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CLOSE THIS BOOKFeather Key Joints - Course: Techniques of fitting and assembling component parts to produce simple units. Trainees' handbook of lessons (Institut für Berufliche Entwicklung, 19 p.)
VIEW THE DOCUMENT(introduction...)
VIEW THE DOCUMENTHints on Labour Safety
VIEW THE DOCUMENT1. Purpose of Feather Key Joints
VIEW THE DOCUMENT2. Kinds of Feather Keys and Profile Shafts
VIEW THE DOCUMENT3. Kinds of Feather Key Joints
VIEW THE DOCUMENT4. Stress on the Feather Key Joints
VIEW THE DOCUMENT5. Tools, Devices and Auxiliary Means
VIEW THE DOCUMENT6. Technological Processes for Manufacturing Feather Key Joints and Profile Shaft Joints
VIEW THE DOCUMENT7. Detachment of Feather Key Joints

3. Kinds of Feather Key Joints

Feather key joints are distinguished by the function of the feather key within the joint.

Fitting key joints

They serve for fixing a machine part on a shaft, if the respective part need not be moved on the shaft. The keys are placed into accurately fitting shaft keyways and only transmit the rotary power between shaft and hub.

Figure 7 Fitting key joint

1 fitting key, 2 shaft, 3 hub, 4 keyway of the fitting key in the shaft

Sliding key joints

They serve for fastening machine on parts on a shaft allowing the parts to slide on the shaft in an axial direction, e.g. transmissions. The keys are fixed by countersunk fillister-head screws, so that a displacement of the key in the keyway is prevented.

Figure 8 Sliding key joint

1 sliding key, 2 shaft, 3 hub, 4 keyway of the sliding key in the shaft

Profile shaft joints

- When connecting hubs with circular arc profile shafts or spline shafts the principles of feather key or sliding key joints apply.

- When connecting hubs with serrated shafts, the principle of fitting key joints applies.