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8.5.1 Efficient Use of Formal Surveys
Informal surveys can make an important contribution to the
design of the more expensive, time consuming, formal surveys.
However, these formal surveys are still cheaper and less time
consuming than direct measurement. Formal surveys involving the
use of questionnaires provide a systematic, ordered way of
obtaining information from respondents and enable precise and
statistically analyzable data to be obtained. Earlier (see Figure
7.1 ), it was indicated that formal surveys can be divided into
single (i.e., one-shot) or few- and multiple- (i.e., frequent)
visit surveys. The two major issues concerning the use of formal
surveys are to ensure that:
- The benefits from such surveys justify the costs
- Turnaround is reasonably quick in teens of incurring the
costs and reaping the benefits.
Multiple-visit surveys with multiple objectives can yield
useful information, but the research resources required -in terms
of level and time -and the slow turnaround time in terms of the
results not being available until much later' means that they
have limited value in feeding, in a timely manner, into new
research initiatives.
Therefore, the above issues have been addressed increasingly,
in the following ways:
- Emphasizing special subject surveys with limited
objectives rather than more general multi-purpose
- Implementing single-visit rather than multiple-visit
- Carefully considering how accurately individual variables
need to be estimated in order to answer the objectives of
the survey. Relative rankings may be sufficient, or if
accurate measurements are required, a direct measurement
rather than using a survey format may be more
appropriate. Yet another alternative may be to use
'standard coefficients, obtained from other work for
variables that are not critically important or are fairly
- Making sure the links between data collection and
checking, followed by microcomputer data entry,
processing, analysis, and writing are made as efficient
as possible,
In assessing different varieties of sorghum in Southern
Africa, the respondents indicated that, apart from palatability,
the criteria farmers used to evaluate sorghum varieties related
to yield stability. Yet sorghum breeders place a great deal of
emphasis on yield level plus some degree of yield stability. When
gender issues were introduced? females evaluated each of the
criteria the group had selected as equally important, but the
males evaluated palatability as most important and the need to do
bird scaring (i.e., an activity done by women and children) as
least important! There are obvious implications of using this
method in helping breeders evaluate what criteria might be
important to farmers in assessing varieties. The method also
could be used in getting farmers to evaluate the criteria already
in use in breeding programmes.
A farm typology that is relevant to the key issues at hand is
necessary to develop recommendation domains (Section 4.5) that
are appropriate, PRA techniques, sometimes in combination with
other methods. have been used to identify local people's own
criteria for such important issues as wealth or poverty and their
perceptions on how to measure differences between households
within the community,
Informants were selected by an FSD team from among farmers of
Kiponzelo and Kihanga farming communities in Tanzania to help
with determining relevant criteria for measuring wealth as it
relates to agriculture [Ravnborg, 1992], In consultation with
village members, it was decided that the household would be the
relevant unit of analysis for this determination.
Informants were asked first to map agro-ecological zones in
the study areas, Next, names of households were written on pieces
of paper, Each informant independently segregated names into
different piles, If especially large piles appeared, the
informant was asked to try and make divisions within just that
pile. At each turn, the informant was asked to characterize the
households of a pile: how they are similar among themselves and
different from those of other piles. This exercise generated a
set of qualitative criteria that might be used to distinguish
The FSD team then developed a questionnaire survey that
addressed quantitative measures of the qualitative descriptive
criteria that had been identified, Cluster analysis was applied
to data from this questionnaire, and four categories of
households were identified and characterized, Agriculturally
wealthy households used improved seeds, applied chemical
fertilizers, were middle aged, had large household labour pools,
and consumed as well as sold relatively large quantities of maize
and beans. These criteria were more important than the
agro-ecological zone where the farms were located, The poorest
households used fewer recommended inputs, tended to be younger or
older, or were headed by single individuals. Two intermediate
farm types also were characterized.
With a well organized system, it is possible to design,
implement, process, analyze, and write up the results of a
reasonably long, single-visit, special-subject survey of 100
households in a period of three months, half of which could be
devoted to the design and implementation stages.
