Indice - Precedente - Siguiente
(Las direcciones de las compañías editoriales y librerías van al final de la lista)
Parte General
1 ABBOT, J.C. Marketing fruit and vegetables. FAO Marketing Guide N° 2, 2nd, ed, FAO, Rome. 181 pp. (Available from FAO publications). 1970
2 ABBOT, J.C. and MAKEHAM, J.P. Agricultural economics and marke ting in the tropics. Intermediate Tropical Agriculture Series. Longman Group Ltd., London. 168 pp. (Available from booksellers). 1979
3 AMEZQUITA, R. and GRA J. LA. A Methodological approach to identif ying and reducing postharvest food losses. Misc. Pub. N° 219. Inter-American Institute for Cooperation in Agriculture, Santo Domingo. 84 pp. (Available from IICA). 1979
4 ARTHEY, V.D. Quality of Agricultural products. Butterworths and Co. (Publishers) Ltd., London. 228 pp. (Available from booksellers). 1975
5 BURTON, W.G. Post-harvest physiology of food crops. Longman Group Ltd., London. 339 pp. (Available from booksellers). 1982
6 DEBNEY, H.G., BLACKER, K.J., REDDING, B.J. and WATKINS, J.B. Handling and storage practicas for fresh fruit and vegetables. Product Manual, Australian United Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Association, Queensland. (Available from Committee of Direction of Fruit Marketing). 1980
7 GUILLOU, R. Fresh produce handling and distribution. Volunteers in Technical Assistance (VITA) Inc., Maryland. 10 pp. (Available from VITA). 1968
8 HAARD, N.F. and SALUNKE, D.K. Symposlum: postharvest biology and handling of fruits and vegetables. AVI Publishing Co. Inc., Westport, Connecticut. 193 pp. (Available from Food Trade Press Ltd. and other booksellers). 1975
9 HULME, A.C. (ed.). The biochemistry ot fruits and their producís; Vol. 1. Academic Press, N.Y. 620 pp. (Available from booksel lers). 1970
10 HULME, A.C. (ed.). The biochemistry of fruits and their producís. Vol. 2. Academic Press, N.Y. 788 pp. (Available from booksellers). 1971
11 HULTIN, H.O. and MILNER, M.(eds.). Post-harvest biology and biotech noloyy. Food and Nutrition press Inc., Westport, Connecticut, U.S.A. 460 pp. (Available from booksellers). 1978
12 KADER, A.A., MORRIS, L.L. and CANTWELL, M. (1979). Post-harvest handling and physiology of horticultural crops. A list of selected references. Vegetable Crops Series N° 169 (revised edition). División of Agricultural Sciehces, University of California, Davis, California, 44 pp. (Available from University of California). 1979
13 PANTASTICO, Er. B. Post-harvest physiology, handling and utilization of tropical and sub-tropical fruíts and vegetables. AVI Publishing Company Inc., Westport, Connecticut. 560 pp. (Available from Food Trade Press Ltd. and other booksel lers). 1975
14 RYALL, A.L. and LIPTON, W.J. Handling, transportation and storage of fruits and vegetables, Vol. 1. Vegetables and melons. 2nd. ed. AVI Publishing Company Inc., Westport Connecticut. 587 pp. (Available from Food Trade press Ltd. and other booksellers). 1979
15 RYALL, A.L. and PENTZER, W.T. Handling, transportation and storage of fruits and vegetables. Vol. 2. Fruits. AVI Publishing Company Inc., Westport, Connecticut. 436 pp. (Available from Food Trade Press Ltd. and other booksellers new edition rnay be (Available in 1984). 1974
16 SALTVEIT, M.E. Jr. Post-harvest physiology of horticuitural crops. John Wiley and Sons Inc. 1984
17 WILLS, R., LEE, T. GRAHAM, D., McGLASSON, B. and HALL, E. Post harvest. An introduction to the physiology and handling of fruit and vegetables. New South Wales University Press, Kensington, New South Wales, Australian. 176 pp. (Available from booksellers). 1981
Bodegas de Empaque
18 ANON. Packing stations for fruit and vegetables. International Institute Establishing small packing facilities for fruit and vegetables in rural areas. FAO, Rome, 82 pp. 1984
19 GRIERSON, W., MILLER, W.M. and WARDOWSKI, W. F. Packingline machinery for Florida citrus packinghouses. Bull. 803. Agricultural Experiment Stations, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, 30 pp. 1978
20 HERRICK, J.F., SAINSBURY, G.F., CARLSEN, E.W. and HUNTER, D.L. Apple Packing and Storage Houses Layout and Design. Marketing Research Report N ° 602, US Dept. Agric. 42 pp. 1964
21 British Standards Institution Packaging Code. BS 1133
Section | 1 - 3 Introduction to Packaging, 1968, 40 pp. |
4 Mechanical aids in package handling, 1965, 51 pp. | |
7 Paper and board wrappers, bags and containers, 1973, 169 pp. Amendments AMD 380, 1969, AMD 2062, 1976. | |
7 Chapter 7.5. Fibreboard packing cases, 1976. | |
