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9.4 Some issues in planning trial work

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Before looking at the possible trial designs, five important points that should be considered when planning trials:

There are always more problems than researchers have time or resources to address. However, because of all the above requirements for researcher-managed trials, researchers must be very careful in planning their work load for the season. Team members should work together to set research priorities and carefully consider the amount of time and resources that will be required for each planned activity, Taking on too much work will result either in some activities being dropped during the season or some work being lost due to insufficient attention, and the quality of the research generally will be reduced. Taking on less work than is possible will result in a waste of resources, Careful planning and experience will be the best tools for developing optimum work loads.

In contrast to researcher-managed trials, FMFI trials require much less of the researchers' time during the season. Under this format, researchers are involved in planning the trials with the farmers, perhaps in collecting and supplying the necessary external inputs for the trials, and in monitoring the progress of the trials. But this is much less work per trial than is required for day-to-day management of RMFI trials. To reap the full benefit from FMFI trials, it is necessary for researchers and farmers to have frequent discussions, which can be handled efficiently through regular group meetings (see Section 9.8.6). Because farmers are providing the day-to-day management of the trials, researchers can visit the trials at their convenience, rather than having to visit at specific critical periods, This also helps researchers to spread out their work load and improve efficiency,

Many farmers might feel confident that they can evaluate new options on the basis of their experience, even when a control or reference is not physically nearby for visual comparison. This is, in fact, the situation with testing new prototype equipment (see Section 10.4.1 ). This approach is generally not advisable for evaluating most cropping and livestock management options. Two problems that can unknowingly arise are:

Both of these can lead readily to evaluations that are better than or worse than what would be the case if controls were included correctly.

To achieve systematic and critical assessments in FSD programmes in the farmer's own design of management strategies, it is strongly advised to conduct test options using controls and a systematic unbiased treatment of each, This latter implies use of randomization, even in the farmer's own testing.

This data usually will be largely technically oriented in RMRI and, to a lesser extent, in RMFI trials, There are many methods for collecting such data (i.e., both input and output data) corresponding to the array of enterprises, operations, and subject area concerns, etc., that are found in farming systems around the world. Sometimes data collection procedures that would be appropriate for local FSD work can be found in local extension bulletins or research reports, Training manuals produced by the international agricultural research institutes and by NGOs and training institutions in the country where the FSD team(s) is located also can often be useful, This is because methods often need to be adjusted to fit particular situations and farming systems. For example, FSD teams helped produced guidelines for data collection in Botswana. These are available in Worman et al. 11992: pp. 149-202], Included are procedures for trial site selection, calculations of seeding and fertilizer rates, soil characterization, and so forth. Two excerpts of the Botswana work, covering measurements of plant density and grain yields, are included as Appendix A3 in this manual, They have been included because they treat the topic of measurements in mixed cropping that generally is not covered elsewhere, while at the same time illustrating the need to make adjustments in the data collection procedure to fit the environment in which the research is being undertaken.

An important component of this data collection -- and, unfortunately, it is something that often is omitted -- is recording of data that describes the environment under which the trial was undertaken, These site descripters include data on soil type, weather (i.e., temperature and rainfall), unusual features, etc., which help in ascertaining the potential for extrapolation to other areas.

However, it is important particularly in RMFI and FMFI trials, that such data be supplemented by socio-economic information. If this is not done, and often it is not done satisfactorily, the trials are really simply technically oriented, multilocational-type trials and the major objective behind involving the farmer -- that is assessment of relevancy under practical farming conditions -- is lost. With reference to socioeconomic type data, attitudinal or more qualitative-type data can be very useful, Because of costs, however, care must be taken in deciding what objective or quantitative types of data need to be collected (see Section 6.5.1 ). Usually such types of data relate to physical data (i.e.' usually technical data already collected); labour and equipment requirements by type and operation; and price data relating to inputs, outputs, and wages [Worman et al, 1992: pp. 187-193, 200-201]. Collection of such date can be particularly time consuming. Therefore, sometimes it is possible to use standard labour coefficients for some operations that don't change between operations and only collect labour data on operations that are likely to be affected by the operation. In other cases, it is appropriate to collect socio-economic data on only a subset of all trial sites.