However, key pre-conditions for making this possible are the
design of an efficient questionnaire and the ease with which a
sample can be selected. Designing questionnaires, generating the
sample frames, determining the required sample sizes, and
selecting samples are all important ingredients in determining
the value of formal surveys. These are discussed in the following
8.5.2 Designing Formal Surveys
There is a logical sequence to producing a good questionnaire.
The process of designing good questionnaires can be divided into
six steps as follows:
- Determining Data Needs. It is
first important to determine why the survey is required
(i.e., justification) and, therefore, the objectives of
the survey, Good definition of these then will help guide
what topics need to be covered and, therefore, what the
data needs are. Where information on both the technical
and human environment are to be collected, determination
of the data required and the design of the questionnaire
itself should be a collaborative effort of technical and
social scientists. Data needs should be viewed not only
in terms of variables on which information is required
but also in terms of the degree of precision with which
they need to be measured. Making a decision at this
planning stage on the type of analysis proposed can help
in determining the answer to this and the cost of
collecting the data.
- Determining Question Content.
Three important issues to address with respect to
question content are:
- Appropriate identification information and variables
should be placed at the beginning of the
- Variables need to be included that enable the sample
to be classified or stratified appropriately.
Inclusion of possible classification variables in the
questionnaire is important for meaningful comparative
analysis to be carried out later.
- Obviously, questions must be developed for each of
the variables in the hypotheses, and a determination
must be made of the farmers, ability and likelihood
of answering the questions, For example: questions
must use terms and units of measure (e.g., for
weight, area, distance, etc.) with which the farmers
in the area are familiar; questions should not be
used that require calculations (e.g., average bags of
sorghum per hectare) by the farmers; and special care
should be taken over questions that are sensitive.
- Determining Question Format.
Four categories or classes of questions generally are
- Open-ended questions where the interviewer writes
down the response in full.
- Close-ended (i.e., multiple choice) questions where
the enumerator checks the appropriate response
- Dichotomous questions where only two responses are
allowed (e.g., yes/no, sell/consume, etc.).
- Tabular questions where a question is asked after
which rows and columns in a table are completed.
All have a role to play (e.g., dichotomous questions as a
lead into close-ended questions, open-ended questions when it
is difficult to develop a list of categories before the
survey, tabular questions when there is a lot of comparable
quantitative data, etc.).
- Determining the Wording of Questions.
Good wording is critically important to avoid biased or
inadequate responses to questions. Some examples are:
- Every question should focus on one point and have
only one answer.
- Questions should be specific and not contain vague
words such as many, often, and frequently.
- Every question should use terms the farmers commonly
use rather than technical terms of the FSD workers.
- Every question should be phrased neutrally to avoid
biasing the response.
- Questions should be phrased so that the respondent
cannot determine which answer is preferred.
- Questions should specify the relevant time period for
- Some questions (e.g., on management practices) often
can be clarified by increasing the similarity in the
way a number of related questions are asked.
- Frequently, a pre-qualifying question may be
necessary to verify that the question of interest
applies to the respondent,
- Questions on management practices should be asked
with respect to individual plots. A tabular question
often works well in such cases.
- Questions that require accurate answers for aggregate
values will be more reliable, if the amounts are
first collected on an individual basis (e.g., weekly,
monthly, or per parcel basis) and then summed by the
FSD workers during the analytical stage,
- Each question should be numbered to aid in the
processing of data. With respect to facilitating the
collection-entry-analysis linkage, it is important to
try to enter the data into the microcomputer straight
from the survey form. This cuts down the possibility
of errors in the collection-entry stage. To
facilitate entry, it is good to record the name of
the variable -- as it appears on the microcomputer --
on the survey form itself during the design stage and
to provide a space for entering the figure that will
appear in the computer (Box 8.7).
- Deciding on Question Sequence.
