To earn more money, it is not enough to work well, you must also sell well.
A farmer should think carefully to decide:
· When to sell an animal
· You should sell sterile cows which do not produce calves. You should feed them well for several months and sell them when they are really fat.
· You should sell a cow before it is too old. If you wait too long before selling, maybe you will get one more calf, but the cow will be too old to fetch a good price. By keeping a cow that is too old, you lose more money than you can earn from the calf she may produce.
· You should sell oxen as soon
as they no longer gain weight.
It is useless to keep them for 5 or 6
Sell oxen at 4 years.
If you keep them longer, the ox eats food
that would have enabled you to raise another animal.
· Sell some animals at the end of the rainy season. Then you will be able to feed the herd well in the dry season (see page 101.
· You know when meat is bought at a high price, for example, at festivals and at the end of the dry season. Organize your breeding so as to have animals for sale at that time.
· Where to sell animals and milk
Should animals be sold in the village, at the market, in the town?
Where will you earn most?
A modern farmer should know how to work out what is the cost of taking the animals from the village to the town if he wants to know where to sell his animals.
· How to sell animals
A farmer can sell
· for slaughter, for meat, when his animals are really fat.
· for breeding
If he has fine young bulls of a good breed, of a good family, well selected, they can be sold at a higher price.
· for fattening
If he has too many young calves and not enough grass to feed his animals he can sell some calves to another farmer who will fatten them.
A farmer should think before selling.
It is to the advantage of farmers to form groups (see Booklet No. 9, page 31 ) to buy a bull together; to pay a herdsman together; to sell their milk together; to sell their animals together.
Farmers in a group can organize their work better, organize their sales better.
For a group to succeed, it must
· decide the aims of the group
in advance;
· settle who is in charge of the
· not be too big;
· have members who trust each other.
Suggested question paper
A modern animal breeder has a fine. . .
He gives his animals enough ........................and ........................especially in the dry season.
For this he makes and ........................ with pasture grass at the end of the rainy season.
He gives pregnant cows a feed........................He also gives oil cake to cows which give........................
So that his cattle will have well formed bones he also gives them a........................
The animal breeder builds a........................
His herd is protected from sun and rain, and the animals make ........................for the fields.
To keep his animals in good health, he protects them against
diseases by........................He has only one........................in his
herd, but a very fine bull because he wants to
For each animal he keeps a record in
A cattle breeder
should........................before selling.
With his friends he forms
At what age can a bull serve cows?
What is a mineral
How much water does an ox need?
Why must a cow which has a
calf be well fed?
What is weaning?
How many bulls should you keep in a
Why must cattle be vaccinated?
How is hay made?
What do you do
when an animal is injured?
Where you live, how do you make a shed for
What must you do when an animal is ill?
A cow weighs 300 kg.
Its maintenance requirement in feed units is . ........................
This cows gives 4 litres of milk a day /to produce 1 litre of
milk 0.3 feed unit is required). The cow's production requirement in feed units
4 x ... = ... feed units.
The cow's total requirements in feed units are: maintenance requirement plus production requirement,
... feed units plus ... feed units = ... feed units.
The farmer has some groundnut hay which gives 0.4 feed unit per kg.
How many kilogrammes of groundnut hay must the farmer give the cow?
= ... kg of groundnut hay.
When should animals be sold?
will you choose bulls and cows for breeding?