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5.2 Store management

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The proper management of the store should be assigned to one person, the storekeeper. The responsibility for the several tasks listed in the following section must be clearly defined in a written job description. For the job description of a storekeeper see section

5.2.1 The Storekeeper's Job

The storekeeper is responsible:

5.2.2 Storage Hygiene

Preventive measures with regard to storage hygiene are of decisive importance in maintaining the quality of the stored produce and avoiding losses. By the term storage hygiene, we mean the use of all technical measures with the exception of the application of chemicals. Perfect storage hygiene is the basic prerequisite for successful storage and for the effectiveness of all on-going measures, such as the use of insecticides or fumigants.

All hygiene measures are very simple, particularly effective and cheap, and can thus be performed by any storekeeper with little effort.

Hygiene requires knowledge, attentiveness, diligence, surveillance, responsibility and thoroughness on the part of the storekeeper.

A few basic principles determine the success of storage:

Figure 40

5.2.3 Measures to Maintain the Quality of the Stored Produce Influence on the Part of the Storekeeper

From the delivery of the produce to the end of the storage period, the storekeeper has to make decisions and initiate actions with the aim of keeping the produce in good condition.

Figure 41 Activities to Prevent Losses in Storage

Note before storage:

Figure 42

Figure 43

Figure 44

Figure 45

Note before accepting delivery:

Figure 46

Figure 47

If the moisture content is too high, ensure further drying or refuse to accept delivery!

If the produce is infested, ensure it is stored separately (quarantine) and treated in order to prevent the pests infesting uncontaminated produce. In case of heavy infestation refuse to accept delivery!

If the degree of impurity is too high according to the respective standards, have the produce cleaned or refuse to accept delivery!

Note when storing:

Figure 48

Figure 49

Figure 50

Note during storage:


Figure 51

Figure 52


  • the moisture content of the produce
  • the presence of pests in the stored produce by sieving the samples!
  • Figure 53


    General Principles of


    Remove any lots which ate below the prescribed standard of germination capacity and make other use of them!

    If the germination ability is in accordance with the prescribed standard, first supply the lot with the lowest germination ability! The higher the germination ability of any lot, the longer it can be stored as seed.

    A job description, such as in the form of a poster, in the storekeeper's office reminds him of his tasks and duties. It should be signed by him in order to prove that he has taken cognisance of his responsibilities.

    Figure 54

    5.2.4 Storage Techniques Stacking Bags

    - Pallets

    Always stack bags on pallets! Place the pallets in a way that enables a free current of air under the stack!

    The pallets should be 10 cm high in order to facilitate aeration from below. As an additional advantage rodent infestation can easily be determined. The following illustration shows a model with three base beams and cross beams of a thickness of at least 2.5 cm.

    The surface area of the supporting bars should not be less than approx. 40% of the overall surface area of the pallet in order to prevent the bottom bags being damaged as a result of too much pressure

    Figure 55

    - Stacking the bags

    The objective when stacking bags is to build up safe stacks which will not collapse. In practice, three or five bags units, depending on their size, have proved most effective whereby overlapping the bags in the different layers is essential.

    Figure 56

    Figure 57

    Attention must be paid to the following:

    Figure 58

    Figure 59

    - Size of stacks

    For the purpose of stability, jute bags should not be stacked any higher than 4 m and plastic bags no higher than 3 m! Plastic bags are more slippery and the stacks thus less stable.

    When determining the size of stacks, take into account the store's capacity, the ratio of its length to its breadth and its height, the position of the doors and the size of the fumigation sheets available! Set the dimensions of the stacks to facilitate sealing with a single fumigation sheet! if the stacks are too large, they can no longer be effectively controlled, and if they are too small, space is wasted. Do not exceed stack sizes of approximately 250 t!

    Leave a space between the top of the stacks and the roof of a least 1.5 metres in order to be able to carry out control measures.