Questions should be presented in a way that is logical
from the farmer's standpoint, starting with the simple,
more general questions and proceeding to the more
specific, difficult, and sensitive areas, For some data,
it may be advisable to check the validity of the farmers'
responses by asking the question in more than one way.
- Physical Layout and Length. The
beginning of the survey form, in addition to including
identification and classification type information and
data, also should have, where desirable, information that
the interviewer can give the farmer on the purpose of the
survey, who is being interviewed, etc. Any instructions
on completing and coding the form for entry into the
micro computer also should be given at the beginning of
the survey form or at relevant points on later pages.
Sufficient space for recording responses and any remarks
should he provided on the survey form itself. In general,
the length of interview should not exceed one hour. If it
takes longer, the questionnaire should be divided and
administered on separate days.
- Pretesting and Revision. After
the initial design of the survey, it is worthwhile to ask
interested and knowledgeable individuals for comments and
suggestions for improvements. After making any changes
that appear desirable, it is a good idea to pretest it
with a limited number of farmers, after which changes can
be made prior to its reproduction and implementation.
These types of checks can help in:
- Determining whether questions are properly worded,
understandable, sensitive, irrelevant, etc.
- Checking questions for adequacy of format and
sequencing, adequacy of categories in close-ended
questions, etc.
- Identifying missing information, estimating time
requirements for the interview. testing the training
and understanding of interviewers, etc.
Formal surveys often are implemented by relatively
inexperienced enumerators, whereas transfer of the data to
microcomputer databases commonly is done by fairly unskilled
clerical staff. Close-ended questions can help to reduce
ambiguity data collection, whereas mistakes in transferring data
to the microcomputer can be reduced by having the acronym under
which the variable appears in the database, entered on the data
collection form itself. An example is as follows:
(6). What type of row planter do you own'?
1. Sebele Row Planter
2. Sebele Plough Planter TYRPa________
3. Safim Row Planter
4. Other (Specify)____________
a. This is the acronym for the type of row planter that
appears in the database.
8.5.3 Sampling for Formal Surveys
There would be no need to worry about a sampling procedure, if
the characteristics of all members of a population were exactly
the same. It would be necessary only to select one individual to
identify the population characteristics. However, because of
diversity in the technical and human environment, it is necessary
to sample several members of the population before any
conclusions can be drawn. Therefore, the purpose of sampling is
to select a subset
The problem with many sampling frames is that they usually are
drawn up for particular purposes and thus may be biased,
especially if they don't represent the whole population, It is
important to be aware of the possible biases when sampling frames
are used. Sutherland [1988], based on extensive experience in
Zambia, has identified four common types of biases, These are as
- Middleman bias. When an
extension agent or local leader provides a list or
recommends a group of farmers, there is often a bias in
favour of more progressive farmers, male-headed
households, and friends or family of the middleman.
- FSD team characteristics, FSD
teams may have internal biases resulting in a gender bias
(i.e., favouring either male or female participants), a
language bias, or an innovator bias, Also, there may be a
bias because teams have a preconception, inappropriate
definition, or a lack of under standing about what
constitutes a farmer and/or a household,
- Logistical factors. These may
be the most difficult biases to avoid and involve a bias
towards farms with cropped areas near roads and a bias
towards working with progressive farmers in order to show
- Local circumstances. Other
biases can arise from local circumstances depending on
the ecology, geography, and social structure of the
village. There may be a bias for 'home-centred farmers',
when farming is a seasonal activity, and away from
farmers who leave the area for certain periods of the
year in order to find of the population that has the same
characteristics as the whole group or is representative
of the population. The term population refers to all of
the elements -- such as farms, households, etc. -- from
which the sample actually is selected, whereas a sample
is a representative portion of the population under
The objective of sampling is to undertake statistical tests
and, as a result, be able to say (i.e., predict) that the results
of working with all the farms/households in the population would
give the same results. The sampling process requires five
- Specification of the Sampling Unit.
Examples would be farming households, fields of a
specific type, etc.).
