English |
Spanish |
Slang/"Modismos" |
abdomen | abdomen (m) | barriga, panza (f) |
abdomen lower | vientre (mujeres) | |
adrenal | adrenal (m) | |
Adam's apple | nuez de Adán (f) | manzana de Adán (f) |
alveolus | alveolo (m) | |
amniotic sac | saco amniótico (m) | fuente (f) |
ankle | tobillo (m) | ojo del pie (m) |
anus | ano (m) | recto (m) |
aorta | aorta (f) | |
apparatus | aparato (m) | |
appendix | apéndice (m) | |
arm | brazo (m) | |
armpit | sobaco (m), axila (f) | |
artery | arteria (f) | |
articulation | articulación, coyuntura (f) |
English |
Spanish |
Slang/"Modismos" |
back | espalda (f) | |
backbone | columna vertebral (f) | espinazo (m) |
bag (of waters) | bolsa de agua (f) | fuente (f) |
beard | barba (f) | |
belly; pot belly | barriga, panza (f) barrigón, panzón (m) | |
bicuspid | bicúspide (f) | |
bile | bilis (f) | hiel (f) |
bladder | vejiga (f) | |
blood | sangre (f) | |
blood vessels | vasos sanguíneos (m) | |
body | cuerpo (m) | |
body human | cuerpo humano (m) | |
bone | hueso (m) | |
bosom | seno, pecho (m) | chiche (f) |
bowel | intestino (m) | tripas (f) |
brain | cerebro (m) | |
brains | sesos (m) | |
breast | seno, pecho (m) | chiche (f) |
breast milk | leche materna (f) | |
bronchi | bronquios (m) | |
buttocks | glúteos (m) | nalgas (f) |
English |
Spanish |
Slang/"Modismos" |
cadaver | cadáver (m) | |
calf (of leg) | pantorrilla (f) | camote (m) |
carpus | carpo (m) | |
cartilage | cartílago (m) | |
cavity (abdominal) | cavidad abdominal (f) | |
cell | célula (f) | |
cerebrum | cerebro (m) | |
cervix | cérviz (f) | |
cheek | mejilla (f) | cachete (m) |
cheek bones | pómulos (m) | |
chest | pecho, tórax (m) | |
chin | barbilla (f), mentón (m) | |
circulation | circulación (f) | |
circulatory system | sistema circulatorio (m) | |
clavicle | clavícula (f) | |
coccyx | cóccix (m) | colita (f) |
collar bone | clavícula (f) | |
colon | colon, intestino grueso (m) | |
conjunctiva | conjuntiva (f) | |
cornea | córnea (f) | |
corpse | cadáver (m) | |
corpuscle | glóbulo (m) | |
cranium | cráneo (m) | |
crotch | entrepierna (f) | |
crown | corona (f) | |
crystalline | cristalino (m) | |
cuticle | cutícula (f) |
English |
Spanish |
Slang/"Modismos" |
dentition | dentición (f) | |
disphragm | diafragma (m) | |
digestion | digestión (f) | |
digestive system | sistema digestivo (m) | |
disc | disco (m) | |
dorsal | dorsal (m/f) | |
duodenum | duodeno (m) |
English |
Spanish |
Slang/"Modismos" |
ear | oído (inner) (m), oreja (external) (f) | |
ear middle | oído medio (m) | |
ear wax | cerumen (m), cera del oído (f) | |
elbow | codo (m) | |
enamel | esmalte (m) | |
epidermis | epidermis, piel (f) | |
esophagus | esófago (m) | |
eye | ojo (m) | |
eyeball | globo del ojo (m) | |
eyebrow | ceja (f) | |
eyelash | pestaña (f) | |
eyelid | párpado (m) | |
eyesight | vista (f) | |
excrement | excremento (m) | popó (m), caca (f) |
extremities | extremidades (f) |
English |
Spanish |
Slang/"Modismos" |
face | cara (f), rostro (m) | |
fallopian tube | trompa de falopio (f) | |
feces | heces, materia fecal (f) | popó (m), caca (f) |
femur | fémur (m) | |
fetus | feto (m) | |
fibula | peroné (m) | |
finger | dedo (m) | |
finger index | dedo índice (m) | |
finger little | dedo meñique (m) | |
finger middle | dedo medio, dedo del corazón (m) | |
finger ring | dedo anular (m) | |
finger thumb | dedo pulgar (m) | |
fingernail | uña (f) | |
fingerprint | huella digital (f) | |
fist | puño (m) | |
flesh | carne (f) | |
fontenal | fontanela (f) | mollera (f) |
foot | pie (m) | pata (f) |
forearm | antebrazo (m) | |
forehead | frente (f) | |
frontal | frontal (f) | |
function | función (f) |
English |
Spanish |
Slang/"Modismos" |
gall bladder | vesícula billar (f) | |
genitals | órganos genitales (m) | |
gland (see also specific glands) | glándula (f) | |
gonad | gónada (f) | |
groin | ingle (f) | |
gum (oral) | encía (f) | |
guts | tripas (f) |
English |
Spanish |
Slang/"Modismos" |
hair | pelo, cabello (m) | |
hair blonde | rubio/a | canche (m/f) |
hair brunette | moreno/a | |
hair curly | pelo crespo | colocho/a |
hair gray | canas | |
gray haired | canoso/a | |
hair red | pelirrojo/a | |
hair straight | pelo lacio (m) | pelo liso (m) |
hand | mano (f) | |
hand back of | dorso de la mano (m) | |
hand palm of | palma de la mano (f) | |
head | cabeza (f) | |
heart | corazón (m) | |
heel | talón (m) | |
height | altura; talla, estatura (f) | |
hemoglobin | hemoglobina (f) | |
hip | cadera (f) | |
humerus | húmero (m) |
English |
Spanish |
Slang/"Modismos" |
incisor | incisivo (m) | |
inferior vena cava | vena cava inferior (f) | |
intestine | intestino (m) | tripa (f) |
intestine large | intestino grueso (m) | |
intestine small | intestino delgado (m) | |
iris (of eye) | iris (m) |
English |
Spanish |
Slang/"Modismos" |
jaw/jawbone | mandíbula, quijada (f) | |
joint | articulación (f) | |
jugular | yugular (f) |