    Standardized stack sizes should be prescribed for all stores. This has the following advantages:

    - Positioning of stacks

    All stacks of bags must be freely accessible at all times order to carry out controls, surface treatment and fumigation Leave a minimum space of I m between stacks and between the stacks and the walls!

    Mark the positions of the stacks by painting a line on the warehouse floor (Drawing at in the following figure)! if the sizes of the stacks are not fixed, paint a line at a distance of 1 m from the walls all around the floor (b)!

    Provide a site plan before storage!

    - Marking the stacks

    Book-keeping and routine work is made considerably easier if the individual stacks are marked with numbers or letters for easy identification These markings may be made on the walls, the floor or the roof pillars, as long as they are always clearly visible. They should also be entered on the stack card.

    Figure 60

    Figure 61

    - Stack cards

    Attach a stack card (sometimes referred to as a "bin card") in a clearly visible position to every stack of bags, containing the most important information. All controls and treatments should also be entered on the card. You will find a model of a stack card in the section on book-keeping (

    Summary of Bag Stacking:



    Figure 62

    Figure 63

    Consequences: Controlled Ventilation

    Controlled ventilation has a positive effect on the moisture content of the stored produce and the temperature in the store,

    Humid air can remoisten whereas dry air further dries the stored produce until the relevant equilibrium moisture content has been reached (see section 2.2.4). This means that the ventilation openings should be kept closed if the relative humidity is high and opened if the relative humidity is low.

    Further drying of the stored produce is only possible, however, if this method is consistently practised over a certain period of the, as the exchange of moisture in stacked produce takes place relatively slowly.

    The equilibrium moisture content of the stored produce does not only depend on the relative humidity of the atmosphere, but also on the temperature, which influences the ability of the air to absorb water, The change in the equilibrium moisture contents is, however only slight within temperature ranges of approximately 10°C, so that simplifications can be made in practice.

    Both of the following tables thus contain average values for the temperature ranges from 20 - 30°C and 30 - 40°C which have been calculated on the basis of various publications. The equilibrium moisture contents stated are to be regarded as guidelines. Using these tables, a thermometer a hygrometer (or a combined thermo-hygrometer) and a grain moisture meter are needed in order to determine whether ventilation is favourable or not.

    Tables of Equilibrium Moisture Contents

      Equilibrium moisture content at a relative humidity of the air of:
    Commodity 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90%
    White maize 9.3 10.6 12.1 13.8 16.1 19.6
    Yellow maize 8.4 9.7 11.3 13.1 15.5 19.2
    Sorghum 9.8 11.0 12.1 13.8 15.8 18.9
    Wheat 10.0 11.1 12.7 142 16.4 20.3
    Paddy 9.2 10.4 11.6 13.0 14.8 17.6
    Rice 9.0 10.4 11.7 13.0 14.6 16.7
    Groundnuts 5.4 6.8 7.7 9.1 11.6 16.0

    · Equilibrium moisture contents of selected commodities at 30 - 40°C (ill %)

      Equilibrium moisture content at a relative humidity of tile air of:
    Commodity 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90%
    Yellow maize 9.0 9.9 11.7 13.3 14.9 18.2
    Sorghum 10.0 11.6 12 1 13.0 14.7  
    Wheat   11.8 12.9 14.7    
    Paddy 10.1 11.4 12.6 13.5 14.9 19.1
    Rice     11.1 12.7 14.5 16.8


    1. Measure the relative humidity and the temperature of the outside air using a thermometer and a hygrometer! Both instruments must be fixed outdoors and protected from rain and direct sunlight.
    2. Measure the moisture content of the stored produce using a moisture meter!
    3. Determine the equilibrium moisture content of the stored produce for the determined relative humidity:
    1. Compare the moisture content reading with the equilibrium moisture content determined!

    Example 1:

    In this case, the appropriate table is the one showing the temperature range from 20 - 30°C. The equilibrium moisture content for sorghum at a relative humidity of 60% is 12. 1%. The actual moisture content of the produce at 13.5% is higher than the equilibrium moisture content.