- Preparation of an Adequate Sample Frame.
This constitutes a list of the units from which to select
the sample (e.g., lists of farmers kept by extension
staff; a list of people receiving food at schools/
clinics during a drought relief programme, lists of
farmers participating in government production campaigns,
a list of households associated with a community
development project, list derived from sources outside
the village, for example, a census listing, etc. (Box
8.8). Preparation of sampling frames can be very
demanding (i.e., in terms of time and money). An approach
that has great promise and is relatively cheap is to use
PRA techniques (see Section 8.4.4), particularly mapping,
in which villagers themselves can give relevant
information concerning the families whose dwelling units
are given on the map they have drawn.
- Selection of the Sampling Method.
These consist of two major types, namely probability
(i.e., random) and non-probability (i.e., non-random).
Probability sampling methods consist of simple random
sampling, stratified random sampling, systematic
sampling, cluster sampling, etc. When sampling frames are
not available, then non-probability sampling methods have
to be used such as purposive sampling and quota sampling.
Probability sampling is preferable because statistical
testing is then more valid. It is desirable in sampling
that strata correspond to the tentative recommendation
domains (see Section 4.5). Many references are available
on sampling methods, and, consequently, there is no need
to discuss them in detail in this manual (see, for
example, Worman et al 1 1992: pp. 137-14()1 and Dillon
and Hardaker [ 1993: pp. 47-501).
- Determination of the Sample Size.
This is a complicated process and often requires the help
of a statistician. A number of factors influence the
sample sizes used in FSD. These include: variability of
local farm conditions, degree of precision required,
available time and research resources, type of data
handling facility, details and complexity of the
questionnaire, etc. It is important to understand that
the appropriate sample size depends on the variability in
the population and not on the size of the population.
Therefore, the percentage of farming families that must
be included may vary substantially between recommendation
domains. It has been found that 3() to 5() farmers for
each recommendation domain usually will reflect
reasonably well the circumstances of farmers in that
recommendation domain [Byerlee et al, 1980]. Others have
suggested a minimum sample size of 20 from each sampling
category [Yang, 1965: p. 9: Shaner et al, 1982: p. 471
- Selection of the Sample. Once
the preceding considerations have been taken into account
and related activities accomplished, the selection of the
sample can proceed. As discussed earlier (see Section
5.6.2), to ensure the cooperation of the leadership,
their involvement in the actual selection process may be
In conclusion, it is important to remember the following
points when making decisions about sampling:
- Be practical.
- Sample design and logistics of field work are often
- Statistical desirability and practical feasibility often
- Knowledge of the area and the subjective judgement of FSD
workers is crucial in selecting villages and samples.
- Use the simplest procedure -- in terms of costs and
resources -- that will permit the achievement of the FSD
- Remember, biased selection of farmers will give rise to
biased answers and conclusions.
- Both FSD workers and extension staff can be guilty of
selection biases.
- Use probability sampling whenever possible, but in any
case, always be aware of the limitations of the method
that is used.
Discussion in this chapter has focused on surveys involving
interaction with people, However, surveys do not necessarily have
to involve people, For example, FSD teams often employ direct
physical survey measurements to obtain baseline and progress
information that contribute to other aspects of FSD work,
Basically, such physical types of surveys fall under the 'direct
measurement' -- and perhaps the 'observation' -- category
indicated in Tables 7,1. and 7.2, because they usually require
direct measurement techniques. Consequently perhaps, physical
surveys should not be considered in this chapter, which
concentrates on indirect measurements that usually are associated
with surveys. However, because they do constitute a special type
of survey, they are dealt with briefly at this point of the
- FSD tasks that often benefit from these physical types of
measurements are:
- Making comparisons with scientific data from outside the
FSD target area,
- Developing sample-frames for locating trials or other
- Formulating the range and the severity of problems in the
descriptive and diagnostic stage of FSD.
- Forecasting impacts that interventions might have.
