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A3.4 Yield measurements of sorghum and millet plots

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The method used must be appropriate for sorghum and millet trials. In contrast to trials on legumes, most sorghum and millet trials focus on production practices. A single variety with a relatively uniform maturity is planted. This means that yield usually can be measured with a single cutting. Plots for trials on tillage-planting and water conservation tend to be large, which increases the size of the harvest. The method also needs to be quick, because sorghum and millet plots tend to be numerous in on-farm research.

All sorghum and millet trials are not the same. Some consist of a large number of plots in a field, whereas others include only two or three plots, The participation of farmers is generally more in simple experiments than in those with a larger number of plots in the field.

A3.4.1 Systematic Quadrat Sub-Sampling for Sorghum and Millet

The procedure, which can be used for both broadcast and row-planted plots, can be used to make fairly accurate estimates of grain yield during a single visit by researchers to the field. This procedure is especially useful for production systems in which harvests are typically carried out in stages. This procedure is remarkably accurate in the Botswana production situation because much more of the variability in sorghum and millet grain yields is due to head numbers per hectare than to average weight per head. The procedure is as follows:

HR -- Heads already harvested before measurement.
MT -- Heads ready for harvest.
GR -- Heads that are green. These can reach maturity.
GZ -- Heads that are completely missing due to livestock feeding.

At this point, there are two options:

Additional points to note are:

-- Plot size and shape are not regular. Inaccurate estimates of plot size affect whole-plot measurements, but not quadrat measurements.
-- Non-treatment causes often mask treatment effects in portions of plots. Such visible conditions as ploughing dead furrows, plot borders, water washouts, ant hills, and trees can be avoided by sub-sampling.

Average head weight (kg) = total weight in sample of heads taken (kg) / number of heads

Total potential grain yield (kg/ha) = (av. head weight x av. number HR heads) + (av. head weight x av. number MT heads) + (av. head weight x av. number GZ heads)

'Potential' is indicated because the GZ heads have been eaten by animals and are not available to the farmer for harvest.

Total grain yield for farmer (kg/ha) = (av. head weight x av. number HR heads) + (av. head weight x av. number MT heads)

Note: An estimate of harvest from heads that are still green can be added if the visit is relatively early and the researcher and farmer believe that the green heads will develop and be harvested at a later date,

Grain yield from green heads (kg/ha) = (av. head weight x av. number GR heads)

For example, FSD staff find several large plots in which about half of the sorghum is ready for harvest but still in the field, The farmer has harvested the earliest heads to prevent damage from wild animals. Using the systematic quadrat subsampling method (see Section A3.4.1), FSD staff count on an average of 5,8 plants/quadrat, averages of 8.5 MT heads/quadrat in the field, 2.2 HR stems/quadrat indicating heads that have been harvested, 3.7 GZ stems/quadrat showing signs of animal grazing of heads, and 5.5 GR heads/quadrat that should still mature and be harvested. The FSD staff harvests the MT heads from the subsamples and collects a sample of HR heads from the threshing floor as directed by the farmer. The MT heads weigh an average of 0.032 kg and the HR heads an average of 0.015 kg. Note that the HR head weight is used for GZ or previously grazed heads, as well. Each quadrat sub-sample is 2m by 2m,

Harvest plant stand (plants/ha.) = (5.8 x 10000)/4 = 14,500 plants/ha

The MT harvest (kg/ha) = ((8,5 x 10000)/4) x 0,032) = 680 kg./ha

The HR harvest (kg/ha) = ((2.2 x 10000)/4) x 0.015) = 83 kg/ha

The GR harvest (kg/ha) = ((5.5 x 10000)/4) x 0.032) = 440 kg/ha

The GZ harvest (kg/ha) = ((3,7 x 10000)/4) x 0.015) = 139 kg/ha

The actual harvest to the farmer (kg/ha) = MT + HR + GR = 1,203 kg/ha

If it is discovered later, for whatever reason, that the field was abandoned before the GR heads matured, the actual harvest = MT + HR = 763 kg/ha.