    Therefore: Ventilate!

    Example 2:

    In this case, the appropriate table is the one showing the temperature range from 30 -40°C. The equilibrium moisture content for wheat at a relative humidity of 80% is 14.8%. The actual moisture content of the produce at 13% is lower than the equilibrium moisture content.

    Figure 64

    Therefore: Keep the ventilation Raps closed!

    Controlled ventilation is particularly necessary where the moisture content of the stored grain is close to the permissible maximum values for long-term storage (see section 2.2.6). This is generally the case in humid regions and often also in arid regions with imported grain.

    If the moisture content is well below the maximum value, which is generally the case with local grain in arid regions, ventilation need only take place if condensation occurs in the store or if the inside temperature is too high.

    If no thermometers and hygrometers are available, the following rules of thumb apply:

    Figure 65 Monitoring. Sampling and Quality Control

    Monitoring is a constant process of control with the aim of maintaining the quality of the stored produce. A brief visual inspection is by no means sufficient, rather it is important that a systematic search for possible sources of damage is performed. Should such sources be identified, measures must be taken (see section 3.3) and the success of these measures then examined.

    Monitoring comprises regular inspection of the store as well as continuously sampling of the stored produce.

    Figure 66

    Inspecting the Store

    Inspect the store daily!

    - Damage to the store

    Losses in the quality of the stored produce are in many cases caused by damage to the store building.

    Pay particular attention to damage to the roof to the junctions of roof and walls, cracks and holes in the walls and the floor, damage to doors, windows, ventilation openings and their gauzes and grilles! Take immediate action if you notice any damage on walls or the floor or leaks in the roof!

    Keep the rainwater drainage system and gutters in good function!

    - Presence of rodents and birds

    Rodents betray their presence in the store by leaving various traces. Pay particular attention to droppings, footprints in the dust, holes in bags, spilled grain, damaged material and grain left-overs (see chapter 11)!

    Birds also leave excrements, food prints and damage to bags.

    - Presence of insect pests

    Look for insect pests at dusk, as they then have an active flying phase and ate more easily detected!

    Moths are generally noticeable when their population density is already considerable.

    Traps using pheromones or attractants can be of great service for identifying a low population in the store (see section 10.2). Pheromone traps are available for monitoring the most important species of moths as well as the beetle species Trogoderma granarium, Tribolium spp., Rhizopertha dominica and Prostephanus truncatus (see section 10.2).

    Food attractants are less specific in their function to monitor infestation (see section 10.2)!

    Brush stacks of bags with a stick or a broom to disturb and discover resting moths! Lift bags in order to detect moth cocoons along the line where the bags touch one another.

    When looking for beetles pay particular attention to cracks, bag seams and ears where they often hide!

    Empty individual bags in a thin layer onto a sheet and examine the contents for beetles and larvae! This should be done in the shade so that the insects do not flee immediately. It is, however, more effective to sieve out ally insects present using a box sieve with a mesh of 1 - 2 mm.

    Higher infestation can be noticed by an increase in the temperature of the stored produce as a result of the metabolic activity of the insects, or in certain cases by a characteristic smell (e.g. Tribolium spp.). Very important infestation can be noticed by feeding noise produced in the stack.

    Identify the insects found as far as possible in order to perform the correct treatment.

    - Mould

    Pay attention to the mouldy smell which is noticeable in the case of fungi infestation even before any visual changes can be seen to the products!

    - Moisture damage

    Attention has to be made to water marks on the bags which can still be seen after the bags have dried!

    Taking samples

    The most reliable method to establish moisture damage, insect or fungus infestation is by examining the stored produce itself. In order to do so, it is essential to take samples. The method of taking samples presented below serves for use in routine controls:

    The controls should be made regularly by the storekeeper during the storage period. Regulations for laboratory examinations of samples, e.g. of seeds, remain unaffected.

    Take samples of every lot in a weekly to fortnightly rhythm! Draw up a schedule for regular sampling.


