Technology Series
The object of the technical memoranda in this series is to help
to disseminate, among small-scale producers, extension officers and project
evaluators, information on small-scale processing technologies that are
appropriate to the socio-economic conditions of developing countries.
Tanning of hides and skins (Technology Series - Technical Memorandum No. 1)
Provides technical and economic information concerning the
tanning of hides and skins at scales ranging from two hides per day (a typical
rural tannery) to 200 hides per day. Six alternative tanning technologies are
described, from a fully mechanised 200 hides per day project to a highly
labour-intensive two hides per day project. Subprocesses are described in great
detail, with diagrams of pieces of equipment which may be manufactured locally.
A list of equipment suppliers is also provided for those pieces of equipment
which may need to be imported. The memorandum on the tanning of hides and skins
is, to some extent, complementary to that on the small-scale manufacture of
ISBN 92-2-102904-2
27.50 Swiss francs
Small-scale manufacture of footwear (Technology Series -
Technical Memorandum No. 2)
Covers the small-scale production of footwear
(shoes and sandals) of differing types and quality, providing detailed technical
and economic information covering four scales of production ranging from eight
pairs per day to 1,000 pairs per day. A number of alternative technologies are
described, including both equipment-intensive and labour-intensive production
methods. Subprocesses are described in great detail, with diagrams of pieces of
equipment which may be manufactured locally. A list of equipment suppliers is
also provided for those pieces of equipment which may need to be
ISBN 92-2-103079-2
20 Swiss francs
Small-scale processing of fish (Technology Series -
Technical Memorandum No. 3)
This technical memorandum covers, in detail,
technologies that are suitable for the small-scale processing of fish: that is,
drying, salting, smoking, boiling and fermenting. Thermal processing is
described only briefly, as it is used mainly in large-scale production. Enough
information is given about the technologies to meet most of the needs of
small-scale processors. Two chapters of interest to public planners compare,
from a socio-economic viewpoint, the various technologies described in the
memorandum and analyse their impact on the environment.
17.50 Swiss francs
Small-scale oil extraction from groundnuts and copra
(Technology Series - Technical Memorandum No. 5)
Covers, in detail, various
technologies for the extraction of oil from groundnuts and copra: baby expeller
mills, small package expellers and power ghanis. Three main stages of processing
are considered, namely the pre-processing stages (drying, crushing, scorching),
the oil extraction stage and the post-treatment stages (filtering, cake
breaking, packaging, bagging). The economic and technical details provided on
the stages of processing should help would-be or practising small-scale
producers to identify and apply the oil extraction technology best suited to
local conditions. A chapter of interest to public planners compares small-scale
plants and large-scale plants from a socio-economic viewpoint and suggests
various policy measures for the promotion of the right mix of oil extraction
ISBN 92-2-103503-4
17.50 Swiss francs
Small-scale brickmaking (Technology Series - Technical
Memorandum No. 6)
Provides detailed technical information on different
brickmaking techniques and covers all processing stages, including quarrying,
clay preparation, moulding, drying, firing and the testing of produced bricks.
The techniques described are mostly of interest to small-scale producers in both
rural and urban areas. The processes and equipment are described in great
detail, including drawings of equipment and tools which may be produced locally,
floor plans, labour and skill requirements, materials and fuel inputs per unit
of output. A chapter of interest to public planners compares, from a
socio-economic point of view, the various brickmaking techniques described in
this memorandum.
ISBN 92-2-103567-0
27.50 Swiss francs
Small-scale maize milling (Technology Series - Technical Memorandum No. 7)
Provides detailed information on alternative techniques for the
production of whole meal, bolted meal and super-sifted meal. It covers all
processing stages, including grain preparation, shelling, milling, sifting and
packaging. The techniques described are mostly of interest to custom mills and
small-scale merchant mills located in rural and urban areas. The first chapter
of the memorandum provides in-depth information on the various effects of
different maize-milling techniques, including the nutritional values of various
kinds of maize meal, employment generation, foreign exchange savings, and so
ISBN 92-2-103640-5
17.50 Swiss francs
Small-scale paper-making (Technology Series - Technical
Memorandum No. 8)
Provides technical and economic information on alternative
paper-making technologies, describes the characteristics of various types and
grades of paper products and gives guidance in the choice of paper machines. The
information relates mostly to small-scale paper mills with a capacity of 30
tonnes of paper per day or less. The raw materials suggested for such mills
include straw, bagasse, waste paper, rags and cotton waste, as well as other
agricultural residues and imported wood pulp. Unlike other memoranda in the
series, this memorandum is not a technical introduction to paper-making in
general, nor is it a basic textbook on the subject. Instead, it provides people
already in possession of the necessary background knowledge with criteria for
choosing amongst different methods of paper-making.
22.50 Swiss francs
Further technical memoranda are in preparation