8 Wooden containers, 1950, 140 pp. Amendment PD2734, 1957. | |
17 Wicker and veneer baskets, 1964, 20 pp. BSI, London. (Available from BSI). |
22 BSI. Glossary of packaging terms. BS 3130 Part 1. BSI, London. 15 pp. (Available from BSI). 1973
23 HANLAN, J.F. Handbook of package engineering. McGraw Hill, New York. (Available from booksellers). 1971
24 HEISS, R. (ed.). Principles of food packaging. An international guide. Keppler, Heusenstamm. 332 pp. (Available from booksellers). 1970
25 ITC. Promoting packaging for exporters, Vol. 1. A guide to industrial measures and technical assistance. 212 pp. Vol. 2. Annexes. 210 pp. VOí. 3. Directory and bibliography. International Trade Centre UNCTAD/GATT, Geneva. (Available from ITC). 1975
26 MONTRESOR, J.M., MOSTYN, J.P. and PAINE, F.A. Packaging evaluation: the testing of filled transport packages. NeunesButterworths, London. (Avaííable from bookseííers). 1974
27 SELIN, J. Referente document on international standarisation of selected producís, packagíng and labelling. ITC/DFOI iNFI78, Rev. 1. International Trade Centre UNCTAD/GATT, Geneva. 37 pp. (Available from ITC Publications). 1977
28 STOKES, D.R. and WOODLEY, G.W. Standardisation of shipping containers for fresh fruits and vegetables. Marketing Research Report N° 991, US Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. 118 pp. (Available from US Government Printing Office). 1974
29 UNIDO. Wood as a packaging material in the developing countries. ID/72. UNIDO, Vienna. 111 pp. (Available from UNíDO). 1972
30 SPRENGER INSTITUTE. Packaging of horticuíturaí produce. Sprenger institute, Haagsteog 6, Wageningen, The Netherlands. 1982
31 ANON. Transport of persihable produce in refrigerated vehicles and containers. International ínstitute of Refrigeration Commission D2. Annex 1974 - 2, Bulletin of the International Institute of Refrigeration. 240 pp. BFRAAV 12-235. 1974
32 LIPTON, W.J. and HARVEY, J.M. Compatibility of fruits and vegetables during transport in mixed loads. Marketing Research report N° 1070, US Department of Agriculture, 7 pp. 1977
33 RYALL, A.L. and LíPTON, W. Handling, transportation and storage of fruits and vegetables. VOí. 1. Vegetabíes and melons. 2nd. edition. The AVí Publishing Company Inc., Westport, Connecticut. 487 pp. Chapters 13 and 14. 1979
34 ASHBY, B.H. Protecting perishable foods during transport by motortruck. Agriculture Handbook N° 105, US Department of Agriculture. 141 pp. 1970
35 REDIT, W.H. Protection of rail shipment of fruits and vegetables. Agriculture Handbook N° 195, US Department of Agriculture, 98 pp. 1969
36 MUNTON, R. and STOTT, J.R. Refrigeration at sea. Applied Science publisher, Barking, Essex UK. 207 pp. (Available from booksellers). 1967
37 HINDS, R.H. Transporting fresh fruits and vegetables overseas. Interim Report ARS 5239, US Department of Agriculture. 34 pp. 1970
38 European Communities. Secondary legislation of the European Communities. Subject edition, Vol. 28. Fruits and vegetables. Her Majesty's Stationary Office (HMSO), London. (Available from HMSO). 1973
39 OECD. Standardisation of fruits and vegetables. Technical and economic aspects. Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Paris. 91 pp. (Available from OEC publications). 1970
40 OECD (various). International standardization of fruits and vegetables series.
(1970) Apples, pears.
(1971) Tomatoes, cauliflowers, salad crops and peaches. (1971) Citrus fruit.
(1971) Onions, apricots, plums, strawberries, table grapes.
(1976) Apples and pears, tomatoes, citrus fruit, shelling peas, beans, carrots. (1979) Peaches.
(1980) Strawberries. (1980) Table grapes. (1980) Citrus fruit.Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, Paris. (Available from OECD and OECD agents).
Mercados Mayoristas
41 BOGARDUS, R.K. Wholesale fruits and vegetable warehouses - guides for layout and design. Marketing Research Report N° 467, US Department of Agriculture. 41 pp. 1961
42 BOGARDUS, R.K. and FERRIS, R.T. Receiving fruits and vegetables at wholesale warehouses. USDA Marketing Research Report 478. 45 pp. 1961
43 FERRIS, R.T. and BOGARDUS, R.K. Storing fruits and vegetables on pallets In wholesale warehouses. USDA Marketing Research Report 622. 3B pp. 1964
44 MiTTENDORF, H.J. Planning of urban wholesale markets for perishable food with particular references to developing countries, 2nd. edition. FAO, Rome. 174 pp. 1976
45 HALL, E.G. and SCOTT, K.J. Storage and market diseases of fruit. CSIRO, División of Fruit Research, N.S.W., Australia. 52 pp. 1977
(1976) Guide to refrigerated storage. 190 pp.