    The samples are taken by means of a sampler, of which there are two different kinds:

    · Bag sampler

    It reaches to the centre of the bag and is quick and easy to use:

    Figure 67

    Use the sampler to pierce the bag from below (1), turn it in the bag so that the produce can fall into the opening and run into the recipient (2). Withdraw the sampler (3) and close the hole with its tip (4).

    The right diameter of a bag sampler depends on the type of produce being sampled. The following rough values apply:

    Figure 68

    · Grain sampler

    It is longer than the bag sampler and is able to cover the entire cross-section of the bag. its use is more complicated and slower. The grain sampler consists of two parts; an outer and an inner tube. Turning the inner tube opens and closes the sampler.

    Grain samplers are available as entirely hollow constructions or with intermediary sections. The latter enable the produce to be examined layer by layer. Grain samplers are available in various sizes. Larger ones are mostly used for taking samples from bulk produce.

    Grain samplers are used as follows:

    Pierce the bag with the closed grain sampler. Turn the inner tube to open and till the sampler. Then reclose it by turning the inner tube again. Shake the sampler as you do so to avoid any broken grain! Draw out the sampler and empty the sample into a recipient or on a sheet!

    Representative sampling

    A single sample only consists of a tiny portion of the overall amount of grain contained in a lot. Sampling must therefore be done according to certain rules and with the greatest care in order to obtain a sample which is representative of the entire stack.

    Figure 69

    In order to ensure this

    The three types of samples involved in this procedure are defined as follows:

    · Primary Sample

    A primary sample is a single sample out of one bag with an approximate volume of 100 ml. In order to obtain a representative sample for the whole stack a sufficient number of primary samples must be taken following the rules given below.

    · Composite Sample

    The composite sample consists of the merged primary samples and should have a minimum volume of 2 l.

    · Standard Sample

    The standard sample has a volume of exactly 1 l of grain. It is obtained by reducing the composite sample to it volume of 1 I with it sample divider. The standard sample is the basic unit tot- pest infestation analysis

    · Number of primary samples

    The minimum number of primary samples depends on the size of the bag stacks. Proportionately mot-e samples have to be taken from smaller stacks than from larger ones, as in the former more hags arc placed on the outside and thus exposed to damaging influences. The number of primary samples depends solely on the number of bags, regardless of their weight.

    There are several systems how to determine the number of primary samples necessary to obtain a representative sample. The following system is simple to apply:

    Number of bags Number of primary samples required
    up to 10 one sample per hag
    11 to 100 10 bags*
    100 to 10.000
    more than 10.000 ÷ 2

    * if the grain is very inhomogenous, the number of samples must he increased

    Storage responsible who ate not familiar With square roots and who do not dispose of a pocket calculator, can also use the following scheme:

    Minimum Number of Primary Samples in Stacks with a Large Number of Bags

    Bags Samples Bags Samples Bags Samples
    50- 100 10 800- 900 30 2 500-3 000 55
    100 - 150 12 900 - 1 000 32 3 000-3 500 59
    150 - 200 14     3 500-4 000 63
    200-250 16 1 000- 1 200 35 4000-4 500 67
    250-300 18 1200-1400 37 4500-5000 71
    300-400 20 1 400- 1 600 40 5 000-6000 77
    400- 500 22 1 600- 1 800 42 6000-7000 83
    500 - 600 24 1 800 - 2 000 45 7 000-8 000 89
    600 - 700 26     8 000-9 000 95
    700 - 800 28 2 000 - 2 500 50 9 000 - 10 000 100

    When produce is delivered a primary sample should be taken out of every second bag on the vehicle.

    · Distribution of the sampling points

    The sampling points must be evenly distributed over the total stack surface. This means that comparatively big surfaces should have more sampling points than the smaller ones. If the total stack surface area is 120 m², for example, and the surface area of one side 40 m², 1/3 of the samples must be taken from this side. On a side with 24 m², accordingly, 1/5 of the samples have to be taken.