The harvest that was lost to uncontrolled animals = GZ = 139 kg/ha,

A3.4.2 Whole-Plot Harvest for Sorghum and Millet

Grain yield (kg/ha) = (plot yield (kg) x 10,000)/plot size in square metres,

For example, if 18 kilograms are harvested and the plot size is 10m by 25m metres, then:

Grain yield (kg/ha) = (18 kg x 10,000)/(10 metres x 25 metres) = 720 kg/ha,

Additional points to note are:

A3.4.3 Row-Segment Measurement for Sorghum and Millet

Grain yield (kg/ha) = [(sample Yield per plot (kg) x 10,000)] / [(number sub-samples x segment length (metres) x row spacing (metres)]

For example, if 2 kilograms are harvested from 20 measured segments in a plot, each segment is 2 metres long, and average row spacing is 0.75 metres then:

Grain yield (kg/ha) = (2 x 10,000)/(20 x 2 x 0.75) = 667 kg/ha.

Note the following additional points:

-- The stick is more manageable, so work can be done by two technicians instead of three.
-- The stick is easy to transport -- a big plus for staff travelling on bicycle or foot.
-- However, the quadrat is more decisive than the stick about defining the boundary of the sub-sample. Harvest data collected with quadrats are generally more reliable than data collected with measuring sticks.


A3.5 Yield measurements of legume plots

A3.5.1 Whole-Plot Approach

Several reasons why whole-plot harvesting is used to measure grain yield in onfarm legume trials are:

A3.5.2 Systematic Quadrat Sub-Sampling for Legume Leaf Spinach

Systematic quadrat sub-sampling is used for measuring leaf spinach yield for crops such as cowpea. The procedure is as follows:

Spinach weight per 100 square metres = [bulked fresh sample (kg) x (small sample dried (kg)/small sample fresh (kg)) x 100] / plot size (square metres)

For example, if 7.4 kilograms are harvested from a 20m by 10m plot. The 0.5 kilogram small sample, when prepared as spinach, weighs 0.15 kilogram, then:

Spinach weight per 100 square metres = (7.4 x 100 x (0.15/0.5))/(20 x 10) = 1.11 kg.

Dried spinach weight per 100 square metres = [(prepared spinach weight (kg) x 100)] / plot size (square metres)

For example, if 0.95 kilogram spinach is prepared from leaf harvested from a 15m by 12m plot, then:

Dried spinach weight per 100 square metres = (0.95 x 100)/(15 x 12) = 0.53 kg.

Note: Because leaf sampling might affect grain yield, the researcher should either harvest leaf samples on parts of the plot where grain yield will not be measured or harvest leaf samples equally on all treatments of the legume trial. If leaf sampling is only on some treatments, the others will be favoured, and this might bias and invalidate the grain legume yield comparison of the trial.

A3.5.3 Whole-Plot Harvest for Legume Grain.

For example, a farmer makes three harvests on each plot of a trial involving cowpeas. For one plot, the harvest yields were 5.2 kg, 3.1 kg, and 0 kg. For a second plot, harvest yields were 0.1 kg, 2.2 kg, and 12.1 kg. Upon careful measurement, FSD staff found the first plot to be 12m by 15.5m and the second plot to be 10.5m by 12.0m.

Grain yield of plot one (kg/plot) = 8.3 kg/plot

When adjusted for actual plot size = (5.2 + 3.1 + 0)/(12 x 15.5) = 0.0446 kg/square metre or = 446 kg/ha

Grain yield of plot two (kg/plot) = 14.4 kg/plot

When adjusted for actual plot size = (0.1 + 2.2 + 12.1)/(10.5 x 12.0) = 1.142 kg/square metre, or= 1,142 kg/ha

A3.5.4 Whole-Plot Harvest for Groundnuts

Groundnut whole-plot harvest is similar to that for sorghum and millet, where farmers harvest the grain in one cutting (see Section A3.4.2). For groundnuts, grain yield for the shelled (i.e., shells removed) harvest is reported. A shelling percentage estimate is one of the yield quality measures for groundnut.

