English |
Spanish |
Slang/"Modismos" |
kidney | riñón (m) | |
knee | rodilla (f) | |
knee cap | rótula (f) | |
knuckle | nudillo (m) |
English |
Spanish |
Slang/"Modismos" |
lacrimal gland | glándula lagrimal (f) | |
larynx | laringe (f) | |
layer | capa (f) | |
left auricle/atrium | aurícula izquierda (f) | |
leg | pierna (f) | canilla (f) |
ligament | ligamento (m) | |
limb | miembro (m) | |
lip | labio (m) | |
liver | hígado (m) | |
loin | lomo (m) | |
lung | pulmón (m) | |
lymph gland | glándula linfática (f) |
English |
Spanish |
Slang/"Modismos" |
marrow | médula (f) | |
maxilla | hueso maxilar (m) | |
membrane | membrana (f) | |
menstruation/menstrual | menstruación (f); | regla (f) |
menstrual period | período menstrual (m) | |
metabolism | metabolismo (m) | |
metacarpus | metacarpo (m) | |
metatarsus | metatarso (m) | |
mind | mente (f) | |
molar (tooth) | muela (f), molar (m) | |
mouth | boca (f) | |
muscle | músculo (m) | |
musculature | musculatura (f) | |
mustache | bigotes (m) | |
myocardium | miocardio (m) |
English |
Spanish |
Slang/"Modismos" |
nail (finger or toe) | uña (f) | |
nape (of neck) | nuca (f) | |
nasal fossa | fosa nasal (f) | |
navel | ombligo (m) | |
neck | cuello (m) | |
nerve | nervio (m) | |
nipple | pezón (m) | |
nose | nariz (f) | |
nostril | fosa nasal (f) |
English |
Spanish |
Slang/"Modismos" |
occipital | occipital (m) | |
organ | órgano (m) | |
orifice | orificio (m), apertura (f) | |
ovary | ovario (m) |
English |
Spanish |
Slang/"Modismos" |
palate | paladar (m) | cielo te la boca (m) |
palm (of hand) | palma de la mano (f) | |
pancreas | páncreas (m) | |
parietal | parietal (m) | |
parotid gland | glándula parótida (f) | |
pelvis | pelvis (f) | |
penis | pene (m) | |
periosteum | periostio (m) | |
peritoneum | peritoneo (m) | |
phalanx | falange (f) | |
pharynx | faringe (f) | |
pineal gland | glándula pineal (f) | |
pituitary gland | glándula pituitaria (f) | |
placenta | placenta (f) | |
pleura | pleura (f) | |
plexus | plexo (m) | |
pores | poros (m) | |
prostate gland | próstata (f) | |
pubis | pubis (m) | |
pulmonary veins | venas pulmonares (f) | |
pulse | pulso (m) | |
pupil (of eye) | pupila (f) |
English |
Spanish |
Slang/"Modismos" |
radius | radio (m) | |
rectum | recto (m) | |
respiration | respiración (f) | |
respiratory system | sistema respiratorio (m) | |
retina | retina (f) | |
rib | costilla (f) | |
roof (of mouth) | paladar (m) | cielo de la boca (m) |
root | raíz (f) |
English |
Spanish |
Slang/"Modismos" |
sacrum | sacro (m) | |
saliva | saliva (f) | |
scalp | cuero cabelludo (m) | |
sclerotic | esclerótica (f) | |
semen | semen (m) | |
senses | sentidos (m) | |
sex | sexo (m) | |
shin | espinillo (f) | |
shin bone | tibia (f) | |
shoulder | hombro (m) | |
shoulder blade | homóplato (m) | |
side | costado (m) | |
sight | vista (f) | |
skeleton | esqueleto (m) | |
skin | piel (f), cutis (m) | |
skull | cráneo (m) | |
smell (sense of) | sentido del olfato (m) | |
soft tissue | tejido blando (m) | |
sole (of foot) | planta del pie (f) | |
spinal cord | médula espinal (f) | |
spine/spinal column | columna vertebral (f) | |
spleen | bazo (m) | |
sputum | esputo, gargajo (m), escupida (f) | |
sternum | esternón (m) | |
stomach | estómago (m) | panza (f) |
stool | heces, materia fecal (f) | popó (m), caca (f) |
submaxillary gland | glándula submaxilar (f) | |
superior vena cava | vena cava superior (f) | |
supraclavicular gland | glándula supraclavicular (f) | |
suprarenal gland | glándula suprarrenal (f) | |
synovia | líquido sinovial (m) | |
system | sistema (m) |
English |
Spanish |
Slang/"Modismos" |
tactile (sense) | sentido del tacto (m) | |
tarsus | tarso (m) | |
taste (sense) | sentido del gusto (m) | |
tears | lagrimas (f ) | |
temple | sien (f) | |
temporal | temporal (m) | |
tendon | tendón (m) | |
testicle | testículo (m) | huevo (s) (m) |
thigh | muslo (m) | |
thoracic cage | caja torácica (f) | |
thorax | tórax (m) | |
throat | garganta (f) | |
thumb | pulgar, dedo gordo (m) | |
thymus | timo (m) | |
thyroid | tiroides (f) | |
tibia | tibia (f) | |
tissue | tejido (m) | |
tissue soft | tejido blando (m) | |
toe | dedo del pie (m) | |
toe big | dedo grande /gordo del pie (m) | |
tongue | lengua (f) | |
tonsils | amígdalas (f) | |
tooth | diente (m) | |
tooth artificial | diente postizo (m) | |
tooth baby | diente de leche (m) | |
tooth set of | dentadura (f) | |
tooth set of artificial | dentadura postiza, placa (f) | |
trachea | tráquea (f) | |
trunk | tronco (m) |
English |
Spanish |
Slang/"Modismos" |
ulna | cúbito (m) | |
umbilical cord | cordón umbilical (m) | |
umbilicus | ombligo (m) | |
ureter | uréter (m) | |
urethra | uretra (f) | |
urinary tract | sistema urinario (m) | |
urine | orina (f) | |
uterus | matríz (f), útero (m) | |
uvula | campanilla (f) |
English |
Spanish |
Slang/"Modismos" |
vagina | vagina (f) | |
vein | vena (f) | |
ventrical | ventrículo (m) | |
ventrical left | ventrículo izquierdo (m) | |
ventrical right | ventrículo derecho (m) | |
vertebra | vértebra (f) | |
vessels (blood) | vasos sanguíneos (m) | |
viscera | víscera (f) | |
vitreous humor | humor vítreo (m) |
English |
Spanish |
Slang/"Modismos" |
waist | cintura (f) | |
weight | peso (m) | |
wisdom tooth | cordal (f), terceros molares (m) | muela del juicio (f) |
wrist | muñeca (f) | |
womb | matríz (f), útero (m) |