- Contributing to the interpretation of subjective data
obtained through farmer surveys and often providing a
groundwork for dialogue with participating farmers,
Direct physical survey measurements can provide more precise
quantitative information about certain aspects of the farming
system that arise from indirect farmer surveys, However, this
level of precision is not always necessary, and for each
activity, the FSD team must determine the level of precision
required, In general, direct measurements are most useful for
describing objects and events of the farming systems' natural
resource base: weather events, soil conditions, biological cover,
and so forth. In addition, direct measurements often will be made
for inputs and outputs when describing cropping and livestock
Many physical measurements are fixed to land and calendar
coordinates and, thus, can be used to help define space-time
frameworks for FSD analyses, Because of problems in managing
large data sets, these types of frameworks have been
under-utilized in FSD.
Techniques used in these measurements are frequently the same
standards used by scientists in ecological and production
research. Following are several suggestions for applying direct
physical survey measurements in FSD:
- The FSD team, often in consultation with experts and with
participating farmers, must determine which measurements
are relevant and cost effective to the analyses planned.
In making this decision, consideration should be given to
both short-term and long-term planning of FSD work.
- The FSD team must be assured that staff members have the
skills for making these measurements in a manner
consistent with established standards. The FSD team must
also ensure a consistency in the way any single
measurement is made across project activities, Achieving
this consistency may require training for staff in the
procedures used (e.g., rating weed levels, determining
soil texture by 'feel' method, etc.).
- Even with training, bias can occur in the way
measurements are scheduled, and this will distort the
objectivity of direct measurements. Remember, essentially
all objective measurement techniques depend on some
amount of human judgement. It would be inappropriate, for
example, for one staff member to rate weed cover -- which
can be somewhat subjective -- in one village area, and
another staff member to make this rating in a second, and
then plan to do statistical analyses comparing these
village areas.
- FSD teams will find that many standard direct
measurements are too time consuming and costly to be
carried on the scale necessary for project work. FSD
teams should constantly be seeking proxy variables that
represent the variable(s) at issue but can be measured
more quickly and at less cost. Proxy variables are only
as good as their relationship with the variables that are
important. For example, in some environments, earthworm
counts have been found to be good indicators of soil
health variables such as soil porosity, aggregation, and
organic matter content. Developing or validating
appropriate proxy variables is an excellent subject area
for collaboration between FSD and scientists based on
experiment stations. Another benefit in identifying good
proxy variables, is that these sometimes serve later, as
well, by helping farmers and dissemination agents monitor
the impact changes are having on farms.
- The use of direct physical survey measurements should not
be allowed to compete with indirect farmer surveys. FSD
teams may find advantages in asking participants to help
assess the need for various measurements. Results should
be reported back to FSD participants. Exchanging notes in
this way between what farmers observe and believe with
relevant scientific measurements -- from both surveys and
trials -- will bolster the opportunity for identifying
problems and solutions.
- Even with this potential synergism, FSD teams can readily
over-extend physical measurement work. Teams might
experience some difficulties in completing data
collection, but a more common problem is the management
of data and integration of its analysis into the broader
FSD picture. Developments in data management technology
will help ease some of these problems in the future. Very
powerful relational database management (RDBM) programmes
are becoming increasingly available that combine analysis
and graphics to present results in meaningful ways.
- Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technology, a
further extension of RDBM, is also emerging as a tool
with potential applications in FSD. GIS programmes and
projects exist in many countries and zones where FSD
teams operate. However' because work on developing
initial layers of information for GIS is demanding and
time consuming it probably should not be part of the work
load of an FSD team. GIS programmes that are already
developed and include relevant information for the target
area on soils, weather, vegetation, demographic, etc.,
could be used and added to by FSD.
The objectives of this section are to discuss:
- The main types of trials used in FSD, the purposes of
each, and some of the issues related to their design and
- Some of the issues related to trials designed to address
crops and livestock.
- Some of the issues involved in trial implementation,
including selection and involvement of farmers and the
specific use of farmer groups.
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