To obtain the groundnut shelling percentage, a small sample (e.g., 0.5 kilograms) of unshelled nuts that have been dried for shelling is weighed. Then shell and weigh the shelled sample:

Shelling percentage = (100 x weight shelled (kg)) / weight unshelled (kg)

Shelling percentage can be used to convert unshelled harvest weights to estimates of shelled weights. To get an estimate of yield when a farmer has not yet shelled his harvest: weigh the unshelled harvest, weigh a small shelling percentage sub-sample (0.5 kilograms), shell, and then reweigh the shelled sub-sample:

Shelled harvest (kg) = [unshelled harvest (kg) x shelling percentage] / 100

For example, a farmer has 22 kilograms of unshelled nuts. A 0,5 kilogram sample of unshelled nuts weighs 0.24 kilogram after shelling.

Shelling percentage = (100 x 0.24)/0.50) = 48.00

Shelled harvest (kg) = (22 x 48.00)/100 = 10.56 kg

Grain yield for all legumes is calculated in much the same way as for sorghum and millet. Because plots in legume trials are small and the whole-plot harvest method is used, estimates of yield are sensitive to errors such as overlapping treatments. Consequently, it is important to discuss the requirements of a plot trial with farmers, to inspect plots, and to measure accurately plot size and grain harvest when yield estimates are important.

Note: For groundnut, when shelled harvest weight is required, it is best to leave the bulk of the harvest in the shell and use the approach described above. This is because groundnuts tend to store better in the shell.

A3.5.5 Method for Fodder Crop Plots

Fodder yield is generally measured by systematic sub-sampling, Most fodder trials are FMFI, with only a few plots on each farm. With farmers doing the work, a whole-plot measurement would be preferred. For economic and farmer assessments, larger plots for fodder production and use studies are required. Because fodder is bulky, weighing the entire harvest will not be practical. For this reason, the systematic quadrat sub-sampling method is used. Points to note about this method are the following:

Proportion dry matter = sample dry weight (kg)/sample fresh weight (kg).

Fodder (kg DM)/harvest sample = bulked sample (kg fresh) x proportion dry matter,

Plot fodder yield (kg DM/plot) = [(fodder (kg DM) x plot size (sq. metres))] / sample size (square metres)

Fodder yield per hectare (kg DM/ha) = [(plot fodder Yield (kg DM/plot) x 10,000)] / plot size (square metres)

For example, 10 quadrat sub-samples (2m x 2m) are harvested from a plot measuring 30m by 30m. The bulked fresh weight of the samples is 42 kilograms. A drying sub sample, weighing 5 kilograms, is dried to a steady weight of 1,2 kilograms,

Proportion dry matter = 1,2/5 = 0,24

Fodder (kg DM)/harvest sample = 42 x 0,24 = 10,08 kg DM/harvest sample,

Plot fodder yield (kg DM/plot) = (10.08 x (30 x 30))/(10 x 2 x 2) = 226,8 kg DM/plot

Fodder yield per hectare (kg DM/ha) = (226,8 x 10,000)/(30 x 30) = 2520 kg DM/ha

Note: According to research experience, fodder plots are seldom harvested at the optimal time, Researchers should be warned, if harvest is delayed much past the optimal stage, senescence and leaf drop will dramatically reduce harvest yield and harvest quality.

