English |
Spanish |
Slang/"Modismos" |
napkin | servilleta (f) | |
nausea | náusea, basca (f) | |
negligence | negligencia (f) | |
newborn | recién nacido/a | |
night blindness | ceguera nocturna (f) | |
nipple | pezón (m) | |
(to) nurse | dar de mamar, dar el pecho, amamantar | |
nursing mother | madre lactante (f) | |
nutrition | nutrición (f) | |
nutritionist | nutricionista (m/f) |
English |
Spanish |
Slang/"Modismos" |
obese; obesity | gordo/a, obeso/a; obesidad (f) | |
oral | oral | |
ounce | onza (f) | |
oven | horno (m) | |
overweight | sobrepeso (m) |
English |
Spanish |
Slang/"Modismos" |
pacifier | chupete (m) | pepe (m) |
parasite | parásito (m) | |
pasteurized | pasteurizado/a | |
peel, peeling | cascara (f) | |
pellagra | pelagra (f) | |
pickled | encurtido /8 | |
pint | pinta (f) | |
pitcher | jarra (f) | pichel (m) |
placemats | salvamanteles (m) | individuales (m) |
plate | plato (m) | traste (m) |
platter | fuente (f) | |
poison | veneno (m) | |
portion | porción (f) | |
pot | olla (f) | |
pound | libra (f) | |
pressure cooker | olla de presión (f) | |
privation | privación (f) | |
progress | progreso (m) | |
proportion | proporción (f) | |
protein | proteína (f) | |
protein complementary | proteína complementaria (f) | |
protein complete | proteína completa (f) | |
protein-calorie malnutrition (PCM) | desnutrición protéica-calórica (DPC) (f) | |
pure | puro/a | |
puree | puré (m) |
English |
Spanish |
Slang/"Modismos" |
quality | cualidad, calidad (f) | |
quantity | cantidad (f) | |
quart | cuarto (m) | |
quarter (1/4) | cuarto/a, cuarta parte (f) |
English |
Spanish |
Slang/"Modismos" |
ration | ración (f) | |
raw | crudo/a | |
recipe | receta (f) | |
recuperation | recuperación (f) | |
refrigerator | refrigerador/a | refri (f) |
rehabilitation | rehabilitación (f) | |
rehydration | rehidratación (f) | |
resistence | resistencia (f) | |
rickets | requitismo (m), raquitis (f) | |
ripe | maduro/a | |
risk | riesgo (m) | |
risk high | alto riesgo (m) | |
roasted | asado/a, horneado/a | |
rotten | podrido/a | |
roughage | alimento/forraje difícil de digerir (m) |
English |
Spanish |
Slang/"Modismos" |
salt shaker | salero (m) | |
salty | salado/a | |
sanitary | sanitario/a, higiénico/a | |
sauce | salsa (f) | |
saucer | platillo (m) | |
sautéd | salteado/a | |
scale (for weighing) | balanza, báscula, pesa (f) | |
scarce | escaso/a | |
schedule | horario (m) | |
screening (metal) | tela metálica (f) | |
scurvy | escorbuto (m) | |
seed | semilla (f) | |
serving | porción (f) | |
severe | severo/a, grave (m/f) | |
silverware | cubiertos (m) | |
skinny | flaco/a | |
slice | tajada, rebanada, rueda (round) (f) | |
smelly | oloroso/a | |
smoked | ahumado/a | |
snack | refacción, merienda (f), bocado (m) boca, boquita (f) | |
soft | suave (m/f) | |
solid | sólido/a | |
soup bowl | sopera (f) | |
sour | agrio/a | |
spatula | espátula (f) | |
spice; spicy | especia (f), condimento (m), picante, condimentado/a | |
spoiled (food) | podrido/a | |
spoon; spoonful | cuchara cucharada (f) | |
starch | almidón (m) | |
starving | muriéndose de hambre | |
steam; steamed | vapor (m), cocido/a a vapor | |
stomach | estómago (m) | |
strained; strainer | colado/a; colador (m) | |
sugar bowl | azucárela (f) | |
supper | cena (f) | |
susceptible | susceptible (m/f) | |
sweet | dulce (m/f) | |
swelling | hinchazón (f), edema (m) |
English |
Spanish |
Slang/"Modismos" |
table | mesa (f) | |
tablecloth | mantel (m) | |
tablespoon; tablespoonful | cuchara; cucharada (f) | |
taste (sense) | sentido del gusto (m) | |
taste (to try) | probar | |
tasteless | sin sabor | |
tasty | sabroso/a, delicioso/a, rico/a | |
teaspoon; teaspoonful | cucharita, cucharadita (f) | |
tender | tierno/a, suave (m/f) | suave |
tepid | tibio/a | |
theory | teoría (f) | |
therapy; therapeutic | terapia (f); terapéutico/a | |
thick (consistency) | espeso/a | |
thin | delgado/a | |
toasted | tostado/a | |
toothpick | palillo (m) | |
tough | duro/a | |
towel | toalla (f) | |
trash | basura (f) | |
tray | bandeja (f) |
English |
Spanish |
Slang/"Modismos" |
unbreakable | irrompible (m/f) | |
undernourished | desnutrido/s, malnutrido/a | |
useful | útil (m/f) | |
useless | inútil (m/f) | |
utensil | utensilio (m) |
English |
Spanish |
Slang/"Modismos" |
vegetarian | vegetariano/a | |
vitamin | vitamina (f) |
English |
Spanish |
Slang/"Modismos" |
warm | tibio/a | |
(to) wash; washable | lavar; lavable (m/f) | |
water | agua (f) | |
(to) wean; weaning (process) | destetar; destete (m) | |
(to) weigh | pesar | |
weight | paso (m) | |
weight to gain | aumentar te peso | |
weight to lose; loss | rebajar de peso; pérdida de peso (f) | |
weight chart | gráfica te peso (f) | |
well (healthy) | (estar) bien, sano/a | |
wet | mojado/a | |
whipped | batido/a | |
whole | entero/a | |
wide | ancho/a | |
worm | lombríz (f) |
English |
Spanish |
Slang/"Modismos" |
xerophthalmia | xeroftalmia (f) |