    An experienced storekeeper will be able to estimate the approximate distribution without calculating the sizes of the single surfaces. The following picture gives an idea of the distribution of sampling points on the individual surfaces of a stack:

    It is advantageous to have standardized stack sizes in the store in order to facilitate routines like determining the number of sampling points or calculating the dosages for treatments against stored product pests..

    Quality control

    A minimum amount of equipment must be available in every store or storage complex for quality control examinations:

    Figure 70

    Figure 71

    The samples taken are subjected to various kind of examination either, as primary samples or as a standard sample. If there is any doubt as to the quality of a certain lot, samples should be tested in a laboratory.

    · Visual test and smell

    Examine the composition and smell of the produce when taking the sample! A mouldy smell indicates fungi festation. Any changes in the colour of the grains may also be due to moisture damage or damage from heat because of high drying temperatures or "hot spots".

    · Measuring the grain moisture content

    For detecting grain moisture content primary samples have to be analysed, as increases in the moisture content of some bags resulting from condensation or leakages in the roof can no longer be recognized in standard samples

    Measurement should be performed immediately after taking the sample, as the moisture content can change rapidly after the sample has been taken. This test is generally done with commercially available moisture meters. Take care that the produce is not filled into the apparatus by hand as this increases the moisture on the surface of the grain and leads to incorrect readings! Strictly observe the instructions for use of the moisture meters!

    In case of exceptionally high readings, take additional measurements to determine whether the increase is limited to a certain area (e.g as a result of rainwater penetration), or whether it affects large areas of the entire stack! Take out bags for drying if necessary!

    Enter all readings in the stock journal and stack card.

    · Control for infestation by Insects

    Examine the standard sample, as it is not of any importance where exactly the insects come from! If the level of infestation is unacceptable, the entire stack must be treated in any case.

    Sieve out any insects which might be present using a single sieve with a mesh size of 1 - 2 mm or better several sieves with decreasing mesh sizes (e.g. 3, 2 and 1 mm)! Carefully examine the remains in every sieve for insects!

    A number of pests, such as Sitotroga cerealella or Sitophilus spp. develop inside the grains and are thus not noticeable in controls of this kind. Hidden infestation can be discovered by means of a water test:

    Place a sample of the grain in a container with water. Infested grains are lighter than healthy ones and will therefore float on the surface. Check whether they are really infested by cutting them open!

    Figure 72

    Identify any insects (see chapter 7) in order to decide if any action should he taken to deal with them and which kind of treatment is required!

    Whether action should be taken depends on a number of factors:


    In Egypt the following criteria for the application of control measures are common (resulting on examination of standard sample):

  • fumigation becomes necessary
  • fumigation becomes necessary
  • This number of insects could be made up of different species.

    · Grain temperature readings

    Unusually high temperatures in a mass of grain are an indication of the activity of micro-organisms and pests, e.g. in a "hot spot" (see section 2.2.3).

    Grain thermometers are available with rigid thermo-probes made of metal which are used to pierce the bags. Electronic thermometers usually have a thermo-probe with a flexible lead. This is either soldered to a rigid metal rod or is placed in a bag or grain sampler.

    Empty the bags with a higher temperature and examine the contents!

    Determine the extent of the damage by controlling the surrounding bags!

    · Checking for impurities

    An examination for impurities is particularly necessary on purchasing or accepting delivery of produce at the store.

    Poorly cleaned produce has a shorter storage life than clean produce. Dust, for example, is hygroscopic and raises the moisture content of the stored produce; broken grain allows secondary pests to gain access to the stored produce (see chapter 7). in addition, impurities reduce the storage capacity and increase the storage costs due to extra weight.

    Impurities are separated by sieving the sample being examined. This is performed using two sieves, one coarse and a fine one, whose mesh sizes must be suited to the produce being examined. Impurities such as stones, pieces of straw, pans of maize spindles etc. are sieved out by the coarse sieve whereas impurities such as sand, dust, insects, broken grains, etc. will pass through the fine sieve.

