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1963 A'BROOK, J. Artificial drying of groundnuts: a method for the small farmer. Trop. Agr. 40(3): 241-245.

1978 AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF CREAL CHEMISTS. Post-harvest grain loss assessment methods, eds K.L. Harris et C.J. Lindblad. USAID. 193 p.

1979 AMERICAN SOCIETY OF AGRICULTURAL ENGINNEERS. Post-harvest losses in West Africa par G. Yaciuk et R,S. Forrest. Paper 79-5062.

1978 BOLDUC, F.N. & CHUNG DO-SUP. Development of a natural convection drier for on farm use in developing countries. Research Report No. 14. Kansas State University.

1970 FAO. La fumigation en tant que traitement insecticide, par H.A.U. Monro. Etudes agricoles de la FAO N° 79. Rome. 398 p.

1971 FAO. Manutention et emmagasinage des graines alimentaires dans les régions tropi cales et subtropicales, par D.W. Hall. Collection FAO: Progrès et mise en valeur - Agriculture N° 90. Rome. 369 p.

1973 FAO. Rice testing - methads and equipment, par F. Gariboldi. Bulletin des services agricoles de la FAO N° 18. Rome. 55 p. (Polycopié)

1974 FAO. Rice milling equipment - operation and maintenance, par F. Gariboldi. Bulletin des services agricoles de la FAO N° 22. Rome.

1978 FAO. Programme d'action de la FAO pour la prévention des pertes alimentaires - directives et procédures. Publication W. L2783. Rome.

1979 FAO. Glossaire illustré des machines pour l'usinage du riz, par I. Borario et F. Gari boldi. Bulletin des services agricoles de la FAO N° 37. Rome. 37 p. (Polycopié) FAO. A techno-economic evaluation of rice mills for cooperative and village opera 1980 tions, par J. Ramalingam. PFL Programme, Bulog, Indonésie. Rome. 26 p. (Polycopié)

1980 FAO. Manual of procedures to meusure the losses occurring during drying, cleaning and handling of grain at farm and village levels, par D.J. Greig. PFL Unit. Rome. 70 p. (Polycopié)

1980 FAO. On-farm maize drying and storage in the humide tropics. Bulletin des services agricoles de la FAO N° 40. Rome. 60 p. (Polycopié)

1982 FAO. Rapport d'une mission de consultation sur les pertes alimentaires, par G.G.M. Schulten, PFL Unit. Rome. (Polycopié)

1983FAO. Consultancy report on pest management, par C.P.F. De Lima. Rome. 53 p.

1983 FAO. Cooperative marketing development for KUDs and farmer groups. Project INS/78/067. Tasikmalaya, Ouest-lava, Indonésie. 46 p. (Appendices)

1983 FAO. Improvement of fruit and vegetable marketing in China. Mission Report. Rome. 95 p. (Appendices)

1983 FAO. The assessment of post-harvest losses in Swaziland, par C.P.F. De Lima. PFL Unit Project SWA/002/PFL. Rome. 60 p. (Polycopié)

1984 FAO . Social and economic aspects of prevention of food loss activities, par K. A.P. Stevenson. Rome. 28 p.

1985 FAO. Lutte contre les rongeurs en milieu agricole, par J.H. Greaves. Etudes FAO: Production végétale et protection des plantes N° 40. Rome.

1981 GASGA. GASGA Seminar on the Appropriate Use of Pesticides for the Control of Stored-product Pests in Developing Couatries. Slough, Berkshire, TDRI. 202 p.

1983 GASGA. GASGA Workshop on the Larger Grain Borer Prostephanus truncatus (Horn). Eschborn. GTZ. 139 p.

1981 GRACEY, A.D. Construction of new storage facilities: avoidable problems. Trop. Stored Prod. Inf., 41: 13-18.

1979 GRACEY, A.D. & CALVERLEY, D.J.B. Grain stores for tropical countries. Trop. Stored Prod. Inf., 37: 25-30.

1979 TETER N.C. Grain storage. South East Asia Cooperative Post-Harvest Research and Development Programme. 8 vols. Laguna, Philippines.

1983 UNDP/FAO. Marketing Development for the Transmigration Settlement Areas, by P.F. Percy. Working Document UNDP/FAO Project INS/781012. Jakarta. 48 p. (Annexes)

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