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Further readings and references

Further readings including references for extracted material
Specific references on safety and use of pesticides including fumigants
Some specific references for shipboard fumigation

Further readings including references for extracted material

ACIAR Proceedings #14. Pesticides and Humid Tropical Grain Storage Systems. Edited by B.R. CHAMP and E. HIGHLEY (1986). Proceedings of an International Seminar Manila, Philippines 27-30 May, 1985; 346 pp.

ACIAR Proceedings # 25. Fumigation and Controlled Atmosphere Storage of Grain. Edited by B.R. CHAMP, E. HIGHLEY, and H.J. BANKS (1990). Proceedings of an International Conference held in Singapore. 14-18 February, 1989; 301 pp.

AFHB/ACIAR. Suggested Recommendations for the Fumigation of Grain in the ASEAN Region. PART 1: PRINCIPALS AND GENERAL PRACTICE Asean Food Handling Bureau and Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research. July, 1989; VIII + 131 pp.

AFHB/ACIAR. Suggested Recommendations for the Fumigation of Grain in the ASEAN Region. PART 2: Carbon-dioxide fumigations of bag-stacks sealed in plastic enclosures. An operations manual, June, 1991; 58 pp.

KRALL, S. & FAVI, F. (1986). Further distribution of the Larger Grain Borer (Prostephanus truncatus) in West Africa. FAO Plant Protection Bulletin 34(4): 213-214.

BELL, R.J. & WAITERS, F.L. (1982). Environmental factors influencing the development and rate of increase of Prostephanus truncatus (Horn) (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae) on stored maize. Journal of Stored Products Research 18: 131-142.

BOEYE, J. WRIGHT, M; and G.A. LABORIUS (1992). Implementation of, and further research on, biological control of the Larger Grain Borer. Proceedings of an FAO/GTZ Coordination Meeting, Lome, Republic of TOGO, 5-6 November, 1990, VIII + 176 pp.

BOND, E.. (1984) Manual of Fumigation for Insect Control. FAO Plant Production and Protection Paper # 54, VII + 432 pp.

CSIRO (1983) Preservation of Stored Cereals. Various Authors. Edited by B.R. CHAMP and E. HIGHLEY. Proceedings of the Australian Development Assistance course on the Preservation of
Stored Cereals. 2 volumes, IV + 1081 pp.

CSIRO (1992) Publication list of the CSIRO Stored Grain Research Laboratory. Compiled by Y. HAWKINS, June, 1992. Division of Entomology Report # 53, CSIRO, Canberra, Australia, 78 pp.

DENDY J., DOBIE, P., SAIDI, J.A., SMITH J.L. & URONU, (1989). Trapping the Larger Grain Borer Prostephanus truncatus in maize fields using synthetic pheromones. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 50 (3): 241-244.

DICK, K.M., REES, D. P., LAY, K.K. & OFOSU, A. (1989). Occurrence of Larger Grain Borer Prostephanus truncatus, (Horn), in Ghana. FAO Plant Protection Bulletin 37 (3): 241-244.

DOBIE, P. (1988). The distribution and biology of Prostephanus truncatus, pp 17-27. In G.G.M. SCHULTEN & A.J. TOET (eds.) Workshop on the containment and control of the Larger Grain Borer, Arusha, Tanzania, [16-21 May 1988]. Pest Control Services, Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development [Tanzania] and Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, [Rome, Italy], Report II Technical papers presented at the workshop [unpublished]. II + 209 pp.

DUNSTAN, W.R. & MAGAZINI, U.A., (1981). Outbreaks and new records. Tanzania. The Larger Grain Borer on stored products. FAO Plant Protection Bulletin 29: 80-81.

CTA Technical Report (1992), Proceedings of extension strategies for the control of the Larger Grain Borer. 23-24 October, 1991, Ede, the Netherlands. Technical Centre for Agriculture and Rural Development (ACP-EEC Lome Convention) 19 pp. Various Authors. P. TYLER (ed).

FRIENDSHIP, C.A.R. (1989) fumigation with phosphine under gas- proof sheets. Overseas Development and Natural Resources Institute Bulletin # 26; III + 22 pp.

