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6. Fungi and mycotoxins

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6.1 Storage fungi
6.2 Mycotoxins
6.3 Further literature

Damage caused by fungi is often neglected until it has reached an advanced stage. Fungi do not only cause direct losses but also can threaten the health of both man and animals by producing poisons, so called mycotoxins, which are contaminating food and feed.

Storage fungi require a relative humidity of at least 65% (or a water activity of aw = 0.65) which is equivalent to an equilibrium moisture content of 13% in cereal grain. They grow at temperatures of between 10°C and 40°C (see section 2.2,5), Every species of fungus has its own optimum climatic requirements.

6.1 Storage fungi

Fungi found in stored food can be devided in two groups, the "field fungi" and the "storage fungi". in some cases a sharp distinction is not possible as fungi growth may start in the field and during storage. The original source of fungi is in any case in the field. Store fungi include above all species of Aspergillus, Fusarium and Penicillium. The growth of fungi in storage is governed by the following factors:

Storage fungi are much more frequent in lots infested by stored product insects, because insects generate moisture and distribute fungi spores in the commodity.

The following table shows the minimum moisture contents required in grains for the growth of some important storage fungi.

Fungus species Minimum moisture content in grain
Aspergillus restrictus 13.5%
A. glaucus 14%
A. candidus 15%
A. ochraceus 15%
A. flavus 18%
Fusarium spp. 18 - 19%
Penicillium spp. 16.5 -19 %

Fungus development can occur if:

The following damage can be caused by storage fungi:

Scientific research has confirmed fungistatic effects of some of the plants used traditionally by farmers in Africa to protect stored grain against mould. An extract of dried fruits of Xylopia aethiopica (Annonaceae) and dry seeds of the pepper Piper guineense was even able to completely prevent development of Aspergillus flavus. For practical fungus control purposes, however, these effects do not seem reliable enough.

6.2 Mycotoxins

Mycotoxins are metabolic substances which are produced by various fungi remain in the stored produce as residues. Mycotoxins can be found in the stored produce as soon as 24 hours after infestation with fungus. The optimum climatic conditions for the growth of fungi and the formation of mycotoxins are often not identical and dependent on various unidentified factors. Therefore mycotoxin contamination can only be stated with certainty by means of laboratory examinations.

In the following table some important mycotoxin producing fungi are listed together with affected commodities:

Fungus species Commodities affected
Alternaria alternate rice, sorghum, soybeans
A. longissima rice, sorghum
A. padwickii rice
Aspergillus flavus cashews, copra, maize, groundnuts, sorghum, soybeans
Fusarium moniliforme maize, sorghum, soybeans
F. semitectum maize
Penicillium citrinum sorghum, soybeans

Among the mycotoxins identified since the first discovery of aflatoxins over 30 years ago five are of special importance in agriculture:

Mycotoxins are highly poisonous to both humans and animals. If eaten, they lead to diseases known as mycotoxicoses or may cause cancer. In the following table an overview is given over mycotoxins, the fungi producing them, commodities affected and health hazards to man and animals:

Mycotoxin and
toxin-producing fungi
Commodities Health hazards
Aflatoxin maize, carcinogenic, liver damage and
(Aspergillus flavus, groundnuts, other adverse effects in
A. parasiticus) oilseeds humans, poultry, pigs and cattle
Deoxynivalenol wheat, acute human toxicosis, internal
(Fusarium graminearum maize, disorders and decreased growth
and related species) barley in pigs and other effects
Citrinin cereals kidney diseases in humans and
Penicillium spp.)   pigs
Fumonisin   suspected to cause human oeso
(Fusarium moniliforme maize phageal cancer, diseases of
and related species)   equines, pigs and chicks
Ochratoxin barley cancerogenic, kidney damage
(Penicillium verrucosum wheat and other adverse effects in
Aspergillus ochraceous)   pigs and poultry
Zearalenone maize, possible human carcinogen,
(Fusarium graminearum wheat influence on pig production

Commodities with a particular high risk of aflatoxin production are maize, rice, cashew nuts, copra, groundnuts and most other commodities with a high fat content.

Health hazards for domestic animals are well documented in many instances since the famous aflatoxin-caused Turkey X disease which killed some 100 000 turkey poults in Great Britain in 1960. Clear evidence for association of mycotoxins and human diseases, however, have only been recorded for aflatoxin, Fusarium toxins, ochratoxin A and other rare cases. This fact is due to methodological difficulties and does by no means reflect a minor risk for humans as compared to animals.

In consequence of the high toxicity and cangerogenic action of aflatoxins about 60 countries have issued regulations concerning aflatoxin contamination of food and feed. In industrialized countries aflatoxin limits (maximum residue limits = MRL) generally are fixed as follows:

Commodity Aflatoxin limits (mg/kg)
human food 5 to 30
baby food 5 to 20
feeds for dairy and young cattle 5 to 20
feedstuffs for pigs and poultry 10 to 30
feedstuffs for beef cattle, sheep and goats 20 to 300

The toxicity of mycotoxins is reflected in the extremely low maximum residue limits. As an example, the MRL's of Malathion and Aflatoxin B1 for human food ate given in mg per kg of grain

This means that the maximum residue limit of Aflatoxin B1 is 1.000 to 6.000 times less than that of Malathion.

Mycotoxins are highly stable and cannot be destroyed by boiling, pressing or processing. This means that infested produce has to be destroyed. The problem cannot be dealt with by mixing contaminated produce with healthy grain or by feeding it to animals, as the toxins will be accumulated in their body and later consumed by people in form of milk or meat.

Note: Mycotoxins can only be avoided by preventing the growth of fungi.

6.3 Further literature

Fungi and Mycotoxins in Stored Products, ACIAR Proceedings No. 36,Canberra

Quality Maintenance in Stored Grains and Seeds, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, 138 pp.

HIGHLEY, E., E.J. WRIGHT, H. J. BANKS & B.R. CHAMP, ed. (1994)
Stored Product Protection. Proceedings of the 6th International Working Conference on Stored-product Protection, CAB international, Canberra, volume 2, pages 969- 1083

MULTON, J.L., ed. (1988)
Preservation and Storage of Grains, Seeds and their By-Products, Paris, 1095 pp.

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