A3.6 Yield estimation for mixed cropping

Mixed cropping research covers a range of trials. Trials differ in the type of growth habit and type of yield that is measured. For example, in a sorghum-melon mix study, yield measurement is for grain in sorghum and for vegetative growth in watermelon, In a sorghum-cowpea intercropping trial, measurement is for grain in both crops,

Many mixed cropping trials are designed to collect relatively precise agronomic data under farm conditions. In these cases research staff will measure yield, In the sorghum-melon mix trial, researchers use a systematic quadrat sub-sampling to measure sorghum yield together with an estimate of percent ground cover to measure melon growth, In a row-planted sorghum-legume intercropping study, measurements are made on selected rows. Yields are measured in a sorghum-legume mixed cropping trial using the whole-plot harvest method for each crop separately in the mix. These mixtures are broadcast seeded,

For example, as in the yield calculation illustration given for systematic quadrat subsampling (Section A.3.4.1), the FSD team finds 8.5 MT sorghum heads/quadrat in the field, 2.2 HR head stems/quadrat, 5.5 GR heads/quadrat, and 3,7 GZ head stems/quadrat. Sorghum plant numbers average 5.8/quadrat. The quadrat is 2m by 2m. Sorghum head samples weigh 0.032 kg./head for MT heads and 0.015 kg./head for HR heads from the threshing floor, As before (Section A3.4.1) assume the weight of the GZ heads is the same as that for the HR heads. In addition, at each quadrat sub-sampling FSD staff estimate watermelon plant ground cover as well as count the number of pigweed plants (Amaranthus spp.), a particularly pernicious weed on these fields. For ten quadrat sub-samples, percent ground cover estimates for watermelon are: 0, 0, 85, 55, I 5, 0, 25, 30, 65, and 25. Pigweed plant counts in the same quadrat sub-samples are 2, 4, 1, 2, 3, 0, 0, 1, 9, and 0.

Sorghum plant density (plants/ha.) = 14,500 plants/ha.
The estimated actual sorghum grain crop (kg/ha) = MT + HR + GR = 1203 kg/ha.
The sorghum grain yield lost to uncontrolled animals (kg/ha) = GZ = 139 kg/ha.
The watermelon ground cover (%) = (0+0+85+55+15+0+25+30+65+25)/10 = 30%.
Pigweed plant density = (2+4+1+2+3+0+0+1+9+0)/10 = 2.2 plants/quadrat = 5,500 plants/ha.

From these calculations, it can be concluded:

The intercrop = 14,500 sorghum plants/ha. + 30% watermelon ground cover.
The intercrop yield = 1203 kg. sorghum grain/ha. + 30% watermelon ground cover.
The botanical cover = 14,500 sorghum plants/ha. + 5,500 pigweed plants/ha. + 30% watermelon ground cover

A3.7 Method for estimating whole-farm production and average grain yield

Information on crop production for the whole farm can be used to describe and diagnose needs of households and inter-season variation in production. Average grain yield for the farm gives a baseline value to compare with results of trials. The Single Interview Visit Method is used. The procedure used is as follows:

Area cultivated (square metres) = average length (metres) x average width (metres) for block of land that is cultivated.

If the block is irregular in shape, use the average of opposite sides as the approximate average length and width.

Cultivated land (ha) = area cultivated (sq. m)/10,000

Farm grain production (kg threshed/shelled) = sum of weights (kg threshed/shelled) for grain crops harvested by the farmer.

Note the following additional points:

-- Standard grain bag holds 70 kilograms of grain.
-- Standard 20 litre bucket holds 14.2 kilograms of grain.

Grain yield (kg threshed/shelled per hectare) = farm grain production (kp threshed/shelled) / land cultivated (ha)

Use the production (kg threshed/shelled of crop A) of crop A from interview with farmer and identify and measure the area planted to crop A.

Yield of crop A (kg threshed/shelled crop A per hectare) = farm production of crop A (kg threshed/shelled) / land cultivated with crop A (ha)

This type of interview can be quick and surprisingly accurate. Measuring the field takes more time than the interview but does not require the farmer to be present, The interview is useful to estimate wholefarm production, not individual plot yield. The method works well in estimating grain production of sorghum and millet, legumes, and so forth, but is less accurate for melon and spinach crop yields. Researchers do not need to notify a farmer before the interview visit, but advanced notification is preferable. The interview obviously must follow completion of threshing and shelling.

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