FRIENDSHIP, C.A.R. and J.A.F. COMPTON. (1991). Bag or Bulk? A Decision Making Checklist. Natural Resources Institute Bulletin ft 45; III + 19 pp.

GASGA. Seminar on Fumigation Technology in Developing Countries (1986). Proceedings of the Workshop, compiled and prepared by the Tropical Development and Research Institute. Slough, UK, 18-
21 March, 1986, V + 189 pp.,

GASGA. Proceedings of a GASGA Seminar on the Appropriate use of Pesticides for the Control of Stored products Pest in Developing Countries, Tropical Products Institute Slough, 17-20 February, 1981; III + 202 pp.

GILES, P.H. & LEON, O.U. (1974). Infestation problems in farm- stored maize -in Nicaragua, pp. 68-76. In Proceedings of the First International Working Conference on Stored-Produce Entomology, Savannah, Georgia, USA, October 7-11, 1974. 705 pp.

GOLOB, P. (1988). Current status of the Larger Grain Borer, Prostephanus truncatus (Horn) in Africa. Insect Science and its application 9(6): 737-745.

GOLOB, P. & HODGES, R. (1982). Study of an outbreak of Prostephanus truncatus (Horn) in Tanzania. Report of the Tropical Products Institute. G164. 23pp.

HAINES, C.P. (1991). Insects and Arachnids of Tropical Stored Products. Their Biology and Identification. ODA/NRI VI + 246 pp.

HODGES, R.H. (1986). The biology and control of Prostephanus truncatus (Horn) (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae) - a destructive storage pest with an increasing range. Journal of Stored Products Research 221(1): 1-14.

HOWARD, E.C. (1983). The population biology of the Greater Grain Borer, Prostephanus truncatus (Horn). Doctoral Thesis, University of Reading, United Kingdom. 180pp.

KRALL, S. (1985). First occurrence of Prostephanus truncatus in Togo - monitoring and primary control action, pp. 73-78. In proceedings of the international seminar on the control of infestation by Trogoderma granarium and Prostephanus truncatus to stored products, Lome, Togo, 10-15 December 1984. Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH. Eschborn, Federal Republic of Germany. 162pp. [pp. 78-83 in French edition].

LABORIUS, G.A. (1988). The Larger Grain Borer Prostephanus truncatus (Horn) (Coleoptera: Bostrychidae) - a quarantine pest. pp. 53-70. In K.G. SING, P.L. MANALO, S.S. SASTROUTOMO, K.C. CHAN, L.G. LIM, A.N. GANAPATHI, M.A. ABD. RAHIM, P.S.S. FURAI & M.C. DOSS (eds.). Movement of pests and control strategies, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 16-17 December 1987. ASEAN Plant Quarantine Centre and Training Institute. Malaysia. Plant Proceedings No. 3. 423pp. 19.

MARKHAM, R.H., and H.R. HERREN (Eds) 1990. Biological Control of the Larger Grain Borer. International Institute of Tropical Agriculture. Proceedings of an IITA/FAO Coordination Meeting Cotonou, Republic of Benin, 2-3 June, 1989, VII + 171pp.

McFARLANE, J.A. (1988). Pest management strategies for Prostephanus truncatus (Horn) (Coleoptera; Bostrichidae) as a pest of stored maize grain; present status and prospects. Tropical Pest Management. 34(2), pp 121-132.

NRI Training Notes on the use of Fumigant and Insecticides for the Protection of Durable Food Commodities (1990) 83pp.

ODNRI bulletin # 27. Choice of Fumigation Sheets for use in the Tropics Overseas Development and Natural Resources Institute (ODNRI = NRI) by C.A.R. FRIENDSHIP, 1989, III + 18pp.

PANTENIUS C.U. (1988). Storage losses in traditional maize granaries in Togo. Insect Science and its Application 9(6), 725-735).

SCHULTEN, G.G.M. (1987). Le Gran Capucin des grains (Prostephanus truncatus (Horn)) en Afrique et les mesures de lutte entreprises. Seminaire sur les maladies et les ravageurs des principales cultures vivrieres d'Afrique centrale. Bujumbura 16-20 Fevrier 1987 pp. 493-507.