    Impurities which are of the same size as the stored produce cannot be sieved out and must be separated individually.

    Sieves sets with a lid and a bottom pan are recommendable. Sieving should be performed by shaking the set of sieves for 1/2 - 1 minute.

    If there are no sieves available, impurities may be separated from the stored produce by means of winnowing or, if the quantity is comparatively small, simple sorting out on a bright surface.

    For a quantitative assessment of the impurities, a set of scales weighing accurately to 0.1 g is necessary. This is necessary wherever:

    Figure 73

    Examinations for impurity are not necessary in the course of routine control of the stored produce during the storage period.

    There are special regulations for seeds.

    5.2.5 Book-keeping

    The storekeeper has to record the state of the store and the produce as well as of his activities. Book-keeping is based on the following elements:

    Models for these elements are presented below, along with explanations for their use.

    Store journal

    The store journal contains a record of all procedures carried out in the store, such as incoming and outgoing produce, results of inspections and treatments, etc. Entries should be made daily and after any activities have been performed. The store journal consists of two tables:

    · Balance sheet

    The balance sheet contains nil information on movements of the stored produce, the place of origin or destination, the stack number (or lot number in the case of seed) and reference to the relevant documents like invoices or receipts. These must be filed chronologically. The storekeeper confirms every procedure with his signature.

    · Control sheet

    The control sheet contains information on all activities in the store, such as inspections and their results, treatments, cleaning and ventilation, any repairs and weather data. An additional quality control book is required for seed stores in which the results of the laboratory tests which form a part of the essential internal quality maintenance programme are recorded.

    The store journal should be firmly bound and the pages numbered. The first part should consist of the balance sheets and the thicker rear part of the control sheets. A separate journal should be kept for each store and should remain in the store.


    Commodity: Warehouse:


    Date In (t) Out (t) Balance (t) Number of bags In/out stack No Origin/ destination Document



    Date Commodity Stack No m.c. % Insect Infestation
    (degree, species)
    Other observations (rodents, condition of warehouse, etc.) Kind of treatment Chemical used, application rate Result of
    Cleaning & repairs Vents manipulated (time) Temp °C (time) r.h. % Signature

    Stock sheets

    In storage centres and in seed stores, store book-keeping is composed of journals from the individual stores or lots, making it very time-consuming to calculate the actual amounts of produce present in the stores. In such cases it is practical to keep stock sheets. A stock sheet shows the current overall stock of the storage centre at any one time on a single page. The stock sheet is divided up according to the type of produce and, in the case of seed, according to type, category and state of processing.


    Entries should consist of the date of any movement, the new overall total stock and the reference to the store where the movement has taken place. This enables the details of the procedure to be checked in the balance sheets of the relevant store.


    Date* Store N°* Balance (t) Date* Store No* Balance (t) Date* Store N°* Balance (t)

    * Date and No or name of store of last movement of a particular commodity.
    1Useful for storage centres with several separate stores and for seed centres to record the overall balance of the commodities stored. Details of the movement are then found in the store journal of the store where the movement has taken place.

    Stock sheets are also kept in the form of a firmly bound book.

    Stack cards

    Every stack is given a stack card placed where it is clearly visible, This serves to identify the stack and the produce and contains details on inspections and pest control measures performed.

    Monthly report

    The storekeeper's monthly report serves to inform superiors on amounts of produce and its state, on the storage conditions as well as on activities and any problems in the store. These reports should also be referred to on the inspections of the store regularly done by the superior.

    Warehouse checklist

    The warehouse checklist is an instrument of control. It essentially serves as a means of evaluating the tasks mentioned in the storekeeper's job description. The checklist can also be used by the storekeeper in the course of regular controls of storage conditions, the state of the buildings and the storage management.