The use of controls or check plots is important to researchers in providing standards against which experimental treatments can be compared. A recent survey of farmers in Kansas, USA, concerning their attitudes about on-farm research [Freyenberger et al, 19941, which incidentally were very positive, indicated that farmers tended not to be very concerned about controls, perhaps because of familiarity with their own farm and the fact that they felt it was necessary only to convince themselves of the value of the results. Only 36% of the farmers implementing their own on-farm research had controls likely to be acceptable to researchers, with those farmers particularly interested in sustainable agriculture practices being the least supportive of this strategy (i.e., only 28%). In fact, 25% of all the farmers and 35% of the 'sustainable agriculture' farmers used only a before- and-after comparison.

The implication of these findings is that compromises will be needed on both sides, if effective, collaborative, working relationships are going to develop between farmers and FSD researchers and if farmers are to be able to provide an effective means for other (i.e., visiting) farmers to compare the proposed change with what is currently done. This latter point is particularly important, because the survey also revealed that farmer-to-farmer communication and interaction were very important sources of information on possible changes.


Farmers participating in an on-farm research programme in the state of Iowa, USA (i.e., Practical Farmers of lowa, PFI) opted for narrow plots that ran the entire length of the field. Usually, the width of these plots was about two widths of the widest piece of equipment used, Farmers found that using this plot design enabled them to make side-by-side comparisons of a number of treatments and even to randomize treatments much more easily than they could using small 'garden plots, typical of most research work.

These management-friendly plots not only improved the quality of implementation of on-farm trials, they also boosted their statistical power [Thompson and Thompson, 1990], Statistical power, as shown by low percent coefficients of variation (CVs), was found to be actually greater for on-farm trials with long plots that cut across large amounts of field variability than for shorter on-farm plots or for small station-plots.

For measurements on corn, soybean, and wheat yields in a range of experiments, CVs ranged from:

A related study showed that costs and information returns for farmer managed research was superior to those of station-based research in these subject areas.

This implies that FSD personnel should not conclude that on-farm work, though relevant, is always technically inferior to station managed research,

9.5 Trial designs appropriate to crop research

A number of possible trial designs can be used in FSD work, especially for those relating to crop research. For convenience in presentation, they can be divided into two major groups as follows:

The following sections briefly outline the different types of trial designs.

9.5.1 Trial Designs Involving Replication within Fields

Some experiments require accurate comparisons of several quite specific treatments. For example, a tillage trial might involve comparisons of several different tillage options, or a fertilizer trial might involve examining the effects of several different levels of fertilizer application, of both nitrogen and phosphate fertilizer. For the comparisons to be meaningful, the treatments must be applied in a particular way and at very specific times on each plot. To be sure of detecting important differences between the treatments, it is usually necessary for this type of trial to be replicated both within a farm and across several farms and often across years as well. Because of the need for precise treatment applications and replications, these types of trials generally require researcher management either RMRI or RMFI. For these types of trials, the use of simple, formal, trial designs is quite appropriate:

This type of design is appropriate only for experiments where plots cannot be grouped meaningfully. An example would be where all plots are on the same soil type, the soil is of equal depth in all plots, and the field has very little or no slope. The CRD is the simplest design in terms of the analysis of the data, especially if some treatments are lost. Less information is lost with missing data in the CRD than with other designs. The disadvantage of the CRD is that it is not very precise, because all of the variation between experimental units is included in the experimental error term,

The RCBD is one of the most commonly used designs for field trials. This is because differences exist in most fields, and using 'blocks' helps to improve the precision of the experiment, It is also relatively simple to analyze, so long as one can avoid missing data points. It should be noted, however, that when using the RCBD, the researcher must have some idea of what field differences he or she is blocking against and lay out the trial accordingly.

