Gas yield Methane content Substrate (l/kg VS*) (%) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Pig manure 340-550 65-70 Cow manure 90-310 65 Poultry droppings 310-620 60 Horse manure 200-300 Sheep manure 90-310 Barnyard dung 175-280 Wheat straw 200-300 50-60 Rye straw 200-300 59 Barley straw 250-300 59 Oats straw 290-310 59 Corn straw 380-460 59 Rape straw 200 Rice straw 170-280 Rice seed coat 105 Flax 360 59 Hemp 360 59 Grass 280-550 70 Elephant grass 430-560 60 Cane trash (bagasse) 165 Broom 405 Reed 170 Clover 430-490 Vegetables residue 330-360 Potato tops/greens 280-490 Field/sugar beet greens 400-500 Sunflower leaves 300 59 Agricultural waste 310-430 60-70 Seeds 620 Peanut shells 365 Fallen leaves 210-290 58 Water hyacinth 375 Algae 420-500 63 Sewage sludge 310-740
Table B1: Gas yields and methane contents for various substrates at the end of a 10-20 day retention time at a process temperature of roughly 30°C.
Source: Production and Utilization of Biogas in Rural Areas of Industrialized and Developing Countries, Schriftenreihe der gtz, No. 97, pg. 63, after: Felix Maramba, Biogas and Waste Recycling - The Phillipine Experience; Metro Manila, Phillipines, 1978
* VS = Total volatile solids, e.g. ca. 9% of total liquid manure mass for cows
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