    Warehouse No / Name:

    Stack No: Commodity:
    Lot No : Variety :
      Origin :


    Date In (t) Out (t) Balance (t) No of bags Signature


    Warehouse No/Name:

    Lot N° : raw seed &127
    Commodity: precleaned seed &127
    Origin : processed seed &127
      treated with:  





    Date In (t) Out (t) Balance (t) No of bags Signature

    Back of stack card

    Stack dimensions (to be entered with pencil and to be corrected when changing):

    length :…….m Surface area:….m Amount of water needed for surface treatment :……l
    width :……..m   Amount of chemical needed to be mixed with the water :……ml EC/g WP
    height :…….m Volume:………m Number of tablets needed for stack fumigation :……tablets


    Date of inspection m.c. % Insect infestation, other infestations   Date of treatment Kind of treatment Chemical used Application rate Remarks Signature






    Storekeeper / PControl Team

    Commodity:   in……….t,   out……….   No. of bags……….   month:
        in……….t,   out……….   No. of bags……….   location:
        in……….t,   out……….   No. of bags……….   store(s):
        in……….t,   out……….   No. of bags……….    
    Activity Days: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
    Surrounding of store cleared and cleaned                                                                
    walls and floor cleaned                                                                
    waste burned and buried                                                                
    vents operated (controlled ventilation)                                                                
    store checked for sign of:                                                                
    -damage: damage found? yes*/no                                                              
    rodents: rodents found? yes/no                                                              
    - birds a.o.: birds or others found? yes/no                                                              
    - insects: - flying insects found? yes/no                                                              
    - crawling insects found? yes/no                                                              
    sample taken of stack number(s):                                                              
    living insects found in sample(s)? yes/no                                                              
    moisture conten belong safe storage level? yes*/no                                                              
    grain temperatur normal? yes/no                                                              
    stack(s) number(s) sprayed                                                              
    stack(s) number(s) fumigated                                                              
    whole space fumigation                                                                
    store sprayed                                                                
    rodent control in operation                                                                
    repairs executed*                                                                
    Presence of stack cards                                                                
    Explain: name of storekeeper/pest control officer:
    Remarks:i.e. use of insecticide fumigant application rate etc. signature:
      date :



    Location: Name of store: Capacity: t
    Products stored:   Amount stored: t

    1. Condition of warehouse surrounding

    Is the surrounding of the warehouse free of:

    1. accumulation of grains, old bags, junk and trash?
    2. weeds, tall grass and bushes?
    3. evidence of rodents?
    4. standing water?

    2. Condition of warehouse exterior

    1. is the roof intact?
    2. is the water drainage intact?
    3. Are the walls without holes or cracks?
    4. Do the doors close hermetically?
    5. Are the ventilation openings protected against the penetration of insects, rodents and birds?

    3. Condition of warehouse interior

    1. Are the walls, the door and the roof undamaged?
    2. is the floor and the roof clean?
    3. Is the floor free of spilled grain, dirt, and trash?
    4. Do the ventilation openings function properly?
    5. is the store free of residues of former treatments (empty phosphine tubes, phosphine residues, rodent baits, etc.)

    4. Storage practices

    1. Are all empty bags stored on pallets?
    2. Are all stacks at least 1 m apart?
    3. Are insecticides, fertilizer and other products stored separately from the grain?
    4. Are all bags in the stacks without holes?
    5. Are all stacks built in a safe way?
    6. Are stack cards in use far all stacks?
    7. Are the stock journals kept up to date?

    5. Presence of pests

    1. is the store free of flying insects?
    2. Are the walls and the bags free of crawling insects, larvae and pupae?
    3. is the store free of traces of rodents?
    4. is the store free of traces of birds?

    6. Pest control

    1. Has any pest control treatment been done shortly before or during the inspection?
    2. if so, what kind of treatment?
    3. Which pesticide has been applied?
    4. in case, bait stations against rodents are in use, are they supplied with fresh baits?

    7. Recommendations

    Inspector Storekeeper
    Name: Name:
    Signature: Signature:
    Date: Date:

    5.2.6 Equipment

    The following equipment is necessary in order to correctly run a store:

    The equipment required for pest control is listed in chapters 8 and 9.

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