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Columns & Rows

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Base Converter





Periodic Table


Word Processing

Page Properties

Address list
Time table
Repeat Patterns

Practical Questions

HTML Editors
Basic html

Teaching Syllabus
Teachers' Notes
Subject Website Lists
Students Website

Principles of Art
Elements of Art
Coloured Pencil Paintings
Pastel Paintings
Book cover

Scanning an image



Page Formatting
Page format results from the combined effect of document formatting and section formatting.  Document formatting includes paper size, margins, etc., hence affecting the whole document.  Section formatting on the other hand, includes the placement of headers and footers, the number of columns, line numbering etc., hence affecting all pages.

In this course, the page formatting will include:
- Controlling page breaks
- Adding page numbers to your document
- Adding headers and footers (running heads)
- Changing size of margins
- Changing paper size and type.

When you format pages MS Word for Windows does not display the formats in the normal editing screen.  To view the formats, (page numbers, running head position and margins) use the PRINT PREVIEW (Alt, F, V,) command.

Page breaks
Soft and hard page breaks:
You do not need to divide your text into pages as you type because MS Word for Windows does that for you. It automatically inserts a page divider each time you reach the end of the page in much the same way as it wraps text at the end of the line. The page dividers inserted are called soft page breaks, and are placed at the end of all text that fits on one page.

Such page breaks are called soft because their location is likely to change as you add or delete text.  MS Word for windows continually reformats your document from page to page, displaying on the status line the page number on which the cursor is found.

However, you may decide where your own page breaks by inserting a hard page break or by using the menu to paginate the document.  The location of a hard page break will not change regardless of the changes you make to your document.

To insert a hard page break using the keys:
Select the first character of the new page and press Ctrl + Enter. A line of dots appears across the screen at the page break with the word page break in the middle of the line.

To insert a page break using the menu.
1. Position the insertion point where you want page break, and then choose Insert Break.
2. Select on Page Break.
3. Choose OK.

Removing page breaks
To remove a page break, select the page break and tap the delete key.  If you used Page Break before in Format Paragraph, turn off Page Break Before and then choose OK.

Header and footers
This is text that appears on every page of selected pages of a document.  Such repeated items are called headers when they appear in the top margin of the page, and footers when they appear in the bottom margins.

A header or footer may contain page numbers, then system date or time.

Creating a header or footer
1. Choose View Header/Footer.  A dotted rectangle labeled header or footer is displayed on the screen.  Type the header in this box and select close when finished.

Below the box is the header tool bar.  Placing the cursor on each tool gives the function of the tool.

Header/Footer options
These are under Page setup. Go to Page setup in the Header/Footer pane, and click on the 8th tool on the Header/Footer pane.

Different first page:
Check this option if you do not want the Header/Footer to appear on the first page of the document.

Different odd and even pages:
This is used to specify different Headers/Footers text to appear on Odd and Even numbered pages. This option affects the entire document regardless of the number of sections.

Distance from edge:
Distance in inches between the Header/Footer and the margins of the page.

Choose Close when finished.

When you want to include page numbers, date or time in the header or footer, use the icons that are across the Header/Footer pane.

To select any icon in the pane, click on the icon

Deleting headers and footers
1. Choose view, Header/Footers
2. Select the Header/Footer in the Header/Footer box and tap the delete key and then choose close.

Page numbering
Page numbers are typically a part of a header or footer. MS Word for Windows provides two ways for numbering pages:

- Automatic page numbering using the Insert Page Numbers command.
- Including page numbers in the Header/Footer using the view Header/Footer command.

Automatic page numbering
The Insert Page Numbers command using automatic Page numbering as your header of footer.
1. Choose Insert Page Numbers.
2. Select a top or bottom page Number position.
3. Select alignment and specify the where at the top or bottom the page numbers should be inserted.
4. Select format and specify the format for the page numbers i.e. Arabic, Alphabetical, Romans.
5. Choose OK to insert the page numbers.

Page numbering in Header/Footer
The View Header/Footer command is convenient if you want text in addition to the page number for example (Page 1), and if you want the page number in a specific format like bold or italics.

1. Choose View Header (Alt, E, H).
2. Select Create Header or Footer in which you want to add page numbers.
3. Position the insertion point where you want the page number to appear, and then select the page number icon.
4. Select the Header/Footer text and apply the required formats to the page number and choose Close when finished.

Number format
Select the style of numbering from the field. MS Word for Windows provides five number formats for page numbering. Choose the one you want in the field of “number format”.  The formats are:
Option Example
Arabic 1,2,3..()
Roman Uppercase I, II, III…
Roman lowercase  i, ii, iii…
Alphabetic Uppercase  A, B, C…
Alphabetic lowercase a, b, c…

To change number format;
1. Choose Insert Page numbers.
2. Choose Format and then select the page number format you want.
3. Choose OK.

Start at:
This field indicates the starting number if the first page is too be given a number other than 1.

Removing page numbers for headers and footers
1. Choose View Header/Footer.
2. Select the header/footer that has the page number and tap the delete key.
3. Choose OK when finished.

Removing page numbers for automatic page numbering
Choose Edit, Undo Page Numbering.

Paper size and margins
Ms Word for Windows is preset to print on 8.5” by 11.69” paper, with 1” top and bottom margins and 1.25” left and right margins.  It is important that MS Word for Windows knows the right size of paper that it is going to print on so that it breaks your pages in the right positions.  You can change these with the following procedures:

1. Choose the File Page setup command.
2. Select the button for margins and type the measurements you want on the fields of:

Top  for the top margin size
Bottom for the bottom margin size
Left  for the left margin size
Right   for the right margin size
Page length for the length of paper
Width  for the paper width

You can click on the up and down arrow keys on all options to increase or reduce the margins.
3. Choose the Button for paper size and set the size and page orientation.  Selecting default after making the required settings saves the setting to be used for every document.
4. Select the paper source.  This is for the laser printer.
5. Choose OK to accept all the settings that have been made.

Previous: Working with text
Next: Printing


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