This work (manual) is conceived to guide practical users by providing them the most possible objective reliable data.
The goal aimed at is not the realization of an exhaustive work on the technology of saponification, but rather that of a practical guide, gathering the main and basic data on the techniques and methods of approach for the home and small-scale production of improved soaps.
Through the diversity of gathered information and methodologies, we hope any user, even without basic knowledge in chemistry can find an acceptable solution to the practical difficulties he would face.
So, we want to remind the users that the manufacturing of a good quality soap requires, in spite of the availability of reliable technical data, a certain experience and manual skills. Only practical exercise, which can improve soap making abilities and perseverance are thus necessary to obtain the expected results.
Informative discussions with Mme Sonderman, and M. Kiessling both members of GATE-Staff, have contributed for most of the expression of the specific nature of vulgarization of this bock. The author thanks them sincerely.
NB : Gate is not in the possibility to verify the reliability of the technical details contained in this book.
You are requested to give feedback on the possible problems encountered during your soap making practices as well as your suggestions for an improvement of the described procedures. This would allow other people to benefit from your experience.