0.51

a. Indigenous practice , for maize could not be compared because maize was rarely grown in that area at that time.
b. Average of the results in 1973 and 1974 seasons.

The results indicated the superiority of the improved maize technology over both improved or indigenous practices for sorghum and cotton in terms of both return per unit of land and labour. Note that for both the sorghum and cotton improved technologies, the return per unit area was higher than that from employing indigenous practices; but that the return per unit of labour used during the June/July period was the same or lower. Unlike the sorghum and cotton improved technologies, the improved maize technology was, from a profit viewpoint, suitable for farmers whether they were faced with a labour or land limitation.

Not surprisingly, since the 1970s, improved maize technologies have been adopted widely in Northern Nigeria, in a mini-Green Revolution [Smith et al, 1994]. Although, initially the prime motivation for growing maize was as a cash crop, it eventually became a more important dietary item as farming households made trade-off decisions between growing the high yielding maize rather than the low yielding sorghum.

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