DIBWE, M. (1978) – "The Design, Construction and Testing of a Stream-Driven Hydrostatic Coil Pump" – 3rd year Student Special Project, University of Dar es Salaam, Department of Agricultural Engineering, Morogoro, Tanzania.
IRRI (1976) – "The Bellows Pump" , published International Rice Research Institute, Philippines (mimeo)
ITDG – "The Flap Valve Pump", ITDG London UK
JANDU (1977) – Bucket and chain pump exhibited at "Rural Technology Meet" Arusha Tanzania September 1977, organised by Commonwealth Secretariat and Tanzania Government
KIMBOKA , T.A.S. (1977) - "The Design, Construction and Testing of a Tyre Diaphragm Water Pump " – 3rd year Student Special Project, University of Dar es Salaam, Department of Agricultural Engineering, Morogoro, Tanzania.
KRENDEL, E.S. (1963) – "Man and Animal-Generated Power" in "Power Miscellany", pps 9.209 – 9.210.
KRENDEL, E.S. (1975) – "Man as a Prime Mover" in "Machine Design" magazine, Trends in Technology / Muscle Powered Flight, supplied VITA 1975
MSIMBIRA, S.A.M. (1974) - "Testing of a Pedal Water Pump " – 3rd year Student Special Project, University of Dar es Salaam, Department of Agricultural Engineering, Morogoro, Tanzania.
NIAE – "The Flap Valve Pump" , published National Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Overseas Liason Unit, Silsoe, UK
NCAE (1976) – Production and Testing of a Dragon Tooth Pump performed at National College of Agricultural Engineering, Silsoe UK
OHLEMUTZ, R. (1973) – "The Spiral Version of the Hydrostatic Coil Pump" – Phd Thesis, USA
PICKFORD, J. (1978) – Correspondence with A.Weir, Loughborough University of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering – Water and Waste Engineering for Developing Countries, Loughborough, UK
RYOBA, J.M. (1974) – "Report on the Irrigation System in Ulaya Ujamaa Village", internal report, Agricultural Field Officer Grade II, Ilonga Research Station, Kilosa, Tanzania
STANLEY, R (1978) – involved in the production and extension of Washer Pump, Arusha Appropriate Technology Project (AATP), Arusha Tanzania
SUTTON, D.H. (1974) – "A study of Human Energy Expenditure in the Winnowing Process", MSc Thesis, University of Reading, UK
UNIVERSITY DAR ES SALAAM FACULTY OF ENGINEERING (1976) – Feasibility study of Archimedean Screw for Water Pumping, PO Box 35091 Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
VITA – "The Flap Valve Pump" published Volunteers for International Technical Assistance, Maryland USA
VITA – "Application of Human Muscle Power in Underdeveloped Countries" published Volunteers for International Technical Assistance, Maryland USA Deep River Chapter (mimeo).
WEIR, A. (1979) "The Stream Driven Hydrostatic Coil Pump for Low-Lift Irrigation: Determination of its Economic and Technical Feasibility and Prediction of its Performance Characteristics", published University of Dar es Salaam, Department of Agricultural Engineering, Morogoro, Tanzania. (mimeo)
WILKIE, D.R. (1960) – "Man as an Aero Engine", J.Roy.Aero.Soc., 1960, 64, 477
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