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CLOSE THIS BOOKRestraining Animals and Simple Treatments (IIRR, 1996, 53 p.)
VIEW THE DOCUMENT(introduction...)
VIEW THE DOCUMENTRestraining animals
VIEW THE DOCUMENTPhysical examination
VIEW THE DOCUMENTParaveterinary kit
VIEW THE DOCUMENTCommon units of measurement
VIEW THE DOCUMENTReading drug labels
VIEW THE DOCUMENTEstimating live weight
VIEW THE DOCUMENTAdministering medicine
VIEW THE DOCUMENTEmergency procedures
VIEW THE DOCUMENTWhen to call a veterinarian



Agalactia. Absence of milk or failure to secrete milk.

Anemia. Condition in which the blood is deficient either in quality or quantity.

Antibiotic. Germ-killing substance produced by bacteria or mold.

Antibodies. Body particles produced in response to infection or administration of vaccines or serum.

Antiserum. A serum containing antibodies against a particular disease.

Antitoxin. Antibody capable of combining with and neutralizing a specific toxin.


Bacteria. One celled organisms belonging to the plant kingdom.

Barrow. Male pig castrated before it reaches sexual maturity.

Bloat. An abnormal accumulation of gas in the rumen of cattle, water buffaloes and goats.

Boar. An uncastrated male pig.

Buck. Sexually mature, uncastrated male goat.

Bull. Sexually mature, uncastrated male cattle or water buffalo.


Cast. Stuck in a downward position.

Chronic. A disease with slow onset, long in duration and somewhat resistant to treatment.

Cockerel. A male domestic fowl less than one year old.

Colostrum. The first milk secreted by the mother after giving birth, characterized by high protein and antibodies.

Constipation. Abnormally delayed or infrequent passage of dry, hardened feces.

Convulsion. A violent, involuntary contraction of a muscle or muscles.


Decoction. Process of boiling plant parts in water for 15-20 minutes or until the water is reduced to half its original volume.

Diarrhea Frequent bowel movements with more or less fluid feces.

Disease. Impairment of the normal state of living animal or plant.

Drench To give liquid medicine to animals.


Ewe. Mature female goat or sheep.


Farrowing. Birthing in pigs.

Fetus. An unborn developing animal.

Fever. A rise in body temperature above the normal.

Foot rot. An infection that attacks the feet of cattle, water buffaloes and goats.


Gilt. A female pig that has not fallowed or has just farowed for the first time.


Heifer. A young cow that has not had a calf.

Hemorrhage. Heavy or uncontrolled bleeding.

Hen. A female of domestic fowl that is more than one-year old.

Hock. Tarsal joint in hind limb of animals.

Hog cholera Highly infectious, often fatal, viral disease of pigs.

Hoof. A horny covering protecting the foot of certain animals like cattle and goats.

Hormone. Chemical substance produced in an organ and transported to another organ to produce a specific effect.


Immunity. Capacity to resist a particular disease or level of resistance to a particular infection.

Impaction. Lodging of something in a body passage or cavity.

International unit (IU). Quantity of antibiotics and vitamins that produces a particular effect agreed upon internationally.


Jugular veins Large veins on each side of the neck.


Lactation. Secretion of milk by a female mamal.

Lice. Small, flat, gray, oval-shaped, blood-sucking insects that are parasitic on warm-bloodied animals.

Ligate. Tie off.


Maggots. Soft-bodied, legless larva of certain flies.

Mastitis. Inflammation of the mammary gland.

Mites. Small parasites that feed on blood and live in the roosts and litter of poultry.

Mucus. Watery secretion of the mucus gland.

Mummified. Decayed fetus.


Oxytocin. A hormone used to aid new mothers having difficulty letting down their milk or to cause uterine contractions during a difficult birth


Paralysis. Loss of normal power of motion.

Parenteral. Administering medicines by means other than the digestive system.

Parasite. Organism deriving nourishment from a living animal or plant

Passive immunity. Resistance gained by the injection of serum containing antibodies or by ingestion of colostrum

Placenta Membrane that contains the fetus in the uterus.

Peritoneum. Transparent serous membrane that lines the cavily of the abdomen

Predisposing cause. Anything which renders an animal liable to an attack of disease.

Prescription. A written direction for the preparation and use of medicine.

Pullet. A hen less than a year old.


Quarantine. To isolate an animal


Rale. A soft crackling sound heard in the lungs. Not normally heard in healthy lungs

Regurgitate. To return the contents of the rumen to the mouth for further mastication.

Rooster. A cock; an adult male fowl.

Ruminants. Animals that chew cud, such as cattle, water buffaloes sheer and goats.


Scours. Severe diarrhea in farm animals.

Scrotum. External sac or pouch containing the testicles.

Sedative. Medicine that lessens pain or agitation.

Serum. Watery portion of blood left after clotting.

Soluble. Capable of changing form or changing into solution.

Sow. A female pig that has farrowed at least once.

Stanchion. A device that fits loosely armed an animal's neck and limits forward and backward motion.

Stillbirth Viable fetus that is born dead.

Suture. To sew; material used for closing wounds.

Susceptible. Non-resistant.

Symptom. Sign or signal.

Syringe. An instrument used to inject fluid into or remove fluid from the body.


Third eyelid. White to pinkish membrane found at the inner comer of the eye.

Ticks. Blood-sucking, disease-carrying, Sat, parasitic insects that attach to warm bloodied animals.

Tunic. White, tough membrane surrounding the testicle.


Udder. Marnrnary gland.

Uterus. Muscular, fleshy pouch where fetus grows In the female.


Vaccine. A suspension of live, killed or weakened virus or bacteria administered to healthy animals to build up immunity to disease.

Vesicle. Blister-like sac containing fluid.

Virus. Microorganism that reproduces itself and obtains its energy from the body cells it enters; there are no completely effective treatments for any viral infection.


Zoonosis. Disease transmissible from animal to human.