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CLOSE THIS BOOKOperations with Shaping Machines - Course: Mechanical woodworking techniques. Trainees' handbook of lessons (Institut für Berufliche Entwicklung, 18 p.)
VIEW THE DOCUMENT(introduction...)
VIEW THE DOCUMENT1. Purpose of Shaping Machine Operations
VIEW THE DOCUMENT2. Construction of a Shaping Machine
VIEW THE DOCUMENT3. Tools of a Shaping Machine
VIEW THE DOCUMENT4. Mode of Operation of a Shaping Machine
VIEW THE DOCUMENT5. Servicing and Looking After the Machine
VIEW THE DOCUMENT6. Labour Safety Measures

3. Tools of a Shaping Machine

The shaping machine tools are subdivided into three tool categories depending on their concrete tasks and commensurate differing constructions, namely

- cylindrical cutter
- cutter heads
- milling combinations

Cylindrical cutter

The are milling tools whose basic shape resembles a disk.

Figure 10 - Milling tool (cylindrical cutter)

The milling tools feature a central bore for attachment to the tool bearer. The tool cutters have been arranged so as to form the knife cutting circle at the tool periphery. Cylindrical cutters of tool steel are used for processing wood. These miller cutters have been hardened.

Mainly millin tools with hard metal cutters are used for processing hard materials such as chip- and fibre-boards. Such tools have a long life but can only be sharpened by means of special grinding disks.

Übersicht 2

Frequently used cylindrical cutters

flat miller (cutter)

rebating cutter

grain cutter

groove cutter

quarter round cutter

quarter chamfer cutter

Cutter heads and milling disks

These are tools whose essential body has been constructed so as to incorporate interchangeable tool cutters.

Figure 11 - Cutter heads and milling disks

(1) gib strip tension of a cutter head,
(2) compression taper tension of a milling disk

Multi-part milling gear is only envisaged for limited speeds. Cutter heads can only be used up to 6000 min-1 whilst the permissible greatest rotational speed has been imprinted onto milling disks. Exceeding these top rotational speeds can result in both tool and machine destruction through centrifugal forces.

There is furthermore a considerable risk of accidents.

Milling combinations

These are made up of various single millers. However, they can also be utilised as a set of several identical and similarly sized single millers with distance resp. chucking elements. By means of milling combinations several operations can be undertaken at the same time by the machine.

Übersicht 3

Tool combinations

milling set for finger prongs
(1) groove cutter, (2) spacer ring

door fold milling combination

milling combination for window wooden parts