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ASAE, D271,2. 1980. Psychrometric data; Agricultural Engineers Yearbock. St. Joseph, Michigan, U.S.A., Ameritan Society of Agricultural Engineers.

ASHRAE. 1977. Handbook of fundamentals. Chapter 5: Psychrometries. New York, U.S.A., Ameritan Society Heating Refrigerating Air Conditioning Engineers.

BARWICK, A.J., JORDAN, K.A. and LONGHOUSE, A.D. 1976. Accuracy in computer evaluation of moist air properties. St. Joseph, Michigan, U.S.A. Transactions of the ASAE. 10(4):579-585.

BOOT, R.H. and SHAW, R.L. 1981. Principies of potato storage. Lima, Pera, International Potato Center.

BROCHU, J. and WILLIAM, G.D.V. 1969. Vapor pressure deficit vs. relative humidity for expressing atomospheric moisture content. Naturaliste Can. 96, 621-636.

BROOKER, D.B., BARKER-ARKEMA, F.W. and HALL, C.W. 1974. Drying cereal grains. Westport, Connecticut, U.S.A., The AVI Publishing Company.

BROOKER, D.B. 1967. Mathematical modal of the psychrometric charts. St. Joseph, Michigan, U.S.A. Transactions of the ASAE. 10(4):558-560.

CHAU, K.V. 1980. Some new empirical equations for properties of moist oir. St. Joseph, Michigan, U.S.A. Transactions of the ASAE. 23(5):1266-1271.

DOOREMBOS, J. 1976. Agro-meteorological field stations. Roma, Italy, FAO. Irrigation and Drainage Paper No. 27.

GIUDICE, P.M. 1969. Curso Intensivo de Armazenamento de Graos. Viçosa, Minas Gerais, Brasil, Imprensa Unversitária.

HAZEN, L. 1980. Capítulo da técnica de refrigeração. Campinas, São Paulo, Brasil, Fundação Tropical de Pesquisas e Tecnología.

HALASZ, L. 1980. Capitulo da técnica de refrigeração. Campinas, São Paulo, Brasil, Fundação Tropical de Pesquisas e Tecnología.

HENDERSON, S.M. and PERRY, R.L. 1979. Agricultural process engineering. Westport, Connecticut, U.S.A., The AVI Publishing Company.

LEE, J.F. e SEARS, F.W. 1969. Termodinâmica. Sao Paulo, Brasil, Editora Universidade de Sao Paulo.

NOVA, N.A.V., OMETO, J.C. e SALATI, E. 1972. Aspectos termodinâmicos da atmosfera. Piracicaba, Sao Paulo, Brasil, Estola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz.

PALMATIER, E.P. 1968. The psicrometric chart and its aplications. St. Joseph, Michigan, U.S.A. Transactions of the ASAE. 11(2):181-184.

SILVA, J.S. e COELHO, D.T. 1979. Noções de climatología. Viçosa, Minas Gerais, Brasil, CENTREINAR.

SILVA, M.B. 1972. Termodinâmica. Sao Paulo, Brasil, Editora Mc. Graw-Hill do Brasil.

THRELKELD, J.L. 1961. Termal environmental engineering. New Jersey, Prentice-Hall, U.S.A.

VAN WYLWN, G.L., e SONNTAG, R.E. 1976. Fundamentos da termodinámica classica. Sao Paulo, Brasil, Editora Edgard Blucher.

WILHEM, L.R. 1976. Numerical calculation of psichrometric properties in SI units. St. Joseph, Michigan, U.S.A. Transactions of the ASAE. k9(2):318-325.

WEISS, A. 1977. Algorithms for the calculations of moist air properties on a hand calculator. St. Joseph, Michigan, U.S.A. Transactions of the ASAE. 20(6): 1133-1136.

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