SCHULTEN, G.G.M. & TOET, A. (eds) (1987). Workshop on the containment and control of the Larger Grain Borer. Arusha, Tanzania, 16-21 May 1988. MALD (Tanzania). FAO Report I, II and III.

SHIRES, S.W. (1979). Influence of temperature and humidity on survival, development period and adult sex ratio in Prostephanus truncatus (Horn) (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae). Journal of Stored Products Research 15: 5-10.

SHIRES, S.W. (1980). Life history of Prostephanus truncatus (Horn) (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae) at optimum conditions of temperature and humidity. Journal of Stored Products Research 16: 147-150.

SNELSON, J.T. (1987). Grain Protectants. ACIAR Monograph; VIII + 328pp.

TDRI/ODA (1985). Manual of Pest Control for Food Security Reserve Grain Stock. FAO Plant Production and Protection Paper # 63; V + 200pp.

TYLER, P., GOLOB, P., COMPTON, J., and S. BICKERSTE T.H. (1990). Study on Phytosanitary Requirements to Promote Maize Trade in Eastern and Southern African countries at Risk from the Larger Grain Borer. Report for the Commission of European Communities DGVII. C0074, June, 1990, IX + 168PP.

UNCTAD/UNDP. Manual on Intentional Grain Procurement. United National. New York, (1984). VIII + 107pp and Annexes. (Anon)

WORLD FOOD PROGRAMME. Food Storage Manual. Compiled by Natural Resources Institute (NRI) and edited by D.J. WALKER, 1992; 181pp.

Specific references on safety and use of pesticides including fumigants

American Conference of Government Industrial Hygienists 1988. Threshold limit values and biological exposure indices for 1988-89. Cincinnati, Ohio, ACGIH.

FAO (1975). Recommended methods for the detection and measurement of resistance of agricultural pests to pesticides. Tentative method for adults of some major pest species of stored cereals, with methyl bromide and phosphine-FAO Method No. 16. FAO Plant Protection Bulletin No. 23, 12-25.

FAO (1984). Guidelines on good agricultural practice in the use of pesticides: guide to Codex recommendations concerning pesticide residues. Rome, FAO.

FAO (1985). Guidelines on good labelling practice for pesticides. Rome, FAO.

FAO (1985). Guidelines for the packaging and storage of pesticides. Rome, FAO.

FAO (1985). Guidelines for the registration and control of pesticides (including a model scheme for the establishment of national organizations). Rome, FAO.

FAO (1986). International code of conduct on the distribution and use of pesticides. Rome, FAO, 28 p.

FAO (1986). Guidelines on pesticide residue trials to provide data for the registration of pesticides and the establishment of maximum residue limits. Rome, FAO, 40 p.

FAO (1987). Guide to Codex maximum limits for pesticide residues. Part 2. Rome, FAO.

HEALTH AND SAFETY EXECUTIVE (1986). Fumigation using methyl bromide (bromomethane). Chemical Series Guidance Note CS12. Lone, UK., Her Majesty's Stationery Office.

RIPP., B.E., BANKS., H.J., BOND, E.J., CALVERLEY, D.J., JAY, E.G., and NAVARRO, S., Eds (1984). Controlled atmosphere and fumigation in grain storages. Amsterdam, Elsevier. 798 p.

Some specific references for shipboard fumigation:

ANON. (1982). Grain instruction. 919-1. In-transit fumigation of grain loaded aboard tanker-type vessels. 21 April. USDA, Federal Grain Inspection Service, Washington, DC.

ANON. (1980). Fumigating grain in-transit. Agriculture International July. 1989. 41: 7.

CHAKRABARTI, B., (1994). Methods of distributing Phosphine in Bulk Grain HGCA Research Review # 27., 44 pp + Annexes.

DAVIS, R. (1984). A review of in-transit ship-board fumigation of grain: methodology, efficacy and safety pp. 346-356. In R. MILLS, J. PEDERSEN and V. WRIGHT (eds). Proceedings of the Third International Working Conference on Stored Produce Entomology. Manhattan. Kansas, 1983. pp. 726.

DAVIS, R., (1982). Shipboard grain fumigation-fumigants, application methods, and regulations. PEST CONTROL. December, 1982, 5 pp.

