The kitchen garden should be situated
7. as near as possible to the house
If you want to harvest a lot of vegetables of good quality, you will have to look after them very well.
You will have to go often into your kitchen garden. If the kitchen garden is near the house, you lose less time.
8. as near as possible to a source of water
This may be a spring, river, little stream, well or artificial reservoir.
The soil must always be damp.
It will have to be watered
often even during the rainy season.
9. protected against wind, sun and heavy rain
It is well to put up a fence of millet stems or palm fronds around your vegetable garden so as to protect it better.
But vegetables do not grow well if you leave too many trees on the field or if you plant small trees to fence off the vegetable garden.
The roots of the trees take nourishment out of the soil, so that the vegetables have less.