Washington, D.C. 1981
Panel on Aerial Seeding
FRANCOIS MERGEN, School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, USA Chairrnan
HERSCHEL G. ABBOTT, Department of Forestry and Wildlife Management, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts, USA
WILLIAM F. MANN, JR. (deceased), U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Forest Experiment Station, Pineville, Louisiana, USA
FRANCIS R. MouLDs, Forests Commission of the State of Victoria, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
ALAN H. NORDMEYER, Forest and Range Experiment Station, New Zealand Forest Service, Christchurch, New Zealand
JAMES D. SCOTT, Forest Resources Branch, Ministry of Natural Resources, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
NOEL D. VIETMEYER, Board on Science and Technology for International Development, Washington, D.C., USA Staff Study Director