DAVIS, R. (1986). Fumigation of Ships. In GASGA Seminar on fumigation technology in Developing countries TDRI Storage Department. Slough, 18-21 March, 1986 pp 24-34.

DAVIS, R. and GILLENWATER, H.B. (1979) A review of US research on in-transit ship-boar fumigation of grain, pp. 152-158. In R. DAVIS (ed). Proceedings of the Second International Working Conference on Stored Produce Entomology. Ibadan. 1978.

GILLENWATER, H.B., REDLINGER, L.M., ZETTLER, J.L., DAVIS, R., McDONALD, L.L. and ZEHNER, J.M. (1981). Phosphine fumigation of corn in-transit on a bulk-dry cargo ship. Journal of the Georgia Entomological Society 16: 462-475.

HARRIS, A.H. (1984). Phosphine fumigation of tobacco in freight containers. Tropical Stored Products. Into: 49 (1984), 19-25.

JAY, E., DAVIS, R., and J.M. ZEHNER (1983). In-transit fumigation of truck-ship containers with hydrogen phosphide. A feasibility study. Symposium on Advance in Agricultural Technology. USDA/ARS: AAT-S-28 April, 1983, 12 pp.

LEESCH, J.G., REDLINGER, L.M., GILLENWATER, H.B., DAVIS, R. and ZEHNER, J.M. (1978). An in-transit ship-board fumigation of corn. Journal of Economic Entomology 71: 928-935.

MONRO, H.A.U. (1947). Methyl bromide fumigation of plant products in steel barges and the holds of ships. Sci. Agric. 27: 267 283.

MONRO, H.A.U. (1951). Insect pest in cargo ships. Canada Agric. Publ. 855. 45 pp.

MONRO, H.A.U., C.R. CUNNINGHAM, and J.E. KING. (1952). Hydrogen cyanide and methyl bromide as fumigants for insect control in empty cargo ships. Sci. Agric. 32: 241-65.

ROBINSON, S. (1988). Improving Quality Control in-transit, World Grain. July. 1988, p 10-12.

REDLINGER, L.M.. LEESCH, J.G., DAVIS, R.. ZETTLER, J.L., GILLENWATER, H.B. and ZEHNER, J.M. (182). In-transit ship- board fumigation of wheat on a tanker. Journal of Economic Entomology 75: 1147-1152.

REDLINGER, L.M., ZETTLER, J.L., LEESCH, J.G., GILLENWATER, H.B., DAVIS, R. and ZEHNER, J.M. (1979). In-transit ship-board fumigation of wheat. Journal of Economic Entomology 72: 642-647.

SNELSON, J.T., and R.G. WINKS (1981). In-transit fumigation of large grain bulks in ships. In proceedings of GASGA Seminar on Appropriate use of pesticides for the control of stored products pests in developing countries, TPI Slough. 17-20 February, 1981 pp 119-130.

USDA (1993). Alternatives to Methyl Bromide: Assessment of Research Needs and Priorities. Proceedings of the USDA Workshop on Alternatives to Methyl Bromide, June 29- July 1st, 1993, Arlington, VA, USA,.

EDWIN L. CIVEROLO., S.K. NARANG., R. ROSS., K.W. VICK, L. GREECZY (Eds). USDA AGRIC RES. SORV., National Programme Staff, Beltsville, MD., 85 pp.

WOHLGEMUTH, R., DROSIHN, J., and F. EL-LAKWAH (1977). Tests for fumigation of quarantined bulk-loaded expeller in barges against the khapua beetle (Trogoderma granarium. EVERTS).

ZETTLER, J.L., GILLENWATER, H.B., REDLINGER, L.M., LEESCH, J.G., DAVIS, R., McDONALD, L.L. and ZEHNER, J.M. (1982). In-transit ship-board fumigation of corn on a tanker vessel. Journal of Economic Entomology 75: 804-808.

ZETTLER, J.L., GILLENWATER, H.B., REDLINGER, L.M., LEESCH, J.G., DAVIS, R. and ZEHNER, J.M. (1984). Efficacy of perforated tubing in assisting phosphine distribution for in-transit fumigation of export corn. Journal of Economic Entomology 77: 675-679.