(1976) Refrigeration techniques In developing countries, 2nd. odition. 170 pp.
(1976) Current trends in the retrigerated storage and transport of perishabie foodstuffs. 241 pp.
(1976) Towards an ideal refrigerated food chain. 793 pp
(1979) Recommended conditions for chillad storage of perishable produce. 148 pp.
Int. Inst. Refrig., Paris. (Avallable from BR).47 LUTZ, J.M. and HARDENBURG, R.E. The commercial storage of fruits, vegetables and florist and nursery stocks. Agriculture Handbook N° 66, US Department Agriculture, Washington, D.C. 94 pp. (Available from US Government Printing Office). 1968
48 MAFF. Refrigerated storage of fruit and vegetables. Referente Book N° 324, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. Her Majesty's Stationary Office (HMSO), London. 148 pp. (Available from HMSO). 1979
49 MORRIS, L.L., CLAYPOOL, L.L. and MURR, D.P. Modified atmospheres an indexed references list through 1969, with emphasis on horticultural commodities. 1971
50 MURR, D.P., KADER, A.A. and Morris, L.L. Modified atmospheres - an indexed reference list with emphasis on horticultural commodities (1 Jan., 1970 to 30 April, 1974). Vegetable Crop Series N° 168. KADER, A.A. and MORRIS, L.LO. (1977). Modified atmospheres - an indexed reference list with emphasis on horticultural commodities. Supplement N° 2 (1 May, 1974 to 28 Feb., 1977). Vegetable Crop Series N° 187. Division of Agricultural Sciences, University of California, Davis, California. (Available from University of California). 1974
51 MITCHELL, F.G., GUILLOU, R. and PARSONS, RA.A. Commercial cooling of fruits and vegetables. Extension Service Manual N° 43. California Agricultural Experimental Station, Division of Agricultural Sciences, University of California, Davis, 44 pp. (Available from University of California).
52 NASH, M.J. Crop conservation and storage in cool, temperate climates. Pergammon Press, Oxford, UK. 1978
53 RICHARDSON, D.G. and MEHERIUK, M. (eds.) Controlled atmospheres for food products. Timber Press, Box 1631, Beaverton, Oregon, U.S.A. 1982
54 GOODENOUGH, P.W. and ATKIN, R.K. (eds.). Quality in stored and processed vegetables and fruit. Academic Press, N.Y. 398 pp. 1981
55 FIDLER, J.C. et al. The biology of apple and pear storage. Common wealth Agricultural Bureaux, Slough, UK. 235 pp. 1973
56 ANON. Apples. M.A.F.F. Bulletin 207. HMSO, London 205 pp. 1971
57 PIERSON, C:F. et al. Market diseases of apples, pears and quinces. USDA Handbook N° 376.112 pp. 1971
58 WARDOWSKI, W.F., NAGY, S. and GRIERSON, W. (eds.). Citrus fruits. AVI Publishing Co. 1983
59 SMOOT, J.J. and HOUCK, L.G. Marke1 diseases of citrus and other sub tropical fruits. USDA Agriculture Handbook N° 398. 115 pp. 1971
60 HARVEY, J.M. et al. Market diseases of stone fruits. USDA Agriculture Handbook N° 414.64 pp. 1972
61 MARRIOTT, J. Banana storage and ripening technology. CRC Citrical Review inf Food Science and Nutrition, 13 (1), 41-88. 1980
62 SIMMONDS, N.W. Bananas, Longman, London. 1966
Administración e Información
63 CARLEY, D.J. and LURY, D.A. Data Collection in Deveioping Countries. Cloverston Press, Oxford. 1981
64 ANON. Dovelopment of Food Marketing Systems for Large Urban Areas, Asia and Far East. FAO, Rome. (Report of The expert Consultation held in Malaysia, 1975). 1975
65 GITTINGER, PRICE. The Economic Appraisal of Agricultural Projects, World Bank.
66 ANON. Household Food Consumption and Expenditure 1982, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Her Majesty's Stationary Office, London. 1984
67 KOHLS, R.L.; Marketing Agricultural Products, Dept. of agriculturai Economics, Pu rdue University, U.S.A.
68 ANON. Market Information Services, FAO Agricultural Services Bulletin N° 57. 1983
69 ANON. Marketing Improvement in the Developing World, FAO Agricultural Services Bulletin N° 58. 1984
70 MITTENDORF, H.J. Government Role in Improving Food Market Centres in Developing Countries, Chief Marketing and Credit Service, FAO, Rome. 1984
71 MITTENDORF, H.J. Planning of Urban Wholesale marketing for Perisha 1976 ble Food with Particular Reference to Developing Countries, FAO, Rome.
72 SCOTT, et al. Food Policy Analysis, John Hopkins University Press. 1982
73 SUNG HOON KIM. Towards an Effective Agricultural Market Information Service in Korea. Revised paper presented al the Seminar for "Price and Marketing Policies of Food grains in Korea", Seoul. 1971
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