The present material includes 5 selected instruction examples on the basis of which the laying of parquetry can be practised.
The instruction examples are organized in such way that by solving the tasks of the first example the material in the form of parquetry-fillets required for the second, third and fourth examples is determined.
In the course of the instruction examples 2-4, the various operations of laying of parquetry are carried out.
Instruction Example 7.5. deals with the finishing of parquetry.
In order to facilitate the preparation and carrying out of the respective operations, the materials, tools, measuring and testing means as well as auxiliary accessories required for each instruction example are indicated.
Furthermore, the basic knowledge is mentioned which is required besides mastering the technique Making of Parquetry. It is recommended to repeat this basic knowledge before starting the exercises.
Observing the given sequence of operations will result in a good quality of work.
A working drawing is attached to each instruction example, that will facilitate the technological approach.
The fixing of the skirting board is not explained in the present instruction examples. Information on this can be taken from the material on Making of Floors.