Split plot designs are used commonly when:

A split plot experiment is often a convenient approach for implementing research that involves the comparison of different levels of two or more factors. However, the designs and the analytic procedures are slightly more complicated than the CRD or RCBD.

In RMRI type trials, any of the above designs can be used satisfactorily in on-farm trials. However, in the case of RMFI trials, it is probably best to restrict trial designs to an RCBD or CRD, to restrict replications to two or a maximum of three per farm, and to restrict treatments to a maximum of four or five. Remember, the more complicated the trial is, the more difficult it will be to obtain 'qualitative' farmer assessment of the different treatments. The idea of seeking farmer assessment as early as possible in the research process, as argued earlier (Section 9,2), can be important to avoid wasting research resources and time on developing technologies that will never be, or are unlikely to be, acceptable to farmers.

9.5.2 Trial Designs Usually Not Replicated within Fields

In these types of trials, replication takes place across fields. The following three types of FMFI trials are used commonly in FSD work:

The number of treatments in each set of comparisons also can be expanded where it is necessary and appropriate. For example, the approach could be used for crop variety trials, where researchers wish to determine the best variety of a crop to recommend within a region. In this case, the comparison might include three or four new varieties, to be compared against the farmer's own.

The paired comparison format has been used extensively in FSD work for FMFI trials. It is appropriate for farmers because:

The format is also easy for researchers to apply over a large number of fields. Once the sites have been selected and marked prior to the start of the season, farmers can usually implement the treatments themselves, with researchers checking the progress in the regular group meetings and/or visiting the fields at their convenience (Box 9.6).

As indicated, these types of trials usually are best replicated across a number of farms, rather than being replicated within a farm, However, this observation is based on experiences in low-income countries with limited-resource farmers. Limited farmer resources in terms of labour, traction, land, etc., often make it difficult for a farmer to handle more than one replication adequately, especially because plot sizes used tend to be larger than would generally be the case in RMRI trials. Nevertheless in high-income countries replication within a field becomes a more realistic possibility, although as will be seen later (see Section 10,4,3), there are advantages to involving more farmers and testing under as wide a range of environments as possible, Therefore, replication within farms should not be undertaken at the expense of involving more farmers,

A formal survey may be used to obtain quantifiable data on farmers' opinions, the problems they encounter in using the equipment, their suggestions for improvements, and their judgments as to whether or not the equipment could benefit their farm operations (Box 9.7),

This approach is particularly suited to testing equipment that has been used in other areas and that researchers wish to introduce into the target area. In such cases, the design of the equipment is known to be effective, and the primary purpose for the tests is to determine whether the equipment is appropriate for farmers' systems and resources and the environment in the target area.

Unlike the other types of trials, discussed earlier, which are implemented according to a plan drawn up at an earlier date, superimposed trials can be pre-planned or unplanned in the sense of responding to a problem that has arisen and for which a satisfactory solution is sought. Examples of the flexibility of superimposed trials are given in Box 9.8 .


Farmer groups (see Section 9.8.6) have many good characteristics, one being to provide a forum for making the use of researchers' time more efficient, particularly with reference to FMFI trials that they need to visit only irregularly. In one area of Botswana, when a set of this type of trials was managed through group meetings, farmers about 100 comparisons were properly implemented in both the 198788 and 1988-89 seasons.


A new type of donkey collar was introduced in one area of Botswana. Originally, it was designed and manufactured in Kenya where it was in general use. It Botswana, it was tested by several farmers. Both informal discussion and survey data showed that it was an improvement over the equipment farmers had been using up to that time. After that study, local production of the collar was started and collars were offered as part of a development extension programme.


Two examples from Southern Africa illustrate the flexibility of superimposed trials:

Advantages of superimposed trials include the following:

Thus, there is considerable potential for superimposed trials to respond to unanticipated opportunities and as tools in convincing